For the second time in as many months, a Jewish owned car had its wheels stolen right off it last night by shifty thieves. The vehicle was parked on Albany Ave. between Union and President St. Of course, traffic cops will still ticket the vehicle for being on the wrong side for street cleaning.

Thieves Steal Tires Off Another Parked Car

For the second time in as many months, a Jewish owned car had its wheels stolen right off it last night by shifty thieves. The vehicle was parked on Albany Ave. between Union and President St. Of course, traffic cops will still ticket the vehicle for being on the wrong side for street cleaning.

Please beware: Thieves tend to commit burglaries of this nature while it’s raining because there are hardly any people on the street. Please be cautious, and report any suspicious behavior to Shomrim at 718-774-3333.


  • Safe Keeping

    Maybe the owner took them off himself to lock them up for safe keeping and protect the car from being stolen or towed. I remember as a boy we used to take the front wheel off our bicycles to protect against theft.

  • DaasTorah

    Wheel locks add about 30 seconds of time to get those lugnuts off. You just bang on a slightly smaller size socket over the lock.

  • To safe Keeping

    If u look carfully they left a few of the nuts on the floor a owner would never do that maybe they can lead to the ganef

  • Watch where you park

    Not a good idea to park in front of a vacant lot. It’s a shame after all these years that that land has still not been developed. That would be a great spot to build a new woman’s mikva to supplement the existing one accross the street.

  • moishe kratz

    the only “over night” in five years that i lived in the hood……..someone got my wheels……toy @ e ny is my bet

  • to # 5

    i believe the rebbe encouraged that the lot remain empty for the privacy of the mikvah go’ers

  • Critical of New York Judges

    Yes, the car will get a ticket because the police have to do something to justify their existence–they seem never to be at crime scene until well after the fact.
    Oh, they do do sow up at the mayor’s news conferences.

  • Hmmm...

    There is a video showing a security cameras catch of thieves stealing all 4 tires within like 28 seconds. So at least in certain areas now they are putting out bait with a carjust sitting there with expensive tires or any tires.

  • levy

    why is life in ch like this why cant it be like moncey are 5 towns are any other nice frum area?