Young Slate, Fresh Take: Vaad Hakohol Sets Out to Renew Crown Heights
June’s Crown Heights Jewish Community Council elections marked the beginning of a new era for the Shechuna. With nearly 2,000 votes in their favor, the Vaad Hakohol’s six new board members – “The Young Slate” – have set out to answer the community’s mandate. Their promise: better days are coming to Crown Heights.
“The community deserves so much more,” says Shmuel Rosenstein of the Vaad. “Our goal is to make the changes that the community wants to see. We’re in your court.”
Though most community members are aware that the Vaad plays a role on behalf of Anash, Vaad Hakohol has the potential to become a robust force in communal affairs. “There’s so much Vaad Hakohol can do to bring meaningful change to the community – pick your topic,” says board member Meir New. “The vision for Crown Heights touches on virtually every aspect of local living.”
Rabbis New, Rosenstein, and their colleagues are firmly rooted in reality. Their vision is practical, actionable, and well-within the community’s reach. Vocational training. Political advocacy in local affairs. Housing assistance. Emergency funds. Training, workshops, and continuing education credits for the community’s mental health professionals. Collective bargaining on behalf of smaller mosdos. Developing a CHJCC platform where community members can see community updates, learn about upcoming events, and book appointments to have problems addressed by the Community Council, the Vaad, or the Beis Din.
Their first mission, however, is to fortify the Crown Heights Beis Din.
“The Beis Din is a critical element of community infrastructure,” asserts Rabbi Rosenstein. Vaad Hakohol’s commitment to the Beis Din is a fundamental tenant of the board’s mission. The Vaad is responsible for raising the money that funds the salaries of the Rabbonim. “We need our Rabbonim to be able to focus exclusively on giving halachic guidance, advising the community, etc. No one wants a situation where a Rov is distracted by concerns about his parnasa, chas v’shalom.”
The Beis Din’s notable vacancy has presented a number of challenges over the years, but The Young Slate sees an opportunity to empower the community. Vaad Hakohol’s vision for the near future is to initiate the process of appointing a third Rov to the Beis Din, which would render the Beis Din a fully-functioning halachic institution capable of ruling in dinei Torah. “Crown Heights is suffering tremendously right now with the vacancy on the Beis Din,” laments Rabbi Rosenstein.
The best part: community involvement means Crown Heights residents will decide the future of the Beis Din. Rabbi New sees this as a golden moment, especially for young families. “The community has such an incredible opportunity to ensure the Crown Heights rabbinical voice is the kind of leadership you want to see. We want the community’s input. Vaad Hakohol wants to appoint a Rov – or several Rabbonim – who truly resonate with the community today. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, and we want to encourage the community in the strongest of terms: partner with Vaad Hakohol, and we can make this happen.”
The Vaad Hakohol is launching a Community Membership Drive this coming Motzei Shabbos. You can become a member by signing up today!
New rov
It seems like the vaad wants to appoint a Rov or rabbanim without elections
It is all about politics!