By Sabrina Jaszi for the Brooklyn Paper

WILLIAMSBURG — A thief stole the fancy holiday hat off a Hasidic man’s head on Friday night, October 2nd, the first night of Sukkos.

The victim was walking from Shul at around 9:30pm and was near Wallabout Street and Throop Avenue when two young men approached him from behind. One of them lifted the man’s shtreimel, a fur hat with a $1,200 price tag, then both ran off.

Mugged for His $1,200 Shtreimel!

By Sabrina Jaszi for the Brooklyn Paper

WILLIAMSBURG — A thief stole the fancy holiday hat off a Hasidic man’s head on Friday night, October 2nd, the first night of Sukkos.

The victim was walking from Shul at around 9:30pm and was near Wallabout Street and Throop Avenue when two young men approached him from behind. One of them lifted the man’s shtreimel, a fur hat with a $1,200 price tag, then both ran off.

Police are still searching for the suspects.


  • In the hood

    Oy! What will be next…..a Womens Shaitel? They’re worth much more than $1200…..

  • strange idea

    what are the kids going to do with it? If they try to sell it won’t ppl be suspicious as to where they got it from?

  • meir not from new haven

    it’s the latest business in w-berg. stealing and re-selling strimloc back to the original owners at a deep discount of course.

  • hhhh

    he wanted to wear it himself :)
    be on the lookout for a shvartze with a shtreimel… LOL

  • Mottel

    i’m glad you all think it’s funny – how would you feel if someone stole something of value to you – your kapote, or a borsalino, or a sheitel take? Just because we don’t where streimelach – where’s your rachmonos for yiddishe gelt? Your ahavas yisroel? Mistama this guy will now have to spend a lot of money to buy another one…

  • mendy

    Get insurance. I saw a shvazah the other day with a streimel.
    was the chosid wearing a streimel or a spodek.

  • Zvulun

    It’s pretty bigoted to assume it was a shvartze that stole his shtreimel. It’s much easier for a yid to blend in with a stolen shtreimel…