Two Girls Mugged – Two Muggers Arrested

CROWN HEIGHTS [CHI] — Two young jewish women were mugged by two black teens early this evening. The incident began shortly after 7:00pm Thursday and the details are still unclear. There were many witnesses, with many different accounts of what happened.

Apparently the girls were mugged by two black males in their teens, somewhere on Montgomery St and Albany Ave. Vigilant residents who witnessed the commotion chased the perpetrators. While others called Shomrim and Police.

The alert witnesses caught up with the muggers and placed then under citizen’s arrest. One on Montgomery between Kingston and Albany Ave, and the other in front of Cafe Rimon; Albany between Montgomery St and Empire Blvd.

While the Shomrim volunteers, vigilant residents and spectators were waiting for police officers to show up, another commotion started to unfold in front of Cafe Rimon. A woman, a self described black hebrew, came out in defense of the black teen.

The woman insisted the teen be let go, for “he is just a child” and “didn’t do anything wrong.” She tried freeing him, but was unsuccessful. This agitated her further, she then began yelling things like “you racist jews,” mixed in with some vulgar terms.

The police finally arrived about half hour into this spectacle and converged on both scenes. They then took the two girls, who were in a safe location, in a patrol car to identify who their perpetrators were.

After ferrying the girls between the two scenes and receiving a positive identification that the teen were indeed the muggers; the young muggers were both placed in the back of different patrol cars.

The victims and the assailants were all brought to the 71st precinct, where a police reports and formal charges will be filled.

Baruch Hashem the girls weren’t hurt and Hatzalah wan’t needed.


  • me

    I was there, the incident happened on the corner of kingstone and montgomery!

  • Up Here

    I witnessed a little bit of the commotion from my window a few stories up.
    Although I obviously could not hear everything that was said, and as it seems this woman was meddling without first hearing the facts, one thing bothered me. She was yelling “You are disrespecting my people” and a lot more other things.
    I just hope that when our brave and laudable volunteers deal with situations like these, they do their utmost to ensure respect, as much as possible, to all parties involved. I hope there is no dissing and name calling.
    Again, I was not down there, and I have never heard that this goes on, but I think as Yidden we must constantly remember to be vigilant to only make a Kiddush Hashem.
    Just to clarify again: Likely this woman was screaming that because she may have thought he was being picked on for no reason and she just wanted to help him “cuz he’s just a kid” and “he has noone to defend him”. And I don’t Ch”V think anything was handled wrong. From up on top, it looked professionally handled.
    But when tempers flare and the situation is hot… just be extra careful.

  • Be safe

    Two Afro American teens grabbed the cell phones of two girls .
    the cell phones were recovered BH .

    Not always you have residents screaming “Chaptz-em ”!

    Thanks to the bochurim that ran after the Thugs and tackled them, its not easy to catch the speeding thiefs.
    Kol Hakovod to Shomrim for their devoted acts of courage in keeping our Children safe.
    Girls, talk on your cell where is safe go into a store , watch your surroundings , be vigilant .

  • Zoo or public neighborhood?

    Thank goodness with Shomrim and local members of the community getting involved, these crimes will no longer go unpunished! Hopefully the criminals will actually serve time instead of being set free as usual. One feels almost sorry for the woman who thought she would be able to let these thugs go free to attack more women- some people just can’t handle it that we have a right to walk the streets in safety, yet they’re very happy to know that with us they are safe! It’s only the righteous of the gentiles whose brains are unclouded and prefer goodness to anarchy.

  • Shuey Fan

    Go Shuey Goldstein! You’re always saving the day! Make sure that hot red bike of yours is locked up.

  • chaim

    How old are these kids?
    Can they be sued?
    I think the girls should sue them for every penny they may have or their family, sue their estate. I realize they probably are broke but if they are minors and their parents have a home maybe you can sue for that, or settle out of court for some real money. It would sure be an example and make a brother think twice before mugging someone again.
    Oh btw the suit would be for emotional distress, paranoia, and night mares.


    lol. Next time, why don’t they just walk into 770 and try to mug someone there?



  • Anonymous

    Chaim, that’s a terrible idea and it won’t change anything. People already know they can go to jail and it doesn’t stop them from doing worse. Attempting to make a family homeless over a cell phone, over one family member’s stupidity is shameful.

    A lot of these neighborhood kids grow up without fathers and positive guidance. Their worldview is limited to their neighborhood and their apathy comes from how they’ve been treated. I’ve seen these kids as little children, bright-eyed and loving but as they get older, they’re bullied by their parent(s), siblings and peers. They become damaged. Jail does not solve anything. Their culture needs to change.

  • to bnumber 9

    to n. 9

    15 years and i heard they stole the cells and bh they got it back :)

    wow! ch is just getting rlly bad …. kingston?!!!?!?

  • a girl who dosnt live in crown heights!!

    im 11 years old, and i dont live in crown heigts, and when i come there for school, or different occasiouns, i am scared 2 walk my-self! even if i am 11 years old! im alsow a bit of a scary cat, and every black person i see, i start saying tehhilim 2 myself!


    boruch hashem, no one was hurt!!!!!!!!!!
    hashem was obliviosly, bh watching!!!!!!

  • awacs

    “11. Aren-t we safe wrote:

    It took the police a half hour to come?”

    You must be new around here. :-)

  • Krav maga?

    Don’t teach self-defense of that type to young girls, it won’t help them defend themselves, but it might give them a false sense of security they shouldn’t have when dealing with thugs.

  • Learn how to defend yourself!

    What are you talking about???? Self-defense should be taught to every Jewish person… It helps 100% and will teach’em muggers a lesson they wont forget!!!!

  • To -Anonymous-

    You sound so naive. Remember, it is possible to be so open minded that the brains fall out. I hope you don’t experience the harrassment that other people have experience from the ‘bright eyed children’ because you couldn’t handle your illusions toppling over. We all know quite a few children in our community who do not have fathers OR money and don’t consider it to be an excuse to consistently and with great pleasure victimize a certain segment of the population. You want to justify what these criminals do and enable them to become repeat offenders G-d forbid. You may not have enough life experience yet to appreciate that the most basic gift you can give a human being is the knowledge that they are accountable for their own actions.

  • To # 15

    I like what you wrote – it makes a lot of sense.
    Question of course is: can we do anything to educate them…? There are letters and letters of the Rebbe to Presidents and Educators of Public school etc. and the Rebbe’s approach is always to teach that there’s a G-d who is watching and runs the world etc. Like the idea of a moment of silence or more.
    The Rebbe also condems the fact that the only things the children are learning in a way of discipline are to be good so as not to get in trouble. Once they’re out of school they feel they’re free to do what they want. Thus the Rebbe emphasises the importance of being taught about G-d ruling the world…
    If only these things were implemented somehow.

  • Priorities

    While we wait for the ‘if onlys’ we have to show zero tolerance to crime. You can feel sorry for an alcoholic but the public’s safety comes first.