Shomrim Organizations Work Together To Retrieve Stolen Vehicle
by CrownHeights.info
The owners of a stolen Honda minivan were reunited with their vehicle Wednesday thanks to seamless collaboration between two Shomrim organizations.
The vehicle had been stolen from Boro Park this past Friday, and the police and Shomrim notified of the theft by the Jewish owners.
Tuesday, the police reported the first break in the case, as the car was pinged deep in the East Flatbush area. Without an exact location though, the information was of little use.
Wednesday, just before noon, the vehicle was pinged again, this time locating it in the area of Clarkson Ave and Albany Ave.
Boro Park Shomrim were immediately contacted, and enlisted the help of Crown Heights Shomrim in locating the vehicle. Minutes later, multiple Shomrim volunteers were with the vehicle, securing it for the police.
Thanks to the seamless cooperation between the Shomrim organizations, the stolen vehicle was located, and returned to its rightful owners.