The same night we reported of the Minivan burglarized on Carroll St between Kingston and Albany received another such report from a Minivan owner. According to him, his minivan was broken into on Monday night at sometime around 4:30am and robbed.

Then this morning another car owner heard his car alarm go off and went out to his car less then a minute later to find his car also broken into and lots of stuff stolen. This car was parked in the backyard of the owner’s home on President St between Utica and Schenectady.

Two More Minivans Broken Into and had Items Stolen

The same night we reported of the Minivan burglarized on Carroll St between Kingston and Albany received another such report from a Minivan owner. According to him, his minivan was broken into on Monday night at sometime around 4:30am and robbed.

Then this morning another car owner heard his car alarm go off and went out to his car less then a minute later to find his car also broken into and lots of stuff stolen. This car was parked in the backyard of the owner’s home on President St between Utica and Schenectady.


  • ch resident

    to add more to your list, we live on union street b/t utica and schnecetady and had our car broken into on Sunday night. the pushka was stolen.

  • ch

    and also, a Jewish-owned minivan on Lincoln Place had their window smashed, not sure about what was taken
    Everyone please report every crime to NYPD and get a report/complaint #