Hatzalah, police and Shomrim responded late Friday night when calls came in that a member of the Williamsburg Chasidic Jewish community was shot.

Williamsburg Chosid Shot in Attempted Mugging

Hatzalah, police and Shomrim responded late Friday night when calls came in that a member of the Williamsburg Chasidic Jewish community was shot.

The 27-year-old man was sitting on a bench with a friend outside 70 Clymer Street Housing, when a male black in his 20s approached with a weapon and asked for his wallet.

After explaining that he does not have a wallet due to his observance of Shabbos, a struggle ensued over the gun. Amid the struggle the gun went off, hitting the victim in his hand and leg.

The perp ran off into the housing development, where he ran into another Chasidic man from the community. He fired his weapon again, but missed the young man.

The victim was transported by Hatzalah to Bellevue Hospital, where he is in stable condition after hours of surgery.

After hours of interrogation, the 90th Precinct says they have a suspect in custody.



    Now if this chas veshsolom happened in crown heights the perp would still be free to roam and continue in peace.

  • safety VS Programs

    I hope this incident wakes up the williamsburg community. Backing DeBlasio because of future programs is wrong, This is a taste of what it will be like with him as mayor.

    Vote Lhota why there is still a chance

    We must all come and vote thursday!!!!!!

  • Fed Up

    This hate crime was committed by a politically correct piece of garbage. Just waiting to hear Al Sharpton’s input! Anytime Al!

  • relative

    Thanks to the police department for the quick respond, and to all that helped on the scene!!!!

  • cher

    They have a suspect in custody. That doesn’t mean they caught the perp. Wake up to guys you think there is no crime in williamsburg? Boropark? There is more there than here.

  • Remember Newtown

    That’s nice. I want to know if a white president had a son would he say that could’ve been my kid who terrorize the schoolchildren.