PSA: Lock Your Cars, Please


Car thieves and burglars are making a mint in the electronic age by doing what they always have done, trying door handles.

The “primitive” method of gaining access to cars is the number one reason why cars are broken into and stolen, according to police departments nationwide, and it’s still happening in Crown Heights.

A Jewish resident in Crown Heights was eating Melava Malka Motzei Shabbos with his family when one participant stepped outside, and found a man inside their car.

Running back into the home, the resident gathered other members of their family and ran back outside to confront the man.

While nothing of considerable value had been left in the vehicle, the thief dropped a bag of items he had collected as he fled on a bike.

Video footage of the incident shows the moment the thief made his way down the block, trying car door handles as he rode by until on minivan’s lights illuminated, telling him that the car was unlocked.

Crown Heights Shomrim told that they advise the community not to confront a thief, instead call Shomrim or 911, so that the thieves could be caught and held accountable.

One Comment

  • I once heard

    If you keep nothing of value in your car then having unlocked doors might mean you lose things you wouldn’t have otherwise, but it is better than a broken window.