Car Thief Confronted, Pulls Knife, Apprehended by Shomrim
He just couldn’t keep away. Career car burglar Terrance Nelson struck once again on the first day of Yom Tov, only to be confronted by a group who witnessed him – aided by a young child – breaking into a car. He pulled a knife, and Shomrim was called.
The incident occurred on eve of Shmini Atzeres – Wednesday night – at around 11:30pm on East New York Avenue near Kingston Avenue. A group of Jews witnessed Nelson – accompanied by a young child – breaking into cars on the block.
Without hesitation, the group confronted the burglar, who pulled a knife. Shomrim was immediately called; they notified the police and began following Nelson.
Within a few minutes, police officers arrived at the intersection of Empire Boulevard and Kingston Avenue and immediately took Nelson and his sidekick into custody. Upon searching him, officers discovered two knives in his possession, along with stolen goods.
At the scene, a rabble rouser from a nearby apartment building came out and immediacy flew into a rage, shouting things like “he’s innocent,” “the Jews are framing him” and “this is police brutality.” The agitator then shoved a police officer, for which he was immediately arrested.
Terrance Nelson has a long and infamous career of breaking into cars in Crown Heights and around the NYC area. According to police sources, he has been arrested over 70 times for crimes relating to break-ins, burglaries and drug related charges.

Someone needs to show this to the daily news
And by post.
thank you shomrim and nypd.
declasse' intelelctual
Why is this person still pout on the streets? With his past track record he should not be free. And, if the justice system works, he should be sent away for a long time. The other person should obtain a nice vacation as well. This might send a message!!!!!!
Next time call the Williamsburg shomrim, they’ll rip him a new one and he’ll be afraid to return to our neighborhood
This guys the dude who was in my bedroom two years ago and walked out with money and my jewelry. A few weeks later he broke into my friends house.
What the hell is with this juSticE sYStEm,??!!!!
Everyone did exceptional work so many cops and shomrim members so fast.
How many times does Shomrim have to catch this before they just take care of him in a back alleyway??
If 70 arrests is not enough, than when it be enough? When something C’V happens?
Enough is enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was there when this whole thing happened the saddest part was the little boy who could not have been older then 8, was crying when they separated with his believed to be Father who was getting arrested, hopefully that child will learn that crime does not pay, and hopefully someone came to claim him who will raise him to be a good person.
i lived in 621 eny ave and worked for special car service on kingston ave. so i came home like 12 or 12:30 am. i once came home to see terrence walking up eny looking in each car window with someone next to him on a bicycle, prob to ride away with whatever terrence steals when he breals into a car. i radioed the base who said to stay away…. terrence was involved with the garages on troy off eny ave… this was like 2002 and 2003.. alooooong time ago.. he’s a putz
Ma Rabbi
The first comment was correct.
Send this story to the NY Post or Daily News then the Govt will finally lock this guy up and throw away the key. The Govt has to be shamed into taking action.