NYPD to Host Meeting with Update on Stabbing Incident
Still reeling from the sudden and unprovoked stabbing attack four weeks ago in Crown Heights, many residents are still uneasy and concerned that the perpetrator has yet to have been arrested. Seeking to try and calm the community, the NYPD will be hosting a meeting to update the community on the case progress.
Wednesday morning on February 10th Yehuda Leib Brikman, a 25-year-old Jewish man, was stabbed in the back while walking on Empire Boulevard near Kingston Avenue. The attack was sudden and unprovoked and believed to have been motivated by hate.
Since the incident many differing reports have been circulated lending a lack of clarity surrounding the details of the incident and subsequent investigation.
One of the more callused and irresponsible reports erroneously claimed that the “stabber was busted,” leading to even more confusion and adding even more pain to victim and his family.
Though, as reported here on CrownHeights.info, a person of interest was identified through surveillance video two weeks ago, yet there have been no arrests.
In response to the many questions from the community, the NYPD arranged a meeting – to take place Thursday, March 10th at 7:00pm in the Jewish Children’s Museum – where the entire community is invited to attend and receive an update on the case.
“This is not a question and answer [session], it is strictly an update” Det. Vincent Martinos wrote, adding “we do not want to compromise any leads or information, but we feel the community needs to be updated on the NYPD’s efforts and investigation.”
“It is very important that the police know that we are concerned” the victim’s mother Mrs. Rivkah Brikman told CrownHeights.info, “I know my son is worried that as long as there has not been any arrests another person can fall victim.”
The meeting will take place Thursday, March 10th at 7:00pm in the Jewish Children’s Museum
Let's All Show Up!
We need to show the NYPD that we are a caring community! We all need to show up. They have to see a crowd!