COVID-19 Update for the Crown Heights Community #12
We would like to point out, that even though the results of the survey suggest that the rate of new cases has fallen steeply, and this leads us to the hope that the worst of this outbreak here in Crown Heights will soon be over, nevertheless we as a community are not through this yet.
We need to continue with policies of social distancing that we have so effectively practiced over the past 2 weeks, for the sake of those around us that still remain vulnerable.
Please continue to be mindful of the importance of isolation for those above age 65, those with underlying health conditions, and those that are sick. We would like to continue to reiterate the importance of social distancing and avoiding groups and clusters. At the same time, and within those limits, you can go and get some fresh air with your children if you are not ill (according to the criteria).
There continue to be many in our community who are ill and hospitalized, with severe pneumonia related to the virus. As is typical, these cases developed during the second week of the illness for many. We wish to reiterate that if a patient is suffering significant shortness of breath, Hatzalah should be called.
Our deepest prayers for their speedy and complete recovery!
Please continue to use the hotline (212-901-2000) for COVID-related questions. In recognition of the continued anxiety felt by all during this time, please call the hotline to be connected to a mental health professional. For help with errands, please email the helpline chcovid@gmail.com.
In order to validate the data, it is extremely important that all those with new onset illness complete the survey. If anyone has not yet filled out the survey, please fill it out now:
Hatzalah/TGS COVID Survey
–ย The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr. Rosen