114 Teachers Have the Holiday Burden Eased

Merchant and Moisad got together once again in order to help Crown Heights teachers and their families by providing produce, meat and wine at little to no cost ahead of Pesach. A total of 114 teachers from the local Moisdos were able to place orders, saving their families hundred of dollars in expenses.

Thanks to a kind grant from Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the produce was made avaialbe at no cost to the teachers. Shaya Gordon and Shloime Klein of the Albany Avenue Mr. Greens went down to the market and chose the best quality items, then loaded it themselves onto trucks. Yoskeh Shtrasberg made himself available on Thursday early morning as well as Friday to drive the trucks loaded with the fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Meat, Chicken and Wine were distributed earlier in the week – $60,000 worth – at an extreamly reduced rate. The organizers of this initiative estimated that over $100,000 in total was the amount given to the teachers.

Teachers that benefited from this initiative are from Oholei Torah, Lubavitcher Yeshiva and Chovevei Torah.


  • Wasted money!!!

    Why why why was this money wasted on helping our teachers when it could have been better used on by the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council Inc. (CHJCC) for another lawsuit?

    (this commetnis meant to be sarcastic, smile, don’t blow a fit, good Yom Tov)

  • Whatever......

    I am reading this and thinking wow this is so nice….but wait a minute….If they paid the teachers normal salaries……..they wouldn’t have to do this….what about the $$$$ they owe to teachers in Lubavitch Yeshiva???

  • Don-t Mix

    To number 4:

    Don’t mix the issues.

    Somebody wanted to do a good thing and donate food items and we thank him for that.

    The people that do this have nothing to do with the teachers salaries.

    In the future, just say thanks.

  • what about every one else?

    kol hakovod – a wonderful peulah

    But what about regular working families who are not on high salaries and find yom tov hard?

    just because they are not in chinuch why is nothing set up for them?

  • fg

    Agreed. A living wage would be helpful as a teacher or any trade. While the help is appreciated, it holds true that people need to be paid so they can eat throughout the year not just on Yomtov. Ultimately it is our children who suffer because no one feels the neccesity to pay professional teachers their worth.