Hit and Run Leaves Two Cars Damaged on New York Ave and President St
Two cars were damaged and another fled the scene after the three were involved in an accident Wednesday night. No one was injured in the accident.
by crownheights.info
The accident occurred Wednesday night around 6:00pm at the intersection of New York Ave and President St.
A white four door sedan ran a red light crossing President St, and t-boned a black Infiniti Sedan as it pulled out of a parking spot, causing it to hit a third car.
The white car then backed up, and sped up New York Ave towards Eastern Parkway. It turned on Union St and headed eastbound towards Brooklyn Ave.
No injuries were reported in the incident, but thanks to quick thinking, a video of the offending car speeding away was caught on a cell phone.
Crown Heights Shomrim were called, and the volunteers on scene were able to identify the licence plate information, relaying it to the police.
The police were able to track the licence plate on the car to a Chevy Tahoe, registered in North Carolina. The car has also been known to frequent the Crown Heights area.
What’s with the NYPD drones
It is important to have UIM/UM coverage. That’s a selection on your insurance that you can go after your own car insurance if the person at fault in an accident has no insurance or is under-insured. It’s really important to make sure that you have that (in an adequate amount) on your auto policies. Also, it can be used when someone is injured as a pedestrian/biker by a vehicle.