Burglar Trips Over Sleeping Girl in Home Robbery

A five-year-old girl was gripped with paralyzing terror as she hid under her bed late on Friday night, after being awoken to the sight of a burglar rummaging through her home, located in the heart of Crown Heights.

The incident occurred this past Friday night sometime between the hours of 3:00am and 5:00am on Crown Street near Troy Avenue. The burglar brazenly forced open a front window as the family slept, then made his way silently through the house picking up items of value.

While making his way around the house, the burglar attempted to enter one of the bedrooms, only to trip over a five-year-old girl who was sleeping near the door. “Sometimes she gets scared at night and sleeps near the door,” a family member told CrownHeights.info. “Every child’s worst nightmare came alive for her that night.”

The girl woke up and quickly crawled under her bed, so terrified that she couldn’t even scream out. She waited until the burglar left, then ran to her parents’ room and woke her mother up, who told her daughter that it was just a bad dream and she should go back to sleep.

When the family awoke on Shabbos morning, they quickly realized that it was no bad dream, but reality.

The burglar stole the family’s multi-branch candelabra, silver Kiddush cups, a laptop and other electronic devices.

A police report was filed, and an evidence collection team tried gathering fingerprints as well as other evidence in an attempt to identify the burglar.

This burglary is the first since the one that occurred on the weekend of August 24th – one of the last Shabbosim that residents spent upstate – where burglars broke into a home on Eastern Parkway between Kingston and Albany Avenues while the family was upstate and stole every piece of silver.

During the summer, Shomrim helped apprehend a homeless burglar who had broken into two Carroll Street homes. At the time, Police and Shomrim believed that two separate burglars were operating in the neighborhood: one who took advantage of unsecured homes while the other bent security bars.

Related Articles:
Bar Bending Burglar Strikes Again
4 Weekend Robberies – Jewish Homes ‘Emptied Out’



  • help the girl

    if the parents of this girl are reading this, or anyone who knows them, help the daughter now before it becomes an issue! she needs counseling/therapy for this terrifying experience!

  • Sad

    I preface by saying this is not a judgment on the mother – just an opportunity to make a point related to this.

    We all know how many times our children tell us things that they are concerned about or fear, etc and we often do dismiss it by saying something to the tune of ‘It’s nothing’.

    Is it really nothing? If it is bothering the child, it is something. It might be a bad dream, but even if so, it is something that we need to actively listen to, validate their fears and then help them work through it.

    For all I know the mother in this instance had a long talk with the child about her feelings toward the bad dream so again, this is no judgment.

    I pray that this family finds peace after such a difficult ordeal.

  • Burglary is more than money

    Burglary should be treated like a violent crime regardless of amount stolen. The trauma it causes the victims justifies a minimum 10 year sentence

  • toshveu hashchunah

    With no leaders and no rabbonim here
    its high time to get the hell out of town.

  • Friend

    Even when prefacing with “This is not a judgement” it is still judgmental. Just as saying “no offense” doesn’t make your comment less offensive.

    This mother is the most attentive and responsive mom I know in CH- no exaggeration.

    At 5 am which one of us don’t roll over and say- come into mommy’s bed, it was just a bad dream sweety.

    Cut her some slack, will ya?

    • Good point

      I have to agree. It sounds like the child is very fearful anyway and she is very young. Mom probably just thought she was having a bad dream and probably is devastated she didn’t take any notice. But i agree, the child needs therapy, for this incident and her general fearfulness. B”H no one was hurt.

  • moshe mordechai

    Wait, how did he just get in through the window aren’t there bars on the window ? That is the 1st issue we have 2 understand, how this punk got in.

  • please help

    Please help your daughter out now, I had a robbery over 20 year ago, when I was 5 years old also, and I remember hiding under the bed. today years later I still have these crazy fears. IYH, Hashem should help you through this difficult situation. B”h everyone is safe and healthy.

  • TO #5

    Judgemental or not, call it what you wish. I ALWAYS made a point of taking what my VERY young children said SERIOUSLY! When my daughter was four years old she came to me one morning saying there’s a man trying to get into the window of the house behind ours. I believed her and asked her to show me where, and sure enough there was a creep trying to break into someone’s house by forcing the window. I don’t give a darn if it’s 5:00 in the morning or 2: or 3:00 in the morning! and if a child comes to me with such a bad dream, I would drag myself out of my comfortable bed and go to her room with her to show her that it was just a bad dream. Had this most attentive mother done that they could possibly have caught the creep. NEVER minimize what a child says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • To Attentive Mom

      You are amazing. That you ALWAYS listened to EVERYTHING your kids said and NEVER minimized it at any hour. You are so perfect, it’s awesome.

      You’re right, this mom probably doesn’t love her child after all. Good point.

      [/end sarcasm]

  • lets remember our manners children

    Its really unbelievable that anyone would publicly criticize the woman whose house was robbed. Firstly, everyone sleeps differently so its not so easy for people to wake up and the way that mother comforts her child is by letting the child snuggle with her or whatever. Secondly, she probably feels bad enough even though she is not too blame. Thirdly, #9 you sound absolutely NUTS using ALLCAPS so much. You are like YELLING at everyone because you are so PERFECT. Just state your thoughts, no need to all cap so much, we get it. You wouldda done it differently.

  • Fed Up

    Had the burglar been injured, he probably would have sued! It goes to show how backwards the justice system is.

  • stp

    why didnt they have surveillance cameras up???? it is time for everyone to have one!!!!!!!!!!

  • to #9

    wow im glad im not your daughter. too perfect to be human.
    read again: the daughter only came out after he left.
    it is PERFECTLY sensical to assume ‘it was a bad dream’ if your fearful child comes to u at night with this story. all of us great moms would do the same.