Elusive Semicha Sufaces – More Questions Ensue

by Yonason Assange

The Semicha he refused to produce: Semicha signed by R. Brauns father, Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Braun, signed and written with different pens.

A storm of allegations and questions has arisen about the election of Rabbi Yosef Braun. Most recently an ikul, a rabbinic injunction, was imposed on the Vaad Hakohol until further inquiry could be made by a neutral Beis Din.

Recent evidence, heretofore unknown to the general public, points to serious allegations of forgery and subterfuge. The legitimacy of Rabbi Brauns smicha, and thus Rabbi Braun himself, have been brought under serious suspicion.

In an email, Rabbi Rosenberg acknowledges the suspicious nature of this “smicha” document. In Rabbi Rosenberg’s own words, “upon checking [the second smicha] I saw that it was written with two [different] pens . . . [while the majority of the document was written with a thin pen] the date and the signature were written with a thick pen.” Rosenberg further notes that the spelling of the date of the smicha has also been adjusted.

Rabbi Rosenberg concludes, that even had the smicha been backdated, there exists no proof that Rabbi Braun was the one to have tampered with it.

Though Rabbi Rosenberg fails to address why anyone else besides Rabbi Braun would stand to gain from fraudulently altering the document, the question as to how Rabbi Braun could present this document, irregardless of the source of its forgery, remains. In a letter from Rabbi Osdoba, sent to Rabbi Rosenberg, he compares the attempt to present a fraudulent document to using counterfeit money. It matters little who created the money, the knowing use of counterfeit currency is itself criminal in its very essence.

Rabbi Rosenberg attempted to skirt the issue by relaying solely on the so called “first smicha” from Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, thus avoiding the need to verify the second.

The fact remains that the attempt by Rabbi Braun to pass off the second document, one rife with discrepancies and seemingly backdated, is enough to call into question his viability and legitimacy as rav. This serious claim should have been reason enough for the beis din to investigate.

In truth, the entire history of Rabbi Braun’s smicha is suspicious.

Despite repeated requests by Rabbi Osdoba that Rabbi Rosenberg make public the details and documents related to Rabbi Braun’s smichos, they were not made available until now.

In a letter from Rabbi Rosenberg, he recounts Rabbi Brauns own testimony as to the sordid history of his (lack) of smicha.

Rabbi Braun claims to have received an oral Smicha from his grandfather. Despite making this claim, Rabbi Braun admits that no document exists to testify to this fact. A such Rabbi Braun moved to Sidney, serving as a community rabbi, without Smicha.

It was not until many years after serving as rabbi that concerns from within the community motivated Rabbi Braun to first worry about his lack of proper Smicha. Only in 2007 did Rabbi Braun claim to have first taken steps to receive smicha from Rabbi Gavriel Zinner. At the time Rabbi Zinner was then signing Smicha documents for bochurim in Rabbi Braun’s smicha program. Rabbi Braun chose to submit his own document along with that of his students for Rabbi Zinner’s signature.

Two years later, despite having purportedly received smicha from Rabbi Zinner, a noted posek and rabbinic authority, Rabbi Braun claims to have received a second smicha from his father.

Oddly though, Rabbi Braun felt it unnecessary to actually procure the document or a copy of it, instead leaving it in his father’s possession until after the elections in Crown Heights.

To this day Rabbi Zinner denies all claims that the document he signed for Rabbi Braun was a Smicha.

One most wonder, if Rabbi Braun did not feel it necessary to have a smicha for so many years, only allegedly seeking smicha from Rabbi Zinner in 2007, why did he feel it necessary to suddenly receive a second smicha from his father? If for some reason Rabbi Braun felt an urgency in receiving this so-called second smicha, why did he not bother to get the document from him, instead only requesting it a year later, after the validity of the so called “first smicha,” the document signed by Rabbi Zinner, arose?

To this very day, Rabbi Braun refuses to let Rabbi Osdoba or any other independent party analyze this smicha. Instead, he insists that he is willing only to send the document by means of shliach to Rabbi Osdoba, showing it only momentarily and on the condition that it be returned immediately. In his obstinacy, Rabbi Braun has thus denied the opportunity for the visible discrepancies in the smicha to be properly assessed of their signs of forgery.

In addition to the Ikul by requested by independent members of the community, Rabbi Osdoba has submitted to Rabbi Rosenberg and his beis din a series of objections and an appeal on the psak. This letter, known as an Irrur Psak, is a rabbinic formality allowing those party to a din torah to submit their appeal and objections to the Beis Din, requiring the Beis Din to reexamine the issues and either respond to the objections or amend their decision.

Broken down into five parts, Rabbi Osdoba notes that:

● According to halacha, a psak din has no validity until it is signed by at least the majority of the dayanim. This as opposed to the current psak which is signed solely by Rabbi Rosenberg.
● The strong suspicion of fraud cast upon Rabbi Braun precludes him from serving as rav until the questions can be properly resolved.
● As such Rabbi Braun did not posses any smicha during the elections, thus invalidating his status of rav.
● Rabbi Braun never received any shimush, a necessary prerequisite to the rabbinate.
● At the time of the elections, Rabbi Braun was chosen as a candidate for the rabbinate without any independent inquiry from any neutral rabbinic authority as to his background.

The sum total of this web of disinformation, discrepancies and lack of transparency casts serious doubts onto the credibility of Beis Din. As such it is imperative that a neutral beis-din assess all documents in connection to this case, allowing the matter to be clearly addressed once and for all.

A partial copy of the Semicha that was presented to the Beis Din, signed exactly a year before the elections.
The signature is written with a thicker and bolder pen.
Unlike the rest of the document which was written with a thinner and finer pen.

Letters from Rabbi Avrohom Rosenberg to Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba

Letters from Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba to Rabbi Avrohom Rosenberg


  • BigBen

    Thank you CHInfo for bringing the truth into the open. It’s getting very ridiculous. Who would trust a person like that after all this stuff? This guy was never trusted by most of the normal CH residents. (Zaki please resign now.) This article is so long it’s a good thing we have two Adars (marbim b’simcha) to read this megillah.

    BTW I also have a letter from my father which states that I am a Good Boy and the President of the United States, that I am the MVP of the Super Bowl and Top Shliach in the Northern Hemisphere.

  • Are We Awake Yet?

    It should be clear to everyone in this community that this whole election was a sham from the beginning. It should also be clear that HaRav Rosenberg was somehow complicit with the shenanigans played by the Shwei people. But above all it should be clear now why “Rabbi” Braun wouldn’t produce his smicha.He is as sleazy as those who put him up for election.This is what he learned in his Chayolei Bais Dovid days when he worked with Mendy Hendel. Thank you Rabbi Osdoba for not giving up on this, no matter how hot it got.

    Yechi HaMelech!

  • yankel

    Did Rabbi Braun sr. ever give anyone else smicha? It is interesting that at the hachtora Rabbi Braun sr. spoke about how his father could have given jr. smicha, but didn`t mention a word about him giving his son smicha.

  • good investigation!

    Wow! Those against the Ikul, Do you now realize how important it actually is?????? what a revelation!

  • new business venture

    it’s very easy to make up a smicha with all the differents programs we have in the computer. maybe I can start a new business “smicha on the run”

  • 1234567890

    on the letters of rosenberg to osdoba, there are no letterheads, or email headings, not even a signature…can we have proof that they are real
    (not to say they are forged, but just to strengthen your position)

  • Maven

    In the know…you can be sure this is just the start. There is a lot of good stuff out there that will be made public.

    This guy Braun is trouble and we got to get him out

  • samy

    Rabbi Dr. Brown

    I don’t know if the residents of CH appreciate getting a Rabbi that is also a Dr.
    In our modern community it means a lot.
    Also we have lot of seek people that need a Dr.
    Please don’t ask the certificate for doctorate because Dr. Brown announces already that he is not going to show it only to his father-in-law.
    Residents of CH good luck to you by having Rabbi Dr.

  • clear copy

    why is the letter from Rabbi Rosenberg UNREADABLE???

    Please post a clear copy.

  • RO complaint is pointless

    The entire megila RO writes about RB fathers smicha is pointless and there is no reason to show it to RO because as Rabbi Rosenberg said the 5 Rabbonim paskened that the Semicha for Tziner is Valid.

    Since the Psak Din is that the Semicha which RO wants to see is irrelevant because he already has a prior one form Rabbi Tziner, there is no point in RO having to examine any other Semicha since they are not needed anyway according to Rabbi Rosenberg.

  • shimion

    Dear editor,

    All the documents that you posted, written by Rabbi Rosenberg, state clearly that they are secret and private. Question: where did you get them from ?

  • Why is R Rosenbergs Letter Unreadable?

    To #10

    The reason is because the one who submitted it doesn’t want you to be able to read it because if you would read it you would see clearly that all of RO complaints have validity and have all already been answered by Rabbi Rosenbergs Psak Din.

  • Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway, NY

    It is time for a petition to Rabbi Schwei to respond with a public statement of his opinion on these matters.

    Lichvod Rabbi Schwei,

    Holding the title of “The Biggest Onov in Brooklyn” (meaning that I must really be a gornisht) I publicly request – and in fact would like to demand – a statement of your opinion as to the kashrus of a Rov with whom you will be sitting on a Beis Din. This would need to include answers to all the questions raised, and suspicions aroused.

    Should you choose not to do so, those who believe that they live not in Crown Heights, but in Lubavitch SheBeLubavitch, will need to consider you possul ledayan kahn.

    I shall not insult you by quoting the Halachos pertaining to the relevance of your taking a seat next to someone not ro’uy – you know them better than I (I do not hav Yadin Yadin, and am a plain vanilla gornisht.)

    You must also publicly include and declare your opinion as to how someone who ignored the Rebbe’s Horaa to receive smicha before marriage, for 10+ years, is ro’uy to be that Chassidishe Rov the Rebbe refered to in his Horaa VeAtah Tetzaveh.

    Hashofeyl be’emmess le’amitossoy (bediyuk halashon)


    Those who wish to join in this petition can indicate so with their email address to me.

  • to # 11

    so what about the fact that braun deemed it neccasry to forge a document? why would? and why should he?

    and do you not care that yopui may Chas Vesholom have a rov that can forge a document? or you just dont care?

    at this point it is not just about smicha, it is about ethics, truth and trust, which braus has not onw drop of wither.




  • To number 13

    Do you really think these guys would post rosenberg’s response if it contradicted what they wrote?

  • Chabadleaks

    #18 the job of the media is to provide independent inquiry into the status quo. Have you ever heard of the pentagon papers!?

  • 1234567890

    we have a question why the other rabbonim didnt sign the psak….

    but if this is such an issue, why have they not spoken up? either in favor or against. but speak.

    it is time for all the rabonnim of the zabla to let the public know what their position is….

  • Dear Chabadleaks

    apparently, the only ones in possession of these letters were the 5 Rabbonim on the Zablo, Rabbi Osdobo and Rabbi Braun.

    who is the ‘leak’? It’s very important to know who can be trusted with sensitive material and who is honest…

  • Stating the obvious ...

    Why isn’t “Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun’s” name anywhere to be found on this alleged smicha?

  • Tevye

    Is it permissible according to Halachah to (read, and especially) publicize private correspondence? As far as I know the Pentagon Papers were not published by Orthodox Jews. Will the owner of this website ever take responsibility for what he publishes?

  • Dear Stating the obvious

    Did you see the – entire – document? it’s not posted on this site…

  • Duh

    I have never… EVER used two pens while writing. EVER!

    This is OBVIOUSLY a forgery!

    (What does forgery mean again?)

  • Who leaked the docs?

    The answer as to who is responsible for the leak and as to who can’t be trusted the answer is very obvious since there were only 2 people who had access to this:

    RO and Rabbi Rosenberg.

    Rabbi Rosneberg did not leak it.

    So that only leaves one person who could have done it.

  • This is great

    Something doesn’t make sense:

    Apparently, the signature AND the date were added to this document at the SAME TIME.

    They are also apparently the SAME ksav yad.

    If this is forgery, it’s the dumbest and most ineffective in history!

    Why would someone backdate a document that HAD NO SIGNATURE (and was therefore not valid to begin with)?

    Is the fact that there were two pens used the ONLY evidence here?

    May be he needed the bathroom, or ran out of ink, or decided to use his more mechubadike hungarian fountain pen?

    It’s much more likely that the man simply SWITCHED PENS.

    You are trying to ruin a man’s life over bubbe maases. Shkoyach

  • Laaniyas Dayti

    Attention those concerned with WHO LEAKED THE DOCS?

    It doesn’t matter. The postage stamp was stuck upside down.

  • OMG it-s definitely forged!!!!

    it was written and signed with 2 different pens? oh so it must be a forgery.

    I mean who ever heard of somebody writing a letter and then coming back and signing it later?

  • To those who said show us your smicha

    THis is why rabbi broun did not wanna show it, because he know the other side would never except it and all of the sudden become “experts” on forgery.

    This is just so ridicules.

  • Mendi

    Mr Kantor

    When you write to a Rabbi (or maybe in your eyes he is not) in public, you should try to hide your Chutzpedik way of speaking to a Rabbi of the Rebbes’ shchuna.




  • Unfinished Business

    This whole parsha with Braun could only occur because Rabbi Schwei was “asleep at the wheel.” There was clearly no “due dilligence” on Schwei’s part because from the beginning of his tenure as “rav” in this community he has been dictated to by others.
    If Braun is dexlared unfit to be a rav because of his seeming deceptions, the next issue has to be Schwei.From the beginning, his candidacy was misrepresented by those who put him forward as a competent candidate as rav in this community. His competency is now clearly in question.

  • Show Me The Money!

    This is all B.S., this is all distracting, we should be focused on the millions stolen from the crown heights jewish community council inc. by the very same Mossrim which brought Braun to Crown Heights.

    The CHJCC gets millions every year to help needy families in the community, yet not a penny goes out to the community, where is the money?

  • gettingtechnical

    Agree with 29. As a lawyer I will oftern prepare a document leaving the signature and date blank. You review the document making sure all its contents are correct and once it is the right time to sign it you do so. This hadwritten smicha may well have been prepared, reviewed and with a different pen signed and dated. In fact the only handwriting that needs to match is the signature and the date – the other parts could have been typed or dictated or even worded by someone else completely but once a valid date/signature is attached it holds the same weight as if the signatory had written it himself at the time of the date.

  • to 31

    When there is just tons of plumes of smoke, guess whet people think there is? (hint: F _ _ E)

  • 600 St. of Empire Blvd. resident

    To Rabbi Kantor,

    Thank you so much for Standing up for the community so consistently. I commend your true anivus in taking on the issue knowing that it doesn’t win you any kovod. Thanks again.

  • 600 St. of Empire Blvd. resident

    “BTW I also have a letter from my father which states that I am a Good Boy and the President of the United States, that I am the MVP of the Super Bowl and Top Shliach in the Northern Hemisphere.”



    In view of the “scandal” surrounding Rabbi Braun and the machlokes he has caused (even if he was not the one, but rather his appointment)I belive he should resign in the name of shalom, something we need very much.

    All this may have to do with our perception of a Rov. Do we want a political figure, and I am sure some do, but most would like a Rov who is a Posek, who has a “undisputed” semicha and shimush and who we can look up to as a manhig of our kehilla.

    Sadly this affair has very little to do with halocho, as many in Chabad don’t really care enough about pure Shulchan Oruch.

    If Rabbi Braun has a little of what it takes to be a leader, he would realize that it is time for him to go, before things really get worse.

  • One Mans Opinion

    We can sit all day and night reading and writing comments, with or without any real knowledge of the facts.

    We all want this resolved and that can only happen if all 5 Rabbonim come out in the open with a clear psak, after hearing all the questions and accusations brought before them.

    If there are issues that they cannot resolve, let them request that an impartial Beth Din figure this out and let there be a final decision by at least a majority of the 5 Rabbonim.

  • TO #33

    You did not answer up any of the very valid points which #14 (Rabbi Kantor) respectfully raised. Your comments are not helpful to anyone – and not helpful to Rabbi Schwei either.

  • TO #40

    Thank you for making this very important and truthful comment, thanking Rabbi Kantor. It’s a comment that EVERYBODY should be making.

  • New Elections

    Since many people have stated that they would not have voted for Braun knowing what they know now, the whole election was a Me’kach Ta’us. Therefore, there should be new elections called for the third Rav.

  • vaad lma-an hasholom

    we want a normal rov,a rov that’s not afraid to show his smicha, if you tell a goy in the street that this DR dose not want to show his MD or PHD he will think its….. nev er happen in history that a rov did not want to show his smicha that self shows who is mr B, we dont need sumbody that his grand father was a big rov, we need a big rov today, mr braun please go back to australia do the world a favor, i think your coming to CH is creating more machloykes than ever befor, let’s start over with candidats that both curently rabbonim agree with and sholom al isroel

  • Marvelous Night for a Moondance

    GettingTechnical got it right. Signed and dated in different pen does not a forgery make. Yoda said that.

    It is my conclusion therefore, that all allegations against Rabbi Braun are being made by people missing their frontal lobes or otherwise their brain stems, and who are heavily medicated on psychotropic drugs. This of course, it not meant to be offensive in any way.

    To be continued…

  • embarassed person

    what kinda people are you? to judge someone and keep posting these comments about him. his a human like you and i and to embarass him his a chilel hashem u shouldbe ashamed of ur selves

  • Son of CH

    It is quite obvious there are some in our precious community that never will be satisfied.

    That the Rabbi is a great Lamdon is without a doubt. We have heard from others and saw ourselves a great person while he was here. I heard a brilliant acceptance speech, but the ‘nay sayers’ persist at every turn and corner.

    CH needs to get on with its communal life. They is a “fire burning out there” and all the negative correspondents need to accept a responsibility to the CH community for their negativity.

    To those who say no, I say yes. We need a person of his talents who knows how to address young and old. We need a Rav & person who will say “A Guten Tog” as the Rov to set a example.

    We need to move forward.!

  • The plane leaves in 10,9,8...

    Send him back. I won’t pay my Maas Hakahal, but I’ll toss in a couple of bucks to get rid of this fraudster.

    Look out, sydney! You tried to fool us (& nearly succeeded.) Now you get him back & this time after all this, it’s forever.

    that will teach you a lesson. You don’t try to scam a community of scammers. We’re more devious than you.

  • To Editors of CrownHeights.info

    There are many reasons to assume that th document is a forgery, as stated in many of the comments. As a result, people are “basmutching” Rabbi Braun senior, since they don’t know exactly what the case is. It would seem that the proper thing to do would be to call Rabbi Braun senior at this number (718-853-6884) [because it may very well be that he does not know anything about this and is being ‘basmutched’ unfairly] to clarify the matter with him. Then the matter can be clarified to all the readers of CrownHeights.info. Thank you.

  • TO #14 - Rabbi Kantor

    The same thing you wrote about Rabbi Schwei applies to Rabbi Rosenberg. Since he did not answer any of these points that you raised, he is also ‘posul’ to be a dayan, lke you wrote. Therefore, it is an obligation on you (as it looks like you are a person who loos to do the right thing, as we can clearl see) to notify the people in Vizhnitz, where Rabbi Rosenberg serves as Dayan, that they cannot use him, and to remove this mich’shol from them. Also, you should notify the people in charge of the Beis Din where he serves as Dayan, and people who hae influence on him, that they should take care of this ‘inyan’ because there would be a mich’shol if Rabbi Rosenberg gives psak halacha.

  • Levi

    OOOOOOOOOOH! A thicker pen, you say?!?! Call in the FBI. No wait, this calls for marshall law. Call in the army!
    On second thought, who cares? This smicha was written by his father wasn’t it? So thats obviously why he got it, even when he didnt need it yet [ie because he could] and why it was left in the US.
    I know this isnt the point, but if people are that desperate, we can have his father write a semicha after going to mikveh, saying ‘hareini kosev semicha ze lebni watsisname’, using one pen and while ten witnesses watch!

  • Regarding #55 - take action!

    Why don’t a few yungeleit who really care about what is going on, follow what it sas in Comment #55 – go to Vizhnitz in Monsey and reveal the whole fraud that is going on (as explained clearly in the letter from Rav Yoel Kahan and the other 2 Rabbonim). When Rabbi Rosenberg sees thathis name and job is in jeopardy, he will immediately call for new elections.

  • did not vote for him

    the blog should be shut down for all the loshon hora and richilus. All the fuss about braun makes us look like idiots. he should leave and everything will be good. is he not embarrassed to still be in CH after he is so not wanted.

  • to #56

    You should carefuly read tge article where it says “Rosenberg further notes that the spelling of the date of the smicha has also been adjusted”. If the document was written after the election and was later backdated, this could be a problem.

  • CHer

    Is it common place for rabbonim to produce a smicha from their father? Or grandfather for that matter? Wouldn’t that be a biased document?

  • real semicha

    All we need to do, is to get all the lubavitch rabbonim to sit in one room and give him a new semicha!!!
    They can all sign everything kosher veyashir!
    agutten shabbos

  • moishe

    Rabbi Rosenberg.

    Only after bringing an outside ikul does Rabbi Rosenberg explain his position.

    I guess the CH community R’ Yoel and all are not desrving to the same.

    Now after all the explanation given it becomes clear the weakness of Rabbi Rosenberg arguments.

    The community deserves better


    firstly, is this news or a chance to right basmushed rabbi braun?

    secondly, i wonder where ur getting ur facts from in sydney?

    Thirdly, before you write news, LEARN TO SPELL!!! its SYDNEY not SIDNEY!!!!

  • 4564569-4596

    so now CHJCC is asking for money from the community! Mas Hakohel buyer beware! and if you have a head on your shoulder then do not send them a penny!

  • foolish CH

    I am sure the Beis Din will get testimony from the original board of his shule in Sydney as to smicha etc. No secret!

  • Moses

    I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with divine inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption. [Otzar Chayim]

  • Hungarian Rabbi

    Do we need a Hungarian Rov in Lubavitch? Wait till the first check doesnt turn up, he’s going to turn this place upside down

  • Inda Know

    Firstly, it’s SIDNEY, not SYDNEY. I’ve known him for years. He’s a very good friend of mine.

    Secondly, this guy HAS TO BE a forger. He owns two pens!

    Thirdly, learn how to use apostrophes and capital letters correctly!!!!

  • Smicha - Rebbe

    They say the Rebbe got semicha from Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg, author of the Halachic work Sridei Eish (in addition to other semichos).

    What was the Rebbe farherd on to get the semicha? was he tested on ‘bosor becholov, melicha, taaruvos’ etc? is being tested on these specific subject the only way to get semicha?

    see this beutyfull video of Rabbi G.M. Garelik


  • to # 62 - moishe

    what are you talking about? Rabbi Rosenberg’s letter to Rabbi Osdobo is dated 21 Shvat – a full week before the ‘ikul’…

  • moishe aharoin kupershtein


  • Ali G

    Stop messin’ wiv me main man Yossi Braun.

    He is a righteous brother! Respect!
