LIVE at 8:00PM: Vaad Hakohol To Host Town Hall Meeting For The Community


The members of the new Vaad Hakohol will be hosting a Town Hall meeting for the Crown Heights Jewish community this coming Sunday, where they will present updates on their work.

“Please join us for our first Townhall meeting with a the members of the Vaad Hakohol for a progress update and to discuss matters pertaining to the community,” the Vaad Hakohol wrote. The event will take place in Lubavitcher Yeshiva Crown Street from 8:00pm to 9:30pm.

The event will be Live Streamed.


  • CH Outsider

    The CHJCC should have HYBRID Meetings so that residents can attend virtually & give public comments over the internet.

    CB 9 General Board meetings are in person only & have 30 min public comment periods.
    ( Live w/ Zoom )

    CB 17 General Board meetings are HYBRID (in person & over internet for public comment) and have 30 min public comment meetings (live with WebEx by Cisco for livestreaming)

    • Yanki

      Honestly online comment can and does derail the meetings, but I believe someone with WhatsApp should live-receive public questions and they should address it.

  • Sigh

    Very little knowledge of the issues.
    Running away from the issues.
    Looking to avoid conflicts.

    Why isn’t the CHJCC writing letters of objection and complaints to elected officials voicing the concerns of the Yidden?

    At least Trump won.

    • Reply to Sigh


      If you had watched or listened to the meeting, you would know that the CHJCC directors actually MEET with elected officials REGULARLY to discuss areas of concern.

  • @Reply: My Dog Meets Regularly With the mailman but my mail is still late

    Simply meeting with guyusha politicians at the local museum is great for a photo-op In “***” , (Communist Organized Landlords), but what has really changed for VitaL Brooklyn, Bike Lane, homeless issues, City of Yes Rezoning?

    Why be shy about writing CHJCC resolutions as the Voice of the Jewish Community, and demanding NYS Atty investigations ?

    NY PROP 1 –> Females Can Vote & Run for CHJCC.

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