NY Daily News
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn — A reveler at the West Indian Day parade was shot twice in the leg, and three people were taken into custody for questioning, police said.

The 26-year-old man, who was not named, was taken to a hospital in stable condition after being shot at about 4 p.m. Monday, on Eastern Pkwy and Troy Ave,

In previous years, the event has been marred by tragedy. In 1999, two children died when they were pinned between floats, and hours later a man was run over by a float and killed. In 2005, a man was shot to death.

Last year, police had two reports of violence: a man shot in the leg and another person stabbed.

Reveler Shot in Leg at Labor Day Parade

NY Daily News

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn — A reveler at the West Indian Day parade was shot twice in the leg, and three people were taken into custody for questioning, police said.

The 26-year-old man, who was not named, was taken to a hospital in stable condition after being shot at about 4 p.m. Monday, on Eastern Pkwy and Troy Ave,

In previous years, the event has been marred by tragedy. In 1999, two children died when they were pinned between floats, and hours later a man was run over by a float and killed. In 2005, a man was shot to death.

Last year, police had two reports of violence: a man shot in the leg and another person stabbed.

The Brooklyn parade follows a path down Eastern Parkway starting in the Crown Heights section. It is the final event in several days of festivities put together by the West Indian-American Day Carnival Association.
It is one of the largest parades in the city, and it usually runs for several hours.

Politicians, representatives from government and law enforcement agencies and community groups marched down the parkway Monday along with hundreds of thousands of parade-goers in wild costumes.
Some floats carried revelers who wore giant swan costumes, while other people wore masks, feathers and elaborate head pieces.

Vendors set up shop along the route, hawking a range of wares, and food stalls sold Caribbean favorites.


  • elchonon

    Well crownheightsers.. how does it feel? new york city has the tightest gun control laws and yet day in day out there are shootings..

    Gun control only stops you from legaly defending yourselfs…

    Anash needs to speak up and demand the right to bear arms.

    The rebbe would always quote hilchos shabbos siman shin chuf tes as to why we cannot give away land in eretz yisrael. If we must michalel shabbos to prepare for war in a case of goyim that may steal kash v’teven.. how much more so to arm yourselfs when there are clear cases of people being shot.

    As the graffiti here in chevron says "meitav orach din garua, michazan tov" better a bad lawyer than a good cantor.

  • trapped or stranded

    I couldn’t care less. All I care about is either being trapped in my house for the day, or going out & not being able to get back in to my block. And let’s not forget the disgusting lack of clothing by some parade goers.

    I lodged a formal complaint via 311 tonight @ 7:30 because the streets approaching CH were still blocked off & I couldn’t get home.

    Mr. Rubashkin…what about it???

  • Local Boy

    one cop said to me that next year they should change it to the "labor day riot"…. thats all it is…bunch of good for nothings…

  • elchonon

    a reveler means a "partier"

    You should care.. bh it was not you shot.. but the glaring harsh reality is that shootings are happening!

    Baruch hashem its become safer here in chevron, its because we are armed and the arabs know that if they attack us we will shoot them.

    It seems to me that you dont read the opinions of the experts, the rebbe always said in the case of security to listen to the experts not the politicians. ALL experts clearly agree that gun control causes increased crime and shooting.

    Please wake up and do something before some punk c’v starts shooting yidden…

    Begging for more cops isnt going to solve the problem, there was a crime problem in north miami beach and many of anash armed themselfs and the problem seems to have gone away..

  • Tourist

    To Elchonon

    The fact that you live in Chevron says it all. Thank you from all of us. Ksiva V’chasima Tova. Regards to Simcha Hochbaum. :))

  • Annoyed!!!

    This just proves to us that these **** are a bunch of animals. When we have our Lag Ba’omer parade nothing like this ever happens. They should not be allowed to have this stupid parade that celebrates absolutely nothing. They have nothing better to do with their lives than take over the entire Crown Heights and hopefully kill all of each other. This parade needs to stop!!!

  • C H resident

    to trapped or stranded
    you are so stupid whats Mr Rubashkin gote do with this you seem like such a yente.and couldent find anythink better to blame rubashkin for. we have our holydays the whole tshray all night music/lag beomer etc, thats ther day and Mr rubashkin will not have to stop it you bord soul

  • Leibush

    They think of Kapporos and simchas beis hashoeva the same way the yidden think of the Labor Day parade.

  • illiterate in three languages

    beheimos b’etzem — k’sheheim rotzim "tzu hulien zich" the shoot each other up! Can’t they be mentchen?

    This parade is an EMBARRASSMENT to their ethnicity.

  • yizchok

    Although we can not stop the prade we can request from the Mayor of N.Y. to limit the time aloted for the event and the amount of floats being used as well as the amount of booths set up on Eastern Parkway.This will turn the event into a safer one and hopefully they will find a better place to parade.

  • to trapped or stranded

    Do you really think Mr. Rubashkin (or anyone else in this neighborhood) is able to stop this "parade" from happenning?

    Or is Mr. Rubashkin somehow supposed to eliminate the traffic jams that 3 million partygoers cause?

  • To Leibush

    They don’t close the whole Eastern Pkwy off during day time hours for Simchas Beis Hashoeivoh or the L"g B’omer parade.
    Nobody gets shot by "revelers" either.

  • Who cares?

    They think of Kapporos and simchas beis hashoeva the same way the yidden think of the Labor Day parade.
    Who cares what THEY think? It is because of US that the decent Caribbean immigrants who own houses are enjoying high property values and relative safety compared to what would have been if the Rebbe had not told us to stay. As for the scum dreck, they LOVE kapporos and SBS because it is an opportunity for robbing houses when no one is home. And whatever the problems at SBS, no one needs to worry about walking the streets. In fact if some of what I hear is true, the drug dealers do quite well off of the influx of Flatbush and Willy oisvorfen.

  • moshe g.

    I actually like the parade.I like the artistic costumes and dances.I think the carribean people have every right to celebrate their culture and heritage.

    It is a shame that their parade is marred every year by violence.It is unfair to stereotype all the paraders because of the bad behavior of a few.

    Most of our neighbors are good people and if we show some respect to their parade, even if we disagree with the unchaste costumes, I am sure the respect will be reciprocated during our parades and street celebrations.

  • Live and Let Live

    One major incident from 1000’s of party goers is not bad at all, considering the circumstances.
    1000’s of these people converge for peaceful good times. Why can’t we just plan in advance, as we expect everyone else to do, and make sure that we can work around the parade schedule, without blasting every society that we can’t see eye to eye with!
    As for using the Rebbe’s shito on Eretz Yisroel to twist and distort what you think the Rebbe’s shitoh in NY may be for Gun Control… How you got to that conclusion is mind-boggling!
    The Rebbe was/is not a conservative extremist. The Rebbe followed Torah and Shulchan Aruch to the letter!!
    It’s high time that we started making ourselves more familiar with what the Rebbe teaches, rather than misusing everything the Rebbe taught to advance our misguided racist prejudices!

  • Boruch

    Chanina approves of the parade because he goes to the Mayor’s VIP breakfast before the marching starts.
    Send your complaints to the yidden’s chief party man!!

  • Not trapped today:))

    Well, I’m surprised @ the strength of comments in response to mine about Moshe Rubashkin. Take your passion & divert it to where it really matters – helping our at-risk kids, feeding our hungry families, making our Yeshivos strong. Or do you think that’s the job of other people???

    Just as I see making sure CH is always a decent place to live/move about in & that we should feel safe at all times is, in large measure, the job of the Community Council. And THAT’S Mr. Rubashkin.

    At least I’m polite.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • Shtam a chabadnik

    some of you need to get a life. what is all the birching about the TYPE of parade or how they ACT? This is generally a caribbean style parade, and obviously you have no idea how they dance or live with music. Whatever, let it be – we have our nareshkeit too, trust me we do! You think they understand simchas beis hashoeiva?? And like the other guy mentioned kapores> sukkos? My only issue is of course traffic and closures but with 2M+ ppl;) The cops have CH pretty much under control too. I’d just chill abit and plan to be away next year.

  • To C.H. Resident

    C H resident – you are the stupid one. Of course Mr. Rubashkin can do something. Nobody said he should stop the parade, we know he can’t do that. But he does have a responsibility to safeguard members of the Jewish community and ensure we can get in and out of our neighborhood.

    With Eastern Parkway closed from Grand Army Plaza to Utica (and several blocks either side of E.P. also) there is more than enough room for all these people. So let them keep Kinsgton Avenue as a safe route for us to get to the stores and 770.

    And with all that area closed off, there should be at least one street (Albany or New York) where residents can get in and out of the neighborhood in a car by showing proof they live in the neighborhood.

    Yes we have the Lag B’Omer Parade (if somebody remembers to ask the police for permission to close E.P.!) but we don’t restrict the shvarters’ access to their homes, we don’t leave the mess they do and we don’t use the sidewalks and alleys as public bathrooms!

    We will never stop the parade, but we can expect some basic rights. Isn’t that what Mr Rubashkin was elected for?? If not, he should step aside and let somebody who does care do the job.

  • anon

    What about Prospect Park, why can’t they parade there.
    Hardly any streets will be closed down then.

  • local girl

    adding to what ‘local boy’ wrote about changing it to labor day riot instead of labor day parade no police ever said that about lag boemer parade that took 4 hours at most and 2 streets

  • boruch ben tzvi hakohaine

    Interesting, Crown Heights Info calls the parade a "Labor Day Parade" but it doesn’t have one float dedicated to labor.
    Why don’t they honor the country they’re in?

  • local girl added

    oh and about what ‘who cares’ wrote in his first two lines keep in mind that kappores and simchas beis hashoeva are durring tishrei so any mess is not entirely crown heightser’s fault

  • boruch ben tzvi hakohaine

    These Blacks shoot and kill each other.
    About two months ago, there was a shooting death at the SW corner of Utica and President, right accross the street from where Gavin Cato was run down by the Rebbes MH"M’s escort.
    A riot ensued in ’91. Why? The Jews killed a Black child.
    After the shooting where are the protests to stop all Black on Black crime? The Jekova Witnesses go around trying to spread their ideas.
    The Blacks are supposed to be Cristians.
    The Cristians and J. Witnesses preach ‘Love your neighbor.’ So if they REALLY loved their own people there would be ferocious, powerful protests to stop murder and start confiscation of all illegal guns.
    Where are the protests?
    Seems that they don’t practice what they preach!
    It appears they don’t REALLY care!

  • who cares

    if you dont relly care about the blacks tha dont evn write anything!
    no jews got hurt – so what if they hade fun for a couple of hours just ignore them and let them ne the wierdest and dorkiest!

  • BigBen

    It’s high time to start a petition and a serious drive to stop this disgusting parade. Every Block Association and Civil Group should be contacted and the residents of Brooklyn should be heard. If we can’t stop it atleast move it to Atlantic Ave and cut down the hours. Just look at the police overtime and tons of garbage and noise it creates.
    That’s a project that M. Rubashkin and his assiciates can hadle (i hope) ??!!

  • Shaidim Tantz

    This ‘shaidim tantz’ began 40 years ago! Why didn’t the community do anything about it then?? Then maybe it could have been controled somehow. Now???

    As far as Simchas Bais Hashoevah and Kaporos or any thing like those, do you compare this behavior to these ‘chayous’? Does any one dress like them, shoot like them, drink like them, fress like them? WE are not complaining about some noise. How about having to wait half hour to cross the street? Or your windows rattling if you like on Eastern Parkway?

  • me

    they dont mind when its one of us killed, most of us dont mind when its them killed, but it should certainly stop. elchonon, u are right, anash should be armed, but you live in israel. what can you say? its the safest place in the world, even though most dont think so. if i had a chance to live in israel i would!!

  • elchonon

    Being allowed to bear arms has nothing to do with "conservatist extremists" it has to do with defending yourself, but frum yidden has some distorted view about how guns are evil and c’v can we arm ourselfs!

    I grew up in CH, I knbow the fear factor very well… and i’m telling you that entrusting your lives with the cops is meshuga!

    Oh I seem to be hearing that my brother was walking down the street when supposedly there was a fight and a baseball bat and my brother got pointed out as the kid with the bat and was arrested and held for 24 hours at the 71st!!!

    Well those cops you are trusting to defend you? i’m sorry to tell you but here in chevron we learnt a shtikel from the 1929 riots..

    You in CH never learnt anything from the ’91 riots..

  • annoyed

    how come we have such big problems getting premission to close streets off for our non-voilent parades but they get it all easy when everyone knows violent things happen?