JUDGMENT: 770 Returns to the Hands of Aguc”h

Click Here to download a PDF of the full Judgment

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — Just a short while ago the Honorary Judge Ira B. Harkavy signed a 12 page judgment clearly and decisively ruling that Agudas Chassidei Chabad and Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch is the legal owners of 770 and 784-788 Eastern Pkwy, furthermore the judgment gave Aguch and Merkos possession of the premises, meaning that they are the governing body of what goes on in the premises.

The judgment further went on to name the Gaboim and ‘Congregation Lubavitch Inc” (CLI) are to ‘deliver the premises’ to Aguch and Merkos, meaning that they are to vacate the premises as the governing body. The judgment also went on to say that if CLI does not comply city agencies such as the Marshals and Sheriffs of New York City are to enforce this judgment.

More in the Extended Article.

The judge then ordered CLI to pay within seven days a $500,000 bail, as a guarantee against the properties mentioned in the judgment pending an appeal, which they have the right to file in the appellate court within 60 days, during that duration CLI is to continue to pay all operating expenses of the premises.


  • Yoseph Yitzchak


    Now it’s time to clear out 770 of all the trouble makers. Tear down the signs and posters that hang all over 770.

    May it return to it’s previous glory b’korov!!!

  • Guy inCrown Heights

    Watch–it’ll get stuck in court for another year or so… and then THE GABOYIM will win… didan notzach, indeed…

  • worried

    This is a sad fight, it might of been the right thing to do, however it should hurt everyone that we have to go through such a thing!! there is no reason for celebration.
    When one brother is victories over the other…They both are the loosers!!

  • V-ahavta Lraiacha Komoicha

    Disgusting. This whole thing is about who is more POWERFUL! Who cares who’s in charge of what, live and let live!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Cali

    Now I hope they will restore decorum and honor to 770. My 11 year old son visited 770 last year and was suprised to see how chaotic and unkempt it was -and that is from an 11 year old boys perspective.

  • the rebbe-s chossid

    i would like to know how much was the lawyer’s fees for the whole case to represent aguch??? i heard it was over two million dollars!! is that true.
    and to all those that want to know whats the didan notzach. yet again aguch has taken the rebbe’s money and spent it in court somewhere where the rebbe would never a;low it to go and money that maybe had potentisl to go to the shluchim or kolel yunger lite the rebbe’s true mosdos

  • Ward Churchill

    for those of you who are still unsure what the celebration is or who view this as a ‘chillul lubavitch’ let’s take a few moments to set the record straight.

    the definition of chillul lubavitch is when hooligans deface a plaque in front of 770 which says that the rebbe’s ‘merit should shield us may his soul be bound with the binding of life’ [gasp!!].

    a chillul lubavitch is when shluchim, at the culmination of a weekend bursting with invigorating inspiration come to beis chayeinu to farbreng together, get heckled and hounded by above mentioned hoodlums.

    a chillul lubavitch is what transpires daily in 770, directed by this group of illegal immigrants.

    a chillul lubavitch [perhaps the worst of them all] is when people who should no better support and defend these people solely to further their twisted agenda. people that will fight tooth and nail against anything and everything holy only in order to see the downfall of their political adversaries. people that brazenly testified in court unrepeatable things about the rebbe obm [things that even b. gurary wouldn’t say]in a desperate effort to salvage their already pathetically lost cause.

    and believe it or not, you apathy and pacifism is also a chillul lubavitch. all too often the reaction of the masses to events of this nature is ‘why do you have to raise controversy?’ ‘can’t we all just get along?’ what about ahavas yisroel and shalom?’ etc etc. this approach irks me to no end, and i’ve had enough of it.

    you can stand in a circle, hold hands and sing ‘kumbaya peace’ from today till tomorrow – but that’s hardly how issues are resolved. it’s the people of your ilk who attack and vilify the people who had the courage to stand up, and candidly yet respectfully do the unpleasant task of cleaning up this foul mess, as a war monger and a flame thrower that really grind my gears.
    It may be painful but it was necessary and long overdue.
    So yes, when this day finally comes – when we once again can lubavitch can once again claim 770 as ours it is indeed a didan notzach!

  • mazal tov???

    for some reason this doesn’t sound like a mazal tov. it sounds more like terrorism, getting the police involved and everything. plus, this will just cause more fighting in this community, something that will not make the rebbe proud.

  • Nothing will come from it

    Now if only AGUCH will actually DO something with this judgement will be another matter. From their past (in)action I don’t think anything will change (sadly).

    CLI will most definitly lose any appeal. They should align themselves with the moderates and make sholom. Its the only way.

  • Plaut

    Now it’s time to clear out 770 of all the trouble makers. Tear down the signs and posters that hang all over 770.

    May it return to it’s previous glory b’korov!!!

  • Yitzchok Goldberg

    It is never a pleasure to come out against your own brothers, it is of the most painful things one needs to do in life at times, to confront ones own family members and condemn their behavior, sometimes out in the open.

    With that said, it was a must for Agudas Chabad to take a stand and put a stop to the ongoing Chilul Lubavitch (let alone violence etc.) that was coming out of 770 on a daily basis.

    As a community member I encourage my neighbors to support the Lubavitch Mosdos in returning a seder in to 770 so that we can once again begin Davening in the Rebbe’s Shul.

  • Simpson

    end of the circus downstairs…restore 770’s old glory…about time…pull down the circus signs…send the troublmakers back home…this is a great day!!!

  • Chabadnik

    “The previous glory” you refer to when there were no signs in 770 must also be the previous glory before there was a Rebbe. The signs have been there for many years before there became a tzfati movement.

  • lostinCA

    As long as Krinsky & Co. keep the bathrooms clean, they can have the shul gezunteheit.

  • mm

    please take a second and think of the terrible disgrace that is occuring. hurdres of thousands of dollars was and will be continued to be pumped into this court case from charitable donations. this will go to appeal – where in all likelihood – it will be sent to beis din – where it belonged in the first place. thier might be an internal dispute in lubavitch – but when it winds up in court, and tremendous amounts of dollars are spent – which could have been used for real charitable causes – this is a huge disgrace.

  • chasidim since the alter rebbe

    gr8 for the short term horrible for the long term.
    ok we have a tzaras in lubavitch and we are removing it from out house, however who is lubavitch…? the chasidim or select chasidim? what will happen when the leaders of aguch pass away? who will then take over? is this something that will goes to ones children? or is there going to be some sort of voting were all anash can vote?
    the rebbe we are all ok with leading us, but regular bnai adam which have not special…hmmm…anything! they dont have anyone that they need to answer too???
    this is the long term problem (or one of them) this will be a greater challenge to lubavitch in the future…lets see what happens

  • dovid hamelech

    all the yechi guys will scream and say its not didan notzah its a chillul hashem, when they thought they would win this they were screaming yechi didan notzach, they dont care about chilul hashem and chillul lubavitch, hey teves was hard for the rebbe and it was alot of pain but we had to do what was right. this is the only way to make 770 into a normal shul thse so called gabaim had their chance, now its aguchs chance and we will see if they can do it

  • shlomo

    now everyone from the rebbes room can come down and daven in the rebbes shul, rabbi zev katz can be the gabai as he was in the time of the rebbe, and if these so called gabaim and drizin dont like it they can go and open a new shul as many people did because of the yechi guys

  • Milhouse

    Calm down everyone, it’s too soon to celebrate (or mourn, if that’s your point of view). They have 60 days to file an appeal, and you can be sure they will do so on day #60. Then the appeal will take at least a year, and who knows what will happen there. In the meantime nothing changes.

  • a ch kid who is sick of all the fighting

    To whoever brought up the stone, if i am not mistaken the sicha the rebbe said when he laid the stone was about ahavas yisrael. maybe the rebbe knew that that is what we will need to remember so many years later. isn’t that ironic?

    moshiach will only come through ahavas chinam.

    moshiach now.

  • shemtov

    yes that means nomore yechi signs and that parade with the mashiach flag siman tov oo mazel tov… no more yechi and makei ng a disgrase to the rebbe whoopie

  • yossi

    SAD SAD one lubavitcher happy to see the other fall. what a sad day.this is what are children look up to. ask your self with out the money what would i be. then again these people with or with out money would be the same.

  • Levi

    In the judgment, a reference was made to “Yetev Lev D’satmar,inc V Kahane” What have we become?

    When its brother against brother the winner always loses…

  • Mendel

    Thank you for posting the verdict. I appreciate it and I know that my family and friends appreciate it too.
    This case never had anything to do with any individual. The verdict rules Boruch Hashem, that the Rebbe is the baal habayis of 770.
    May we all be zoiche to see 770 back in its original glory mitoch ahavas chassidim.

  • Boruch Hashem - Crown heightser

    I am not rejoicing on another Lubavitcher’s fall.

    Finnally those who deface the Rebbe and his Shul, no longer have their violently acquired grip.

    May g-d grant the sense to those of my brothers who mistakenly albiet silently support the uprooters of the Rebbe’s lifetime of work.

    Didan Notzach. Yehi Ratzon shethey peula nimsheches and return 770 to a place that the Rebbe would walk into




  • Sober-Up

    To all you euphoric drunks, falling all over yourselves in joy and exuberance – reminiscing over the good old days, it seems like you have a bad case amnesia.
    Who are the victors? The people who fought the Rebbe tooth and nail regarding the Rabbonim and in the process destroyed Lubavitch and all civility and order? The people who refer the shul, where the Rebbe Davend and Farbrenged for 40 years, as the “basement?”
    What good have these people done since Gimel Tamuz, besides jump from one Machlokes to the next?
    Has the man that can’t pay his teachers in B.R. suddenly become the knight in shining armor that is going to rescue 770 and return it to its “Previous glory”?
    What “Previous glory” are you people talking about?
    Mr. “Suprised to see how chaotic and unkempt it was,” Where have you been before G.T.
    Have you forgoten the way things were 15, 20, and 30 years ago, when the “Old Gaboim” where in charge, or are you just delusional?
    You guys need to wake up and smell the cosffee, this is no Didan Notzach, and this is no time for celebration.
    This is nothing but another tragic moment in the history of Lubavitch.

  • Cee

    Mazel Tov!! Maybe I can start going to 770 again and not be ashamed of what they have done to Beis Rabeinu.

  • Mendel Ch-T.O

    This is horrible!
    makes me shiver just thinking akk of the fighting thaqts gonna happen now… UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING!!!!

  • oximorons

    Heard from a shliach:
    1. the rebbe is speaking about having ahavas yisroel and meanwhile the chassidim are kicking the people behind them telling themm to shut the heck up cuz they want to hear the rebbe talk about having ahavas yisroel

    2. Once bouchrim learning in 770 were outside talking and the rebbe came out and told them to go learn, so one bochur screams out the rebbe is talking come out and listen.
    but did you hear what the rebbe said? yes. What did you do? what do you mean i stood and heard what the rebbe said.


  • YAY!!!

    about time!! we can finally reclaim our shul!! and to thos ethat think its a disgrace that they are fighting in court, not all things in life com eeasy and you have to take a stand for what you believe in. Was 770 not destroyed enough? was it not a chilul lubavitch until now with the lunatics taking control??

  • YosselH22

    Looks like we’ll really know the score in 7 days: can the CLI’s financiers pony up $500,000 bond? If they can post bond, the decision to vacate the premises is on hold 2 months.

    Even if the CLI financiers post bond, Merkos and Aguch can oppose a the motion for a stay and retake the shui sooner.

    Judge Harkavy handed down a sound decision based on secular state property law consistent with precedent. The CLI and blowhard mechihisten can huff and puff on their blogsites. but they might as well face the music: meet somewhere else.


    FINALLY no more color war, this is Beis hamikdosh shebebovel not a meshugane house, hopefully it wont turn into a museum, but at least it will look more like a beis hamikdosh, sadly to do this means kicking people out for periods of time but hopefully in the long run all of us will learn to daven TOGETHER!

    although I think this is just the better of 2 evils…. we need the rebbe leading not some hierachy…. the only way this will work is if this monarchy has bittul and remembers what GIVES IT ITS POWER!… who the mishalaich is the CEO if I may……

  • Anonymous

    “When its brother against brother the winner always loses…”

    When my Father and Brother got beaten up (in 770 by a “brother”) they walked away with all the pain.

  • teen w/ nobody to take an example from

    how can one person decide wh ois lubavitch and who is not?dont we accept the farthest jew but we cant accept or fellow brothers????i know we disagree but that gives an excuse to openly put down another jew?its disgusting!it happens all the time,our schools cant unite during the most holy times of the yr b/c of stupit polotics,we suddenly have the right to make fun of other jews,ect personally i donthtink there are hardly any more real chassidim in lubavitch

  • Unsettled

    How untoward.

    We are called Lubavitch- the city of love. The Alter Rebbe sat in jail for an extra day so we would have perek lamed bais Tanya. The foundation of our movement is Ahavas Yisrael, and our world headquarters is the source of such tremendous sinas chinam.

    We settle in the farthest corners of the globe to bring the Torah to every last Yid, but we cannot uphold what we are taught by Hillel is the essence of the Torah.

    We chant it with out children- V’ahavta L’rayacha Kamocha, but we cannot make it practical in out lives.

    How unsettling.

  • Pesachya

    A few people wrote about how horrible it’s going to be now, new fights, horrible fights are on the horizon etc. etc.

    I’m trying to understand something over here: What’s going to happen? Let’s say Aguch/Merkos take down the billboards turning the stadium back into a Shul, and they will start to hold all Farbrengens back in 770 instead of Campus Chomesh, why is this going to cause horrible fights??? Because of these actions by Aguch/Merkos??? No!!! The answer is because we are dealing here with a bunch of hotheads, terrorists, Hooligans, Satmar style, who only know one language “hayodayim yedei eisov”!!! That’s the reason, and that’s the only reason why we could anticipate unfortunate situations coming our way now in 770 in the next couple of months.

    Anyone who doesn’t back Aguch/Merkos because of that, because they are the one who “cause” this fight so to speak, has a twisted morality. It is lehavdil like the leftist media who blaims Israel for all Arab attacks against Jews.

    Think hard and honestly about this before the next “peacenik” posts such non-sense here!!!

  • enough is enough!!!!

    If we want to start talking about Rebbe, Lubavitch and all the other things brought up over here… There is only one body to blame and that is our education system – if you are studying in Tzfat then you are brain washed Yechi – if you study in detroit you are brain washed Rebbe – all education centers are focusing on today is Rebbe said this Rebbe did that – how many sichas / maamarim can you learn by heart? how many tefillin and how many neshek did you give out on a Friday afternoon – no talking to girls / guys, oy vey tznius, goyish music, touching beards etc etc etc… the main thing they neglect is Manners!!! is Midos!!! they loose it all the moment the see the $$$ signs that is the biggest flaw of lubavitch today – they have no self respect they do not know how to treat their fellow as a true chassid is supposed to and as a baal teshuva, that went through the Lubavitch system, now married with two children with lubavitch rabbi’s names – I doubt i want to remain lubavich – it’s a constant fright to see how our children will grow and be money and honor hungry – what ever happened to humility, what ever happened to trust of G-d? what ever happened to what the Rebbe’s true intentions were.
    Therefore my message to you is:
    Those that are for Yechi – wake up and smell the coffee the Rebbe is physically gone – however the true Yechi is to live with his teaching and follow them – not fight, kill, terrorize and scream and dance making fools of yourselves.

    Those anti-Yechi – don’t be like those hooligans by fighting back – even though the Rebbe is physically gone – we don’t have another Rebbe unfortunatly – which means that the late Rebbe’s teachings are still our priority and we must live on with them – so in a sense the Rebbe is still Yechi in the sense of following his teachings.

    one thing we must all keep in mind – we are all fed up of this golus, our brothers in Israel are being killed by our cousin enemies, being kicked out by our own brothers the gov’t there’s a mad man in Iran that is waiting to deploy a nuclear strike to clear our homeland off the map, gov’ts around the world are pressuring our gov’t in Isreal to give in to these animals, we still have a brother stuck in the highest level of hell in Gaza as a hostage thousands of terrorists were freed in hopes of his return for no thing – just think about all other tzoros that are around us then compare them to a stupid fight of who’s property is who’s etc.
    we should all do all that is in our power to bring Mashiach now!!!!

  • sick of power struggles

    Who are we to decide what is right or wrong in such a case?! Maybe if we didn’t view it as embarrassing in the first place no one else would… I am a proud davenner in 770 and I don’t agree with all that goes on there, but to not daven there because of a few lunatics? 50 plus years of the Rebbe davenning there haven’t elevated the shul enough for YOU? How can you think that you’ll have the power to restore it to former glory before Moshiach comes? You won, now Moshiach can come? How dare you accuse others of being the reason for this long golus? Wasn’t the whole hei teves argument about whether or not the Rebbe belongs to the chassidim and therefore the seforim do too? How is this winning? Who are you to decide that you are a real chossid and the others aren’t? Where have you been davenning all these years when 770 was around the corner? All because of a few lunatics? Are you able to concentrate on your tefillos all that much more in another place? How embarrassing!
    The only thing we can all do is together beg for Moshiach and that’s when we’ll all be winners – hand down!

  • make sholom


  • teen w/ nobody to take an example from

    come to 770 for mincha mariv on a week day you see BB come off the train daven mincha, learn rambam chitas, daven mariv and go home.
    they are the true chasidim.
    the ppl that you see in 770 making noise..
    why are they not home with their familys? why are they not at work at 10 am?
    why are they so angry?
    answer… that is not chasidus.
    this is on both sides of the fight

  • zalman dovid

    dont blame all the gabaim for this
    the only one really fighting is zalman lipsker all the other gabaim gave up long ago and said they will work with merkos its time for zalman to give up and work with merkos and make peace

  • Nemo

    Levi- The citation from Khal Ytav Lev was legal precedent (or in Hebrew if it helps, Midmeh Milsa L’Milsa) for the resolution of a similar case involving a synagogue dispute.

    1. It doesn’t equate Satmar and Lubavitch as you’d like to believe, it merely says that the two cases draw on similar legal principles.

    2. The insinuation against Satmar is immature and irrelevant.

  • Father

    what are our youth supposed to think about all this?!
    Whichever side isright is quite irrelevant, considering the large percentage of Chabad boys leaving the derech, many whom lack inspiration; and after seeing th excitement of the adults from the above mentioned incidents, all I can say is no wonder why!
    That’s it. They may HAVE TO FIGHT for the Rebbe’s honour, but YOU don’t so spare yourself from it…

  • YSinDnepr

    If this decision will bring peace and quiet and allow the removal of the small, loud and violent gaggle of G-building goons known as the Taliban, then it is a reason to quietly rejoice. Sadly, I do not think much good will come out of this at all, and the Taliban may well respond with another outrage.

  • youth is the engine of the world

    we have now replaced our rowdy teenagers with white bearded men. how boring. teenagers are typically rebellious in some manner. according to this ruling the way to deal with them is to send them into exile. they will only become stronger. 770 will become quiet and politically correct. soon the Shluchim will be able to bring Reform Jews to visit 770 and the reform Jews will feel comfortable. the energy level in 770 will not overwhelm them. it will be just like in their Shuls.

  • In The Know

    Aguch’s lead counsel, a former Tommim, worked for free to preserve the honor of the Rebbe. All they payed for were his expenses to come in from Israel. Aguch’s legal fees were not “in the millions” or anywhere close. They were small compared to those of the Gabboim and that of Merkos.

  • CH resident

    1) 770 looks today the way it did before gimmel tamuz aside for the one Metal Yechi sign above the Rebbe’s Farbrengen table and that is metal because someone teh moment they got a chance tore it down so he opened the floadgates to make it a sign that cannot be torn down so easily (thank you very much) to nemp niba v’lo yoda mah niba the only difference bet. us and yitav…. is there the physical chilkdren of the satmarer are fighting over who IS Rebbe and here the argument is over the Rebbe himself there is no doubt in my mind that the Rebbe has ZERO nachas from either side of the fence here.
    live and let live i guess to some that means say yechi and we’ll let live and to others that means take down the signs and we’ll let live

    lets put everything back the way it was before Gimmel Tamuz means (depending on your age) either take down all the signs the ones with the sichas of nun aleph nun beis one yechi sigs both yechi signs the box with the announcements from the rabonim (which dont exsist according to some people)some of the book shelves maybe even put back the wall that was bet. 770 and 780-84 eastern parkway and maby to pacify the few that are still around from before the use of the basement restore the zal’s upstairs etc.
    either way we are deep in on our own garbage and self degredation back to the point before we are at the moment no better then teh satmar brothers who are fighting tooth and nail over their fathers zaro bachayim
    Iwill finish with this moshiach will come in one of two ways the Rebbe said countless times oru im ananei shmaye may we be zoche to be the ones for it to happen through us the way things are going now it looks we are assuring ourselves teh Rebbe coming back to us on a Chamor (R”L) we as Lubavitchers better wake up and do something really quickly about this situation or we are doomed

  • Yossi

    Mazal tov.

    I only hope that Aguch will now actually show some LEADERSHIP and ACT to restore the Rebbe’s daled amos to it’s former glory…

  • Yoseph Yitzchak

    People are writing that it’s a sad day in Lubavitch history. They are also saying that there is so much sinas chinom. Why? How?

    I have only been inside 770 7-8 times over the past 13 years. The 13 previous years before that I was there 70-80 times.

    The 7-8 times I’ve recently been there all I can say is yikes!

    The place seems as though it’s a hefker velt. The yechi posters and signs all over the place is an eye sore. Even if your crazy and make sure that your childs first words are yechi, why does 770 have to be splattered with yechi signs/posters ?? It’s not a 1st grade class room, it’s a Makom Kadosh.

    There are people who haven’t showered since last shmittah 7 years ago, they smell and they are eating leftover cake getting crumbs all over the floor and tables and siddurim. They leave their garbage there and nobody blinks an eye. I understand ahavas yisroel but how about some kovod for a makom kadosh??

    You will find all types of posters with peoples psak dinim. For example, the one about touching your beard. Yes a lot of teenagers were touching their beards. Putting posters all over 770 about how your going to gehenom if you do is not the answer.

    It looks like th shuk in Israel. You have 100 people each doing their own thing, I want to move this bench to the front I will, I don’t care that three old men are sitting here and I don’t care if I walk through 8 shachris minyanim while they are davening shemoneh esrai.
    Etc.. Etc.. Etc…

    There needs to be structure, there needs to be leadership, there needs to be a governing body. B”H Agudas Chassidei Chabad won this ruling. My hope is that there will be change. If not than I just won’t show up.

  • av

    psst “CH resident” if you will but read the rebbes sichos you will see that the chamor way is actually better

  • CHT

    The question I have is – who will now serve as gaboim? As far as I know, the Rebbe wanted that the gaboim were elected.

  • menachem mendel

    to “yoseph yitchak”

    your last comment would fit if you were a misnagid. (all except about the signs)

    all the things you dont like were part of the look of 770 bechayim shel the rebbe

    all of a suddenyou are a sttechneh mentch “they smell” “eating” walking through minyonim”

    stay where you are !! you dont belong in 770 not now and not before

    go to a reform church there it is nice and neat and more order..

    go to any chasidishe shul and you will see this..

  • Anonymous

    I’ve come to realize over the years that the “Mishichisim” relay so much on people being stupid. Always giving misinformation, saying lies as if they are facts of life. If you g-d forbid proofs them wrong they will accuse you of purveying hatred, bigotry and of being stupid, small minded this is a common tactic etc… (Instructive lesson in bully-boy tactics). They will say anything but address the issue. When the going gets thought they all of a sudden become a “seeker of peace”.

  • Anonymous

    AZ Wrote: (copyed/paste)
    To all those apologists who think that ahavas Yisroel means live and let live, let’s all get on together, respect eachother’s opinions and all that other rubbish that is a result of the liberal ideology.

    Try out this scenario, let’s say the president of reform judaism was to get up in 770 and preaches his “0pinion” to all who are there.

    Does your way of ahavas yisroel apply to him in the same way?
    are you going to allow him to continue?
    would you respect his differences in opinion?
    Will you call him a brother?

    Any of you who answer yes to the first 3 questions is not being honest! The bottom line is that ahavas yisroel does not mean that you have to accept someone else’s meshugass just because he happens to be Jewish or happens to “daven” in the same shul as you! It means that you have a wayward brother who needs help! It also means that if this person is having a negative influence on the s’vivah, then you have to remove this, VIOLENCE is the epitomy of negativity and your misplaced ahavas yisroel for these “wayward brothers” is overshadowing the ahavas yisroel for the thousands of other yidden in the neighborhood. As a Rav once told me, when you have a chumra in one area, it automatically causes a kulah in another.

    If you feel the need to have all this all encompassing ahavas Yisroel, then where is your ahava towards Rabbis Shemtov and Krisky??????

    Ahavas Yisroel with no limits, I DON’T THINK SO!!!


  • TeeninCH

    ok great YAY – I’m glad I guess…this is all so sick.
    if you think any of us are gonna not trim our beards you are all cracko. I mean what exactly does having a beard and all mean today with all of you crazies fighting over MY shul?.
    Shame on all of you but primarily the retarded meshchistim that have wrecked havoc on chabad.
    Shame on all shpitz chabad that are the WRONG SIDE OF THE FENCE you know who you are – you are all a bunch of disalusioned head in the sand people fighting a losing battle. The Rebbe is gone period – hello when he comes back we’ll get an OK to call him melech hawhatever… and whatever he agrees to clearly WHEN HE CLEARLY SAYS SO.

    Some of you are so thick. And you think I’ll listen to any of you about my beard right? Morons! Fix up your house and I’ll fix up mine – I;ve got no one to look up to shees! :(



  • Josh

    Its about time.

    Every time I walk into 770 I always see and hear them saying Yechi…..
    It is just totaly crazy.

    Now i just cant wait to see them take the Yechi posters down.

  • E.A

    Will this be the end of it?

    Most probably not! But thank G-d , the finish line is just around the corner.

    Looks like sanity is one step closer though. And about time!!

    Hopefully, the local nuts will see the writing on the wall, take the cue and get out of our lives.

  • Guest

    Especially the last few years Lubavitch has been focused entirely on doing the “right thinkg”, dating the “right” person for the “right” amount of time, saying the “right” thing, and wearing the “right” clothes, so you aren ot labelled as different or an outcast. The irony is that this whole time they have been acting like animals and its embarassing.

    The men especially in CH have to “man-up”. Get an education, clean yourselves up and start acting like human beings instead of wild dogs. Get orgazined and bring g-d back into the equation – you have all forgotten what it is about!

  • bentche

    to cht

    the rebbe never wanted elections for gabayim

    prior to gimmul tammuz there were gabboyim that the rebbe appointed i.e. rabbi katz vechulhu in fact i heard from one of the gabboyim himself that when they tried to elect gabboyim and sent a tzettel to the rebbe , the rebbe ignored it

  • Frumpter

    I have read all the comments above, and I wanted to express my happiness in the decision. 770 has in my opinion been held hostage, and while there are names for these guys (Taliban, etc.) who are causing many of the problems, the truth is that they have inflicted violence and terror upon many of the community members. Since the bench-throwing event, I heard people saying “get rid of them!” and I couldn’t agree more.

    I know a number of good yechi guys and I know many shluchim and non-yechi guys. All agree there is a big problem in 770, and perhaps this is a first step in making it look like a holy place, as it is. 770 should be well-kept and it shouldn’t look like the circus just came into town. Bochurim should be properly showered and the place should not have areas that smell like urine and garbage.

    Everybody has their opinion, but the Rebbe *did* leave people in charge, and so please trust that when this is over, they will act and will do the Rebbe’s will. This is not a defeat for the mishichists; this is a victory for 770 and for the Rebbe’s honor.

    To those causing problems, namely those that believe more in scare tactics, brute force and violence, please go home peacefully.

  • Yehuda Leib

    The question is just how they propose to deal with the masses of bochrim and others who just won’t co-operate.

    the signs are the easier problem to fix, but obviously they will want to totally bring an end to yechi being declared and sung

    will there be police patrolling every day, preventing dancing yechi? what if one doesn’t dance, just sings from where he davvens? what if thousands of people suddenly start singing it, will police come in and drive them all out from the shul? will yechi only be a criminal offence if it is declared at the main minyonim, or will every bochur who says yechi after a minyan be in danger of getting a criminal record, be scared that the guy next to him is going to report him to the patrolling police?

    I’m not for saying yechi, and I agree with the opposition to outright hooliganism etc., but the implementation of this change seems to be highly problematic. What’s more, I can’t see it happening lemaaseh. Will there be a point at which even aguch will tolerate certain relatively moderate expressions of yechi, and the like, or will they insist on total domination?

    Also, it would inspire more confidence in Aguch’s decisions if the people currently in charge of Aguch would step down in shame for their siruv to show up to a summons to Beis Din, until they show up to it.

  • Not a Lubie

    I just gotta tell you all,

    I love reading about all this in-fighting amongst your own kind. You made your bed, now lay in it! There’s a reason why so many Chazal forbid forecasting the arrival of Moshiach, or predicting who it may be. Shabsai Tzvi sound familiar to anyone?

  • Elki

    As the end of all the arguments here, I jsut have a practical question. What happens now? A court decision has been handed down, but who enforces it? I hope this will not create more insanity and entrenchment.

  • Old-Timer

    I rarely come back to NY from out of town. My memories are of a different time when the Rebbe led and the chassidim did their best to follow. There is no leadership now and there will be no leadership whomever has control of 770. The problems will continue and the youth will continue to stray, there is only the Rebbe’s teaching and our personal beliefs that will get us through these trying times. This ruling will accomplish little if anything practical. What Lubavitch was is broken and there is no fix.

  • Feivel C.

    Anyone who would think Shabsai Tzvi is a relevant comparison has no knowledge of who Shabsai Tzvi or how he behaved at all.

  • Hirschel Pekkar

    BH. The Alter Rebbe said, “we have to live with the time” and this was explained, that it means, to live with the Parsha of the week. This week we have parshas “beshalach” which begins with the word “vayehi”, the gemorro says, that the word vayehi indicates an undesirable situation. One can ask, how is it undesirable that at last we were sent out of Mitzraim? another question, it says, that Pharoah sent, it should have said, and pharoah let them go?, the answers we find by the next text, it says, “and Hashem did not lead them the way of the derech eretz plishtim – the way of the Philistines because it was near, for Hashem said, lest the people retreat when they see war, and return to Egypt”. Question. Why does it mention the way that Hashem did not lead them, rather then only say, the way that Hashem did lead them? Answer. this is to tell us, that this was the way that Pharoah sent us specifically, – to see war, and return to Egypt, that is why it says “Pharoah sent the people, and not that he let the people go. That is also why The Torah says ”Vayehi“ an undesirable situation, and why it says ”and Hashem did NOT lead“ etc.
    Some people comment, to ”clean out“ etc. and to return to our old way. Chassidim know that ”yesterday“ is a limitation on how, at least, it should be to-day, it is for us ”Mitzraim“
    People come to Chabad in order to leave their own life of limitation, their personal Mitzraim, but when they see ”war“ (what is taking place here) they retreat. What is the answer? it should be ”ki omar ELOKIM” a JEWISH court of law.
    Only this WAY can bring to Kabolas HaTorah and Geulah.

  • Hirschel Pekkar

    BH In a yechidus, The Rebbe said to me, “you should take from here for the physical and for the spiritual with you” I replied, “I want to take the Rebbe with me”, The Rebbe answered,- “as you are taking from the spiritual from here, you are taking ME with you, and as you are taking me with you, you should use me out on good things. Everybody without exception, kulonu k-echod, all as one, wants to see our Rebbe back with us a soul in a body in good health, and finally take us out of the Mitzraim- the golus. But there are some who see this as something impossible. We find by Sarah Imeinu, That Hashem reproved Sarah for not believing what the Malach said that next year she would bear a son. Question. Three arabs come from the desert, they have to be told to wash their feet, and the one who is speaking to Avrohom Ovinu, doesn’t even know where Sarah is, he has to ask Avrohom where she is, and he tells Avrohom that next year Sarah an old lady, would bear a son, why does one have to believe such a person, why did Hashem reprove Sarah? the answer, – because she said ”is it possible“. Take a lesson.
    The Rebbe’s words above indicate how WE can accomplysh to bring the neshomo of The Rebbe into a body, The words ”as you are taking from the spiritual from here, you are taking ME with you“ this reffers to the Neshomo of course, and by ”using out“ this reffers to the body. But very important, like The Rebbe said, – ”you should use me out ON GOOD THINGS, which means not on arguments, G-D forbid this way we will prepare the way to the revelation of Neshomo bGuf of The Rebbe here below, and bekirov MAMOSH.


    Didn’t the Rebbe, ZY“A, tell the shluchim,”Do NOT say who the
    Moshiach is….?!”

    So, what’s the big deal about AGUCH imposing the directive
    of the Rebbe?
    The Gabbaim, if they would only relent and follow the
    directive of the Rebbe, need not be kicked out.