Repeat Offender Detained on Kingston
In a bizarre scene, a man was detained in Mendy’s restaurant this evening, following an altercation with an employee. Police officers from the command post on Eastern Parkway and Kingston were on hand, and part of it was caught on video.
The incident happened around 9pm, when a black man entered Mendy’s restaurant. The man, known to the employees, had been detained by the police in Mendy’s in the past for other violent incidents.
One of the employees who happens to volunteer for Crown Heights Shomrim, immediately went to alert police officers on the corner of Kingston and Eastern Parkway. Upon returning, with the police in tow, he found the man spitting on another employee. A scuffle ensued, and the police placed the man in custody.
“He has been taken into custody at least three times that I know of,” the Shomrim volunteer said, “every time he is out right away.”
The man was transported to Kings County Hospital for treatment.
It is notable that there has been an increase of mentally unstable people in the Crown Heights, as the city continues to place housing for them in the area.
Midwest Cowboy
Just sad, no other comment: “there has been an increase mentally unstable people in the Crown Heights, as the city continues to place housing for them in the area.”
Is there a good picture of his face so we know who to watch out for?
Ch resident
We need to stop encouraging these ppl to come back. Every time they are given a dollar or even change they will be back for more.
When you are asked by them for money for food and some of them know how to say tzedakah say NO. this will keep them away. Even better is to scream at them and tell them to go way from here. We need to be tough. These ppl are not safe to be around our wives and children.
My father A”h would say if someone is hungry feed them first and then ask questions. These ppl are not hungry. They collect ten dollars then go to get high on drugs.
We need a safe neighborhood and the only way is by driving these ppl out.
Uncle Mendel
Ya-all alwaze pkn on da bruthus.
this what you when vote democrat and the community sucking up to the mayor. you get the dregs of society!
Yaacov Yudewitz
“It is notable that there has been an increase of mentally unstable people in the Crown Heights, as the city continues to place housing for them in the area.”
Google this my friends, and you find that hundreds of mentally ill drug addicts have new luxury apts by Albany & Clarkson. $99 million in NYS Grants. All the elected officials and yes your fellow Yids on Community Board 9 all looked the other way, didn’t sound the shofar, didn’t care about what would happen to CH in the future, and some CB 9 members even voted for it, but you all know nothing, and are ok with doing nothing, and hoping
it doesn’t happen to someone you are related to.
Leadership starts at the top. Demand CHJCC hold elections like its charter requires and end the corrupt dictatorship which keeps you down.
The Double Y