CrownHeights.info Story Captivates World Media
A little over two weeks ago, CrownHeights.info broke the shocking news that a 12- year-old boy was punched in the head by two black teenagers, who ran off laughing with their friends. At the time, no one had any idea that this incident was just a small part of a much bigger and more sinister trend occurring all over the country.
A couple of days later, we broke the news of a similar incident that occurred on Kingston Ave., and posted surveillance footage of the incident shortly thereafter – which we obtained courtesy of Post-Mark-It.
It was at that point we discovered that these incidents were part of a sick game, rumored to be ‘played’ by inner-city youth around the country, called ‘knockout.’
Our story and video captivated the attention of media outlets all over the country and the world, as they breathlessly reported on the shocking phenomenon. The footage of the incident broadcasted by these media outlets all sported the CrownHeights.info logo – with the distinct silhouette of 770 proudly displayed behind it.
A list of the media outlets that featured our story is almost countless, but here are a few that caught our attention:
Drudge Report
Following national and world media coverage, the NYPD took decisive action and added dozes of patrols in an effort to restore the community’s sense of safety and confidence, so that no one is afraid to walk the streets.
Laurie Cumbo
Our new coulcilwoman said they are not hate crimes and are only incidents.
what happened on kingston and union today around 2:40 ish? There was a boy in cuffs surrounded by police and a crowd….
I also saw them. They found a big metal bat in his pants! I have picts and videos. I tried calling crownheightsinfo to come but there was no answer.
thank you
Without you reporting this all those outlets would be reporting on the shiduch crises…
Keep up the honest and straight forward reporting.
The shidduch crisis is overly exaggerated.
good work
To number 2:
I heard that a black male used a bat to hit a Jewish boy in the face. I heard this from an eye witness. Why have we not heard anything about this yet on CH.info?
gut yom tov to all.
concerning knockout.. here is how it is supposed to happen when you do not live in a police state or authoritarian leftist commune like NY: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/11/21/Teen-Playing-Knockout-Game-Gets-Shot-Twice
Fed Up
It is about time that media throughout the country is reporting about the knockout game. What took them so long? I guess victims being white or Jewish is not their first priority. But if it was the reverse, the media would be on it in no time.