From The Editor: When It Comes To 770 There Are No Innocents, Everyone Is Guilty
by The Editor
Just over three weeks ago, the major story of the “tunnels” under 770 broke, leading every Lubavitcher to reexamine the way that they have dealt with some of the extreme elements in Chabad. As the dust settles, and cement dries, the question is now being asked “Will anything change?” Unfortunately, everyone continues to do what has always been done, pass the buck and refuse to take action.
While the world focused on the destructive aspect of the story, there was a second great Chillul Hashem in the works, one that in my opinion, should shame very Lubavitcher into demanding action on every front.
The danger created by these bochurim can not be underestimated. If work had continued, the outcome would likely have been similar to the Meiron tragedy which took place just a couple years ago. Had Tishrei come around and the women’s section collapsed with hundreds of women and girls inside……we should all tremble at the thought.
Yet while some Lubavitch organizations condemned the actions of these bochurim, few took any concrete action, and none faced down the root of the problem, the extremist few who have taken control of 770 and have unfortunately been dictating the status quo. Instead, they have simply pointed responsibility onto the next organization, trying to absolve themselves of having to take action.
Let’s take a look at what each of the organizations involved have done, and what more they could do.
Agudas Chassidei Chabad
The uncontested owners of the building of 770, Aguch released their first official statement the evening of the vandalism of 770, weeks after the tunnel and excavation was uncovered. In their statement, they condemned the acts of the bochurim and said that “These odious actions will be investigated, and the sanctity of the synagogue will be restored.”
Working with the Gabboim, they ultimately sealed up the tunnel and excavated area, putting out a follow up statement before shabbos announcing the closure of the area in front of 770 the Chatzer, an effort to stop the “Unauthorized” Sunday dollars from taking place. It didn’t work and the bochurim simply set up shop feet away and did dollars on the sidewalk instead.
What Aguch did not do, as of yet, was take any concrete legal actions against those who did the illegal excavation and put so many lives in danger, effectively letting them off the hook. As far as I am aware, they did not even place restraining orders on those involved. It’s a clear message to the extremists, your actions will be tolerated.
The Gabboim
The Gabboim, who were the first to be notified of the existence of the excavation work, weeks before even Aguch was told, didn’t release an official statement until erev Shabbos after the vandalism. A gaping reality that leaves you with questioning if the Gabboim feel they have a responsibility to those that use their shul.
Before Shabbos the Gabboim released their statement, setting rules for the reopening of the Shul and announcing that there would be security guards and closing times. The security guards did not help, and the extremist element quickly reasserting themselves in the shul.
Over Shabbos, a young man was assaulted as he walked through the “Shvil” created the the extremists. According to reports, Hatzalah was called for him but thankfully he was not significantly injured.
Later, the Gabboim released a second letter unequivocally stating that the “Shvil” would not be tolerated, then turned around and laid responsibility to enforce this new rule on the Yeshivas. In other words, saying that we, the Gabboim, will take no action.
What the Gabboim have not done is take any steps to curtail the extremist actions that have taken root in 770. For years they have refused to take any concrete action against the extremism brewing and declined to retake control of the environment, despite their ongoing lawsuit with Aguch claiming that they, and only they, may dictate what takes place inside the downstairs 770 Shul.
The 770 Yeshiva
Arguably the group with the easiest path to stopping these extremists once and for all is the administration of the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva. Located with its Zal in 770, the yeshiva provides visas and lodgings to bochurim who come to learn in 770. Obviously, some of these bochurim have extreme views.
In an announcement to the bochurm of the Yeshiva posted in advance of a general meeting by the administration, the Yeshiva claimed that that none of the bochurim involved in the excavations came from their Yeshiva, tactfully pushing off responsibility for what took place.
But an inside source who spoke with CrownHeights.info pointed out that four of the bochurim arrested by the police during the 770 vandalism were, in fact, students under the auspices of the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva, even noting that the Hanhola was seen testing these Bochurim as part of Yeshiva Seder just days afterwards. This begs the question, did the Hanhola of the Yeshiva lie, or perhaps are they so unaware of what is taking place that they do not know who is in their Yeshiva?
At the general meeting of the Yeshiva, the depth of the issue became clear. The Hanhola of the Yeshiva refused to condemn the actions of the vandalism in harsh terms, and when pressed by the bochurim for action, instead threatened to withhold their Smicha if they continued to ask questions.
A Maishiv in the Yeshiva stepped in to press the point for the students and it became clear that some members of the Hanhola were unaware that the Maishiv was not a student in the Yeshiva.
So what has the yeshiva done to stop the extremist element? Nothing, absolutely nothing. They have instead buried their heads in the sand.
What could they do? They could take action and suspend any visa for bochurim involved in extremist activity. The Yeshiva Administration has had many such opportunities throughout the years and have consistently let them pass.
The Iggud Talmidei Hakvutza
The Iggud Talmidei Hakvutza was created only in the last couple of years in an attempt to harness what had become a free-for-all among the bochurim coming to 770 for their Kvutza year. At first, their work showed some of the greatest reforms that has been seen in years, as conditions had continued to deteriorate under previous management, the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva. Despite the successes, there has still been one major issue that even they have struggled to solve, the issue of extremism.
Of all the bochurim involved in the excavations, third hand reports indicate that the Iggud claims that none of the bochurim involved were part of their program. CrownHeights.info has reports that at least some of these bochurim are involved in the Iggud’s programs.
What statements has the Iggud made regarding the excavation and vandalism? None that the editor is aware of.
What could the Iggud do to curb the extremism? They could stop providing support for those bochurim involved in extremist activities and make official condemnations against them.
The People of Lubavitch
For years the people of Chabad-Lubavitch have been watching the spiral as 770 fell into the hands of extremists and got significantly worse. Crown Heights residents stopped davening there, Shluchim stopped bringing Mekravim to visit, and any who attempted to solve the issues found no support and stopped trying.
All while Lubavitch watched.
It’s time to change the status quo, time to change the reality. Lubavitchers have to stand up and make it clear to all parties. Change needs to happen on all levels, no excuses. Lubavitchers across the world are Agudas Chasidei Chabad, not the board that represents them. Lubavitchers are the Congregation Lubavitch of 770, not the elected Gabboim. If the yeshiva Administrations can not find it in themselves to take action, then it is time that the parents demand they step down.
If those representing these organizations will not take the necessary actions, then Lubavitch needs to replace them. If we don’t stand up now, then when will we stand up? After someone has Chas V’Sholom lost their life?
Zalman lipskier
Thank you for a well written op-ed.
Couldn’t have been more on the mark.
Just 2 comments.
1) the blame ALSO goes to the hanholo of the extreamist Rishon L’etzion. They groomed these hoodlums.
2) Years ago Rabbi Schwei OB”M gave them permission to start the shvil. Saying, it helps them with their Emunah in the Rebbe.
3) AGUCH should have thrown the Yeshivah out until they control the situation.
Shvil stoppers
It’s starts with stopping the shvil! Slowly showing that they aren’t in charge. Anyone who frequents 770 at those times should simply stand there with your siddur, no provoking anyone.
Crownheights.info is to blame for thr “770 tunnels” going around on all the media.
They were the first to report it, and they where coated by dozens of natinal news outlets.
Please don’t pass on the blame to other organizations
Great!! Those who shoot the messenger are part of the problem. Don’t look to blame a news site,, look to see who is in charge, a fish stinks from the head,, and blaming a hand, is stupid.
When the police were called, it became a matter of public record. News stations listen in on the police radio frequency. If police are dispatched to a scene, then all news stations find out.
Maybe this could have been handled by Shomrim, but when the extremists got violent, the police had to be called.
meyer chein
Punishing this yid. Blaming another yid will only create more hate and division. The truth Lubavitch needs to write a code of behaviour according to Halacha and people should accept it. It should be written and voted for by the greatest scholars in Chabad
the “code of behaviour” is already written!
it’s called the Shulchan Oruch
Rewriting it won’t help curb extremists
Toshvei Anash
Who is Aguch? Gabboim? Menahalim? We need to vote them out! If they can not do their job We need to vote them out! The same guy who broke old’s nose, hit my son, and at least a few other bochurim that were in that area. He didnt just hurt one bochur. The false platitudes that the Gabboim are taking action is insulting.
The real blame is claiming that the rebbe is moshiach.
Don’t blame the bochurim. You feed them fantasy, then you have Tanis to them? Get real!! This is the basic opinion of the whole klal yisroel who aren’t chabadzkes. ( I don’t expect you to publish this, but truth is truth)
The Rebbe said quite clearly that נשיא דורנו is Moshiach, so that’s that. What is a mistake – and something the Rebbe objected to any number of times – is publicizing it.
Great article!
This couldn’t be any clearer. I do think though that to be more realistic, the Rabbonim need to accept blame too! They have the koach to step up and put out a psak which has to be binding on ALL concerned outlawing such behavior in Lubavitch, backing each party in what they need to do such as expelling individuals from 770, and giving the baalei baatim some support to lean on how they can help.
If the rabbonim cannot control the hooligans in their shul, are they any different than the 1975 Williamsburg rabbonim that couldn’t control the hooligans in their community that vandalized a Mitzva Tank?
The Rebbe said if they cannot control the hooligans how can we rely on their hechsher?! (They are not in control and can be intimidated by hooligans on kashrus). Doesn’t the same apply to CHK?!
Ruthie Guten
Do y’all realize that this story has taken on a life of its own worldwide? There are people publicly stating that there were horrific acts performed (blood libel) and then the mikveh was used to purify those that allegedly performed such acts. There must be a rectification of this by providing official proof and suing those that are libelous. Look up the video (Benjamin Fulford/ Nino Rodriguez).
So Moshe thinks it is best to sweep dirt under the carpet. Don’t talk about problems and they disappear. Stick your head in the sand. See no evil, hear no evil. Mosher, did you get your wisdom from the Sages of Chelem?
If your house is burning down, don’t call the fire department. People will talk about it. Just go back to sleep in the burning building. Enjoy sweet dreams – all is good. Shoyteh!