Crown Heights Republicans Endorse Republican Lee Zeldin for Governor

The Crown Heights Republican Committee (CHRC) endorses Congressman Lee Zeldin for governor, and encourages registered republicans to vote for him in the Republican primary.

In a statement, committee leaders Ari Rimler and Max Coen said:

“Congressman Zeldin has shown time and time again his strong belief in the constitution and the freedoms that come along with it.

“Our neighborhood and city is in dire need of someone to who can bring safety and security, and Lee Zeldin has a track record of strong support for law enforcement, and has rallied against the bail reform laws that has seen so many criminals back on the street.”

“In addition he has showed himself to be a good friend of our community and the greater Jewish community, supporting religious school choice for parents, as well as supporting Pro-Israel legislation and Anti BDS policies.

We therefore highly encourage that all registered republicans get out and vote in the primary.”

Crown Heights Republican Committee

*Please note that only registered republicans can vote in the Republican primary. If you are a registered Democrat, please see this article.

One Comment

  • Ben

    No thank you. Based on your previous endorsements (like Adams) I will vote for Andrew Guliani. Zeldin does not support President Trump and Guliani does. Nuf said.