Man Shot and Killed in Laundromat Robbery

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — A man was shot and killed late last night during a robbery of a Crown Heights Laundromat. The incident took place shortly before 12:00am where according to police two black men entered the store and killed the attendant.

The victim was identified as 45-year-old Yevgeniy Shamray, a Russian native who lives in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn.

EMS arrived on scene minutes after the shooting and rushed the victim to Kings County Hospital in traumatic arrest, where he was pronounced dead a short while later.

From the initial investigation it seems that two black males came into the Laundromat, located on Troy Avenue and Crown Street, and what may have been a robbery attempt ended with Mr. Shamray getting shot.

The incident is still being investigated and more details will be posted when they become available.


  • scary

    Very scary since that is the one i always use! when will the hate crimes and shootings end?!

  • SG

    how many people hove been shot and killed in CH in the past month? its only a matter of time before it is one of our family members or volunteers. we need better security around out area and perhaps bullet proof vest for shomrim. Remember to be mindful of your surroundings, travel in large groups and if you see something call 911 and/of shomrim immediately.

  • tipshim

    Kan tzivoh ess hacrime le kelola. From small crimes, to being quiet as if it didn’t happen. We progress to bigger crimes that did happen. People wake and smell your community leaders. Because the stench is unbearable. Enough is enough.


    Perhaps the solution to the problem is to bring-in the National Guard to Crown Heights…… sadly…. I am NOT joking!


    The surge of violent crimes in our neighberhood has reached proportions reminiscent to the 1960’s .There must be a cohesive effort by the leaders of the community to formulate a call to action on the part of the City’s administration to squash this rash outbreak of violent crimes. We have enjoyed a relative sense of calm for many decades and now it seems that we are regressing back to an age of uncontrolled rampant lawlessness on our streets. It is time for the City acministration to focus on street crime rather than concentrating on traffic and parking law enforcement. Our quality of life is spiraling downwards and we must demand a change. A peaceful demonstration at the precinct with media present with ALL residents of the neighberhood attending has worked in the past , and as much as the powers that be feel that they have a good working relationship with the local precinct it is time to move up the ladder and bring attention to the deplorable status on our streets. A demonstration and Press Conference will bring attention to our public outcry for proper police protection. The only deterrent to the perpetrators of these nefarious violent crimes is the visibility of adequate police patroling on our streets. Crime , especially in today’s lame economy will not stop in New York City , but the message must be sent that our neighberhood is not the place to do it.

  • Wake up Yiden

    when will crown heights wake up?
    the crime statistice for the city of New York 1.4 % down
    But the Crown Heights 71 Pct Crime is up. as of now there was more murders in crown heights then last year.
    what make is more frustrating and Dangerous Is the fact that some “Moshkehs” are comming out defending the “Puritz” the no good commander of 71 pct who took upon himself only one fight. and with cooporation of very few “Moshkehs” are busy explaining how the news is wrong and the facts are wrong.
    and try to sell stories to a community of fools. where is the outcry for security for all people of crown heights ?
    We change our representetives in the CHJCC to start a better time in Crown Heights and what did we get? yes in the last 6 monthes crime is going up day by day.

    Please open your eyes before its too late.

  • outraged

    Is anybody doing anything about the fact that this is a dangerous place? How many murders have we had here in the past few weeks? G-d forbid, one of us will be in the wrong place at the wrong time. There have already been some lucky escapes.

    Crime is down? Who are they kidding? It seems that no one from the police is addressing anything & of course. Zaki Tamir etc aren’t doing anything, like speaking out & demanding more police on the streets (not just to give bogus tickets.)

    Oh, but wait…I’m not allowed to say anything. Sorry, I forgot. Now I’m in danger of being in Cherem! Webby, you won’t tell who I am, will you???

  • true jew

    All the trouble in Crown Heights comes from the buildings. The building owned by Yossi Popack, Dovi Sperlin and the CHJCC. GREED!! they have these building filled with trash, making them tons of money, leaving the rest of us to die. Popack thinks that he can buy the community with a few dollars, money that is really kickback for the weather/window program he gets from the CHJCC. Sperlin, gets there building from HPD meant for the poor people of the community. He too fills it with garbage in order to profit. “Jews have a hard time paying rent” or “Jews need renovated kitchens or appartments” say the building owners. We need to tell theses landlords from hell, we dont need you charity. get rid of the garbage you instilled in the heart of the CROWN HEIGHTS COMMUNITY. THE BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!

  • shoot the messenger

    To Tamir:

    All you are doing is shooting the messenger. is reporting on what is actually happening and all you can say, is shhh don’t tell anyone about the high number of crime incidences we are seeing.

    Why shoot the messenger. It is obvious that you are on a mission to keep this quiet as your site coldead. Does not report on this. crime spree going on over the past months.

    Keeping this quiet will not make this go away.

  • Josh L

    Geez, what the hell is going on around here.
    This is the same block where the dead body was found about a week ago.
    It is also the same corner where the ten year old had his cellphone stolen by someone claiming to have a gun a couple weeks ago.

  • Ridiculous

    Insane. In the heart of Crown Heights and at a laundromat frequented by many in our community. The situation is spiraling out of control and slowly getting closer and closer to the heart of the Jewish community lo oleinu. Something must be done to end the status quo. We need someone in our community to take initiative and inspire the masses to action. Our community contains enough pent up frustration and anger that if properly directed will change the status quo for the better.

  • crown heights

    This is so nuts. So many people are walking around with guns all over crown heights. I wish there was this GPS or rader to track down guns being held in peoples pockets. Then maybe they could be found before they shoot.

  • Dear Mr. Mayor...

    And Bloomberg still says that NY crime has gone done and we’re so safe. I’ve lost count now how many shootings and robberies there have been in Crown Heights over the past month! But I guess he doesn’t consider CH to be part of NY.

  • oiss vorff

    sadly to say but nothing will be done til the 3 clowns leave the vadd TAMIR – ELI COHEN – SPERLIN the other puppets bronstine and hackner it doesnt make a diffrence becuse they dont do any thing [positive or negitive ]
    we need to demonstrate now NOW NOW or we r dead on the streets

  • frusturated

    Can some do something about the African American homeless/mentally ill men outside the stoops of apartment buildings? One tried to attack me (thank gd hashem sent a cop just at the right time) and a mentally ill man tried to attack some friends of mine in our apt building!!! NUTS!!!

  • macabee admirer

    get all the statistice of who was attacked or killed (etc) in a particular time frame (this past year or whatever), and all the details (who what where when) and make articles about it. Pepole have to really see that t his is going on, it must be publicized. Let them be embarassed of their shoddy job and there must be corruption for this to happen too. It has to be exposed.

  • that-s it

    im moving to Israel!! so much safer and atleast the cops CARE and actually have a real education and actually DO SOMETHING

  • Ariyeh Leib segall

    I would have to say that this might be the beginning of the end for Simonetti, His Precint seems to be falling in all round him ….
    When the Criminal Activity in a precint soars as it has done here recently.. they usually sack the commanding officer in favor of a more law & order tough guy…known for his shaping up of an area… They might ship simonetti off to a nice quiet area like Staten Island…
    Let’s hope that his xmas present is a transfer slip !!!

  • VERY concerned CHer

    Perhaps we should start davening that the next attack against a yid should occur to Cohen or Tamir, because it is inevitable that there will be a yid with a room temperature body due to crime, sooner or later, and when people try to protest, Tamir and Cohen get in the way. This makes them rodfim in my humble analysis.

    Cohen and Tamir, any comments? By the way, I don’t go onto coldead so if you don’t address us through this website as well as the others you choose to go on, you are marginalizing us and we won’t hear your response.

  • The Blood is realy on the Machashaifa

    there is a hate blog started not very long ago in crown heights and all this blood is on their hands. yes this Machashaifa will not report crime. and gets paid in cash by a landlord so the JCC can give awards to cops. for giving tikets on kingston ave.
    last time this happend in crown heights was 1987 when The stupid J.B.S. closed down the jewish security. and gave it all to COP. crime risen to a.level that the pogrom of 1991 came to crown heights. since mr juliani took office crime steadily gut lower. until a new boy came to town Mr Zaki Isaac B. Tamir the new sherrif a Friend of the Brooklyn DA and now Crime is UP. not all over the city ONLY IN CROWN HEIGHTS. but The Kaker Tamir with Eli Cohen will go again on Hate Blog to talk To the people of Crwon Heights and “EXPLAIN” to them that Crime is up Citywide.
    this is a pack of lies. Citywide crime is DOWN and Crown Heights Crime is up. get rid of Zaki=Kaker tamir. and the Fat simonetti is anyway good for nothing he will go with Yingi The Beast to cry to schwei to give him a letter that realy crime is down just the blogs dont see it. so they should open the Eyes and dance with hendel mendel Jihad Jihad Jihad .
    and go to the ds community menagement and ask them where is the 9 million dollars the city gave by mistake to the ds community enagement but realy it was money for the JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNSIL?

  • Mad as heck on Empire Blvd.

    Tamir and Cohen have Jewish blood on their hands (not that African American blood is any cheaper, G-D forbid), because they have intimidated many potential security activists in this community into submission, thus removing the police resources from crime fighting and reallocating it to Bloomberg’s Revenue Service. That is a HUGE SCANDAL.



  • To 37

    No it didn’t. Unless the precincts were rezoned last night for the few minutes of the crime. It’s the 71st precinct. Look up precinct map on Google.

  • elisha

    71st precinct is utica till the museam EASTERN PARKWAY till the hospital at winthrop i beileve

  • furious

    I want to know how Tamir, Hackner & Brownstein sleep at night. But again, we aren’t likely to attack them physically & you can be damn sure THEY have some sort of protection & never use laundromats or walk at night. So why the hell should they care about us?

    They for sure don’t care what we think of them, it’ll be another 20 years before there are elections. What do we have to do, or what has to HAPPEN before they SPEAK TO US & treat us with some respect?

  • anon.

    i really hope this wasnt the nice russian jewish guy, who helped me do my laundry my first time there. very sad.

  • 3 People in 3 Weeks

    Thats 3 people killed in 3 weeks and 6 within the past 4 monts! We need Guliani back to start the guns for money / toys programs going again and to get the criminals off the streets.

  • Chicken

    We are moving to Israel too. I am pretty sure it is safer than living on Union and Utica.
    Sitting here and waiting for the repairman to fix my washer. Somehow I do not feel like going to the laundromat.