Police Arrest Man for Running on Subway Tracks

A man took a jog on the Manhattan-bound subway tracks this morning, prompting police to shut down the power and look for him. The man was apprehended at the Kingston Avenue stop and arrested.

The incident occurred this morning at around 9:30am. which began when people observed a man jump onto the subway tracks at the Eastern Parkway and Utica Avenue subway station and called the police.

Officers from the 77th Precinct and Emergency Services Unit responded, had the MTA shut down the power to the tracks and went into the tunnels in search of the man. They found him closer to the Kingston Avenue stop and arrested him.

It is unclear why the man went running on the tracks.

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  • crown heights

    Thats why i was so late for work some poeple are sososososos selfish.

  • Why ride when you can walk?

    Every day on the subway is a misery with slow service,delays and overcrowding (“MTA – Another day, andother ordeal”). This fellow probably figured he’d get to where he’s going faster and more comfortably by walking. Despite the danger of being electrocuted by the third rail or crushed by a train it must’ve still seemed like the better option. It’s the MTA board of directors that should be arested.

  • Fresser Rebbe


    Maybe he was running to Chocolate to get his daily fix of caffine