Girl Mugged On Montgomery

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A Jewish girl was mugged for her iPhone as she was walking on Montgomery Street near Kingston Avenue. Witnesses say the mugger followed her before attacking.

The incident took place at around 4:30pm yesterday, Monday on Montgomery between Kingston and Brooklyn Avenues. One witness described the mugger as a 15-year-old black teen, around 5 foot 9. The victim said that she noticed that he was following her, but he attacked before she could do anything.

After robbing the girl the suspect fled up Brooklyn Avenue, Shomrim and Police were called and a report was filed.

A Shomrim coordinator had this message for the community: “As the weather gets nicer unfortunately it brings out the bad elements as well, residents must keep an extra eye out for others, and they need to be extra vigilant. Always be aware of your surroundings, and if you suspect you’re being followed don’t hesitate to call for help.”


  • meir

    start kicking butt and hang them up like a scarecrow it just might stop these things .

  • Diovid

    You can use the Mobile me ( – find my iphone and pinpoint the current location of the iPhone. Do it before you swich your service to a new sim card otherwise you’ll lose that feature.

    If you have an iPhone use to setup tracking your phone, in case it gets lost or stolen ch”v.

  • situational awareness

    uhh, maybe it’s a good idea to NOT be holding a several hundred dollar piece of easily saleable electronics in your hand whilst out in public? remember folks, when you step out your front door, there are BAD folks about…sad, but true.

    oh, and if folks were able to arm and defend themselves properly, there would be a lot less of this kind of thing. criminals don’t like getting shot at. glad I don’t live in the people’s republic of nyc anymore.

  • huh?

    Number 1, I know you are venting, but how do you expect a 15 year old girl to do what you suggested?

  • lloyd a cohen

    But you got to remember in Bloomberg’s city, it is illegal to defend yourself especially with a gun and the criminal court justices do not put these guys away. Remember the 7 times convicted felon who was killed while attacking a policeman. In his last court appeareance for a kajor felony, the judge just slapped his hand and told him to see a shrink.

  • The girl in the article

    Being the girl that this article is talking about:
    1. Im not 15 im 20.
    2. I was talking on the phone like a normal person etc.
    3. When things like this happen it happens so fast you dont realise what has happened its a shock to the system.
    4. I did not know about this app but BH i have insurance and will be getting a new phone (i think apple can bar the phone tho)
    5. I did not know about the mobile me app but i will deff be getting it on my next phone!

  • Lady

    #4 just doesn’t know how to read. It says THE MUGGER was described as a 15yr old.

    To the victim – don’t let fools tell you what you can and can’t talk on. IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. Such idiots also blame girls in short skirts.

  • there is an APP for that!!

    there is another app that i know works as the tech website GIZMODO used it to find a stolen iphone
    good luck, and this is yet another reason i dont own an apple product lol aint noone gonna jump me for my Android!!

  • cant believe it

    i thought you censor these comments. how did you let meir’s comment post? “hang them up like a scarecrow.” disgusting

  • Dovid

    #7 (and anyone with an iPhone)

    Always backup your iPhone to the computer, this way if it gets lost you can restore all your contacts and even text messages from your latest backup. It’s easy to do just connect to your comp, and if you sync it’ll backup. Or just right click on your iphone in itunes and choose backup.

    To track your iphone, just download “Find My iPhone” from the app store. It’s meant for iphone 4, but you can google how to activate it from even the 3G (not 2G since it doesn’t have GPS).

    If the iphone is lost, go to, sign in go to find my iphone.

    Btw which insurance did you have that covers theft?

  • to lady

    yup, i doblame girls in short skirts, and youy dont have to be a idiot for that – are we not lubavitchers?

    people like you should find themselves…perhaps in flatbush, with young isreal, men without beards, and ladies without shaitel.

    somebody should be mikarev you… before its too late!!!!

  • LADY2

    TO LADY… excuse youu???? ur saying that because girls where shorts skirts they deserved to be mugged.. move to boro park where u belong

  • Victim again!

    This is the victim again:
    Who said i was wearing a short skirt if you dont know me then keep your mouth shut! Thank you very much but my skirts are always Tzniusdik and I pride myself in that fact!

    the insurance: I get it through my bank in england it covers everything and is well worth the money.

    BH everything is backed up! unfortunately i did not know about the find me app but now i do :)

  • Lady

    Oy vey – I did not say anyone was wearing a short skirt. It’s a manner of speech which means – in simple English – “Don’t blame the victim.”

    This has nothing to do with tznius.

    To #13 – I said the opposite!!! Maybe go back to English class and get your reading comprehension level checked.

  • Not a Crown Heightser

    I’m surprised this is newsworthy, I thought there are muggings every day in CH, I would suggest using a bluetooth earphone when using an expensive iphone in public.

  • just maybe?

    If you were to reread all these comments.. you can see a possible reason why such terrible things happen.. “shut your mouth” and “move to boro park” etc. etc. perhaps we all just need a little more ahavas yisroel?

  • reuven

    to #12…… better to be in flatbush then sitting in Shul withsomeone as judging and abcenely verbal as urself. whome are you to minimalize the importance of any jew other thaan the crappy lubab u are. u need to leave ur hood and hang on ave.m , ave. j, kh and some other streets to be with other jews so u can see how foolish ur comment are. good Shabbos.check ur mezuzah, teffillen, and jump in the mikvah..

  • crowne

    thank you i cant believe it — meir’s comment is disgusting. it should be taken down.

  • Lousy Neighborhood

    Good thing she wasn’t hurt.

    When his homies see it they’ll shoot him and take it. That’s how they roll.

    Unfortunatly she just learned the first rule of living in CH the hard way.

    You can’t have anything.