Gimmel Tammuz Hachlatas Campaign Launched. Program emphasizes Achdus and Ahavas Yisrael.

In honor of Gimmel Tammuz, an ambitious campaign has been launched to strengthen and encourage Achdus and Ahavas Yisrael among Chassidim. Powerful and simple, the concept was designed to be neutral, clear and permeated with UNITY!

Full flyer in the Extended Article!

Unity In Anash? Check This Out!!

Gimmel Tammuz Hachlatas Campaign Launched. Program emphasizes Achdus and Ahavas Yisrael.

In honor of Gimmel Tammuz, an ambitious campaign has been launched to strengthen and encourage Achdus and Ahavas Yisrael among Chassidim. Powerful and simple, the concept was designed to be neutral, clear and permeated with UNITY!

Full flyer in the Extended Article!

Click here to see the attractive flyer which offers motivating Torah sources and encourages hachlatas which focus on Ahavas and Achdus Yisrael. It provides a number of suggested simple, yet important hachlatos and a form to fill out and give to the Rebbe.

The power of a Hachlata, particularly when made by many, is tremendous. With this in mind, everyone is encouraged – men, women and children, to accept upon themselves an Ahavas and Achdus Yisrael Hachlata. Shuls everywhere will be reading out the suggestions to inspire as many people as possible to participate.

Get more involved by forwarding the flyer to friends and acquaintances. Recommend to everyone you know that they join in this act of love and togetherness.

Through the power of these hachlatas, and the nachas that this will no doubt cause the Rebbe, may the ultimate unity be achieved with the revelation of Moshiach Now!