Zaki Tamir, Chairman of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council (CHJCC), said Thursday the third elected member of the neighborhood's Bais Din (Badatz) Rabbi Yossi Braun will be inaugurated in the near future, even after a scheduling error and some opposition.
New Rabbi’s Inauguration Delayed
Zaki Tamir, Chairman of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council (CHJCC), said Thursday the third elected member of the neighborhood’s Bais Din (Badatz) Rabbi Yossi Braun will be inaugurated in the near future, even after a scheduling error and some opposition.
A ceremony for Rabbi Braun was planned for this Motzoei Shabbos, Yud Shvat, but the only available flight to fit the schedule would still be in the air on Shabbos, was told, so Rabbi Braun’s trip had to be postponed.
“We delayed it only for that reason,” Tamir said in an interview Thursday. He said the new dates that are being considered are this coming Monday, Thursday or the following Motzoei Shabbos.
Disapproval of Rabbi Braun’s mandate, which was cemented by a “Zabla Bais Din” as legitimate despite worries about his credentials and experience, was made public by a letter from three respected educational figures in Crown Heights.
Rabbis Yoel Kahn, Avrohom Gerlitzky and Berel Levin challenged the authority of the Zabla Bais Din, headed by Monsey Rabbi Avrohom Rosenberg. “The ruling is completely out of the range of the deliberations that took place in front of your court,” they stated.
Tamir told it was not his concern.
“When you have a psak din there will always be people who will not be happy. I see this opposition as 100% freedom of speech. As the CHJCC we are committed to the psak – whatever it might be.”
He said that Badatz member Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba, who backed Braun’s opponent in the September election, is planning to attend the “hachtara” crowning ceremony.
“Rabbi Osdoba understands that we can only expect from a Rov to show us an example of listening to a psak of a Bais Din,” Tamir said, noting that “if it is overturned and appealed – even in a year from now – we will listen to the psak.”
Another area of concern is how the CHJCC (or Vaad Hakohol) will pay the new rabbi’s salary when they owe close to $150,000 to each of the current members of Badatz – Rabbi Osdoba and Rabbi Yaakov Schwei.
Tamir said there has been a “rabbonim committee” created for that purpose and that they have already deposited $50,000 to the Vaad Hakohol this past Monday. He said the names of the 20 member committee will be publicized once the formation is finalized.
He said the committee gathered the first amount from some 50 Crown Heights residents “from all parties,” and that the money and future funds will be used to pay all 3 rabbis, including Rabbi Shlomo Segal, a dayan in the Bais Din.
The rabbonim won’t know where the money is coming from and the donors won’t be able to use it as leverage or bribery, Tamir pointed out.
To restore the budget of the CHJCC, Crown Heights-born entrepreneur Sam Chanin has agreed to conduct a full financial review for the coming 6 months.
Tamir said the “rabbonim committee” asked for assurances for their money and this was the best solution since the Netzigim (body of representatives of local shuls in charge of oversight of CHJCC financials) remains inactive.
“We are very thankful to Mulle Chanin for agreeing to do this,” Tamir said. “From my work with him in the past I’ve seen how be was able to help companies emerge from debt. With his help we will be able to have proper income from the Kashrus, simches, promotional events and donations.”
He added: “Chanin is seen as a major security blanket for all sides involved. He has met with Rabbi Osdoba who expressed his appreciation for his involvement.”
Tamir said a contract will be signed with Rabbi Braun at the inauguration ceremony. The Braun family will be arriving at a later date.
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Braun!!!
Itamar Rosenblatt
I don’t understand why they would move forward with this when many community members have serious doubts. A “rav” with no semicha? No shimush? A “rav” that supposedly has a semicha from Rav Zinner, when Rav Zinner said he didn’t give him semicha? A Rav that then said he has yet another semicha, but won’t show it to anyone?
If he has semicha, good, let us see it and we’ll welcome him. If he doesn’t, he needs to stop spreading falsehood and step down.
It would be a huge mistake to allow this new “rav” to come to Crown Heights without the situation being sorted out first.
The world is laughing, and I am laughing with them!
So what is the problem, with flying on shabbos. With the types of smicha,he has, you can get a heter for everything . Besides it being Pekuach Nefesh. We desperately need a third Rav. Too bad he couldn’t make it for Chanukah. That way he could of gotten Chanukah gelt. Isn’t that what he is for. All about money. I’m so glad we will be making a big Seudah for him. I just hope he doesn’criticize our way of Shechita. Does he also get a car? Somebody has to follow him for a few weeks, till he gets used to what is right is left, and what is left is right. In other words, what is right, is my way, and what is left, is going to be your problem. Let’s get our Purim Torah ready, and show him a good time. Amen VeAmen
Mazel Tov Rabbi Braun
Thank G-d it is finally happening. Mazel tov to the new rov. We wish you much success in your new position. All the Korachs will eventually go away. WE love you Rabbi Braun and we cant wait for you to come!
Chanin? REALLY?!
That’s right, get an apikores involved – that’ll fix the CHJCC!! Burning Man, anyone?
know nothing
Leytzones and lashon hora… the hallmark of Lubavitch.
Go to it commentors!
Hwye Knott
Woe unto him who disrespects any of the three rabbonim of the Beis Din (in public). And a refuah to those who do it in private.
impartial security blanket?
Sam will be the security blanket,
But the rabonim wont know who’s involved?
How is chanin going to remain impartial?
This is just another joke in a story of jokes!
Sam Chanin…
Sam Chanin
Google the name sam chanin see what you get
Tracht Gut
1. The people supporting Bruan don’t use logical arguments. They are not dealing with the issues/problems at hand.
Like their Liberals counter-part (the American left), they resort to name calling and personal attacks. They bash/insult those who dare to question and conveniently ignore what being questioned.
2. Why are the Braun Supporters so nervous, why are they so jumpy, frustrated and angry? If everything is so clear cut and your man “won”, then wheres the self confidence, why are you writing comments in defense of something so simple and easy?
As far as you should be concerned, it’s all good, you should be on top of the world. But your not, your having doubts, thats why your here, on the web, defending your so called winner (writing comments).
Reading your comments, I must conclude that your not trying to convince us (the ones asking the right questions), your trying to convince yourselves. And that speaks volumes.
3. The Braun supporters have written either directly or indirectly the following…“You lost, we won, deal with it”.
The question I have is as follows…
What did we lose?
What did we have yesterday that we lost today? We still have our Rov (which was never Rabbis O and S anyways), the one we ALWAYS respected no matter what, we still have our leadership, everything that we had before, we still have today and will have tomorrow, so what did we lose?
What did you win?
What did you win?
Reading the reaction of the Braun supporters, one must conclude they they don’t feel like winners and we (who question and seek peace, justice and Emes/Truth), are not the losers they make us out to be, by their own reaction, I must conclude that we are the winners and will always be and they are the losers, as they always were and are always going to be.
*Braun supporters: Are the same people who have and still justify and excuse acts of violence, propaganda and Mesira/Blood Libel against fellow Jews.
Why is it a Chidush?
Why would it even be a question if Rabbi Osdoba will attend the Hachtara???????
I think that brining it up is a disgrace!
By saying that, you make it clear that it’s not beyond reason to have expected that a Rav would even POSSIBLY not have listened to his verdict and Psak Din, directed upon him?
For Example:
Would it have been appropriate to say that “the Rav agreed to eat only kosher”
Anyone who says so is insulting the Rav by insinuating that, he may very well have considered a different possibility, Chas Vesholom, only that he decided that ….
Too long in Crown Heights
CHJCC rises higher and higher. Frying pan to fire. New heights in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! Who would throw money at this pathetic outfit. Rabbi Braun may be the most righteous man in the universe; joining with these characters will certainly stain his reputation.
to numbr 10
i worked my mula for almost 3 years and launched my career in the financial industry bc of him. if ur going to put that link, i suggest everyone read the response on the bottom of that page to know who sam really is. yes, he may be a bit ‘meshuge’ but in a good way
wow when u think it cannot get any lower zaki brings in mule chanin scam artist
what a disgrace
shame on us
I respect Zaki for taking this position, however, The concerns of the three respected Rabbis are extremely valid AND MUST BE ANSWERED!
If this continues and Rosenberg ignores the plea of the Rabbis CROWN HEIGHTS MAY BE CONTIUED HEADING IN A DIRECTION THATWON’T BE TO GOOD, TO SAY THE LEAST……!!!???
Anash and the entire Shchuna are not little children that you can just shut them up!
The issues are NOT GOING AWAY!!
Rush Baby
Civility is the New Censorship!…
“Just give in”, is another way to tell us to shut up and let the mossrim do what they want.
Wow, how chabad has fallen
It is just a pity that you could not have crowned Braun on Yud Shvat itself… by the way where does it say you need to have smicha to be a Rebbe?
Welcome to 2011
Obama can become president without showing a US Birth Certificate
R’ Braun can be a rov without showing a Smecha
People can be elected to CHJCC without showing a full beard…
Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway, NY
To Zaki Tamir:
You are an attorney.
Are you comfortable with the questions being raised? Questions asked in a rational manner, albeit with indignation.
Do you have answers to the questions? Or are you “just following orders”? (You do remember in which court that defense line was used.)
As a layman you are not expected to “judge the judges” so to say. OK. Very respectful of you, and thank you.
However as a secular advocate in courts, you know full well of the constitutional concept of “due process.” It is a secular law. Not a Torah law. But it is a wise law when applied with sensitivity and true investigation.
If you can just lower your shotgun for a few months, I guarantee you that the bride here will not run away. Nor will the problem grow to natural conclusion at nine months.
Relax. Consider each question raised, carefully. DO NOT challenge the Zabla. However, if you are not satisfied that there has been a fair investigation (if any decent one at all) then you must resign before you obey the orders. (I have done so on more than one occasion, and suffer from the misplacement. My children grew a healthy spine.)
No one will harm you if you are an upright citizen who has problems with the haste and superficiality of the investigation, into what is being presented with some very troubling documentation. True, it is out of court. But we are not a society with judges eager to clear their case calendar. We are a society that has judges who (should) worm their way to the very core of the issue in order to establish the most humanly possible standard of truth. Tedek tzedek tirdoif. Chase justice with tzedek.
If you continue your course, and raise that shotgun again in the eyes of such a large proportion of the local population, and you fire the event, I fear that I must include you in my summons to trial.
It is a different kind of trial. At the moment I have prepared to summon Rabbi Rosenberg, and Rabbi Schwei (unless he publicly answers all the questions raised), and those who came out in favor of voting for Braun, and have not publicly either expressed their regret or misgivings, or presented a full answer to the questions raised.
I am preparing a summons for a Din Torah with Rabbi Rosenberg, in the Beis DIn Shel Maaloh. I am older than him, and therefore I wish him many years before the trial will take place.
The pellets are in your hand. You choose what you will do.
Moshach Delayed
New Rebbi’s Melech HaMoshiachs Inauguration Delayed
10 Shevat: A day of Two Three Rebbes
A ceremony for Rabbi Braun was planned for this Motzoei Shabbos, Yud Shvat
The 10th day of the Jewish month of Shevat (Yud Shevat in Hebrew) is a most significant date on the Chassidic calendar.
It is the anniversary of passing (yahrtzeit) of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (1880-1950), of righteous memory.
It is also the day when, in 1951, the seventh Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), of righteous memory, formally accepted the leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch with a historic discourse (maamar) and address at a gathering marking the first anniversary of his predecessor’s passing.
Could you just imagine how great it would have been to crown our new Rebbe MH”M on the great and most significant date on the Chssidic calender. To bad bad it didn’t work out!
1. There would have been so many more people in the pictures, being that there are lots of guest in Crown Heights for Yud Shevat, and those giving the false impression that so many came out for the new Moshiach.
2. We could have had another reason to celebrate this most significant date on the Chssidic calender, perhaps this third new reason would out do the two previous ones.
But it seems that Min Hashomayim (from above) it was not meant to be. Moshiach has been delayed once again. :(
Read the rebuttal
Did you scroll down to read the rebuttal on the rip off report?
I don’t know who he is, but the rebuttal is far more specific and therefore believable than the report.
Braun Fire
Braun coming to Crown Heights is playing with fire.
Those who brought Braun here are playing with fire.
Feel bad for our children
With Sam Chanin in charge and overseeing the finances of the CHJCC we are saved. It’s funny how someone who went away from Yiddishkeit, one of our own…is all of a sudden a Lubavitch hero coming to save the day!? Is this what we want our children to see?? This is indeed a finstereh golus we live in after gimmel tammuz. V’yokom melech chodosh asher lo yoda es yosef..
truly amazing
wow, this is truly amazing and encouraging. The vaad hakohol unequivocally accepting the will of the people/community, accepting the ruling of halacha/zabla.
There truly is hope for us. may we move forward from this and emerge stronger and more unified.
Mazal Tov to the New Rabbi! ‘yaarich yomim al mamlachto’.
Dear Rabbi Mattis Kantor Shlit a
Do you expect Zaki Tamir to not follow the ruling of Halacha=zabla?
The Bais Din gave the vaad hakohol a clear deadline by when to be Machtir Rabbi Broun as rov, should they not follow the orders of Torah?
What other options do they have?
Reb Yoel has the right to raise any question he may find (and I’m sure he would be able to raise question on almost any person/inyan…), If the BAIS DIN chooses to discregard his logic, does that mean that the peolple who accepted this bais din and the final and only arbiters of these issues are no longer obligated to follow Torah and Halacha?
Just because Reb Yoel doesn’t like the psak (because his candidate lost), does this invalidate it?
#27, what a chutzpah to call this clown Rosenberg’s orders “the orders of Torah”. I do expect Tamir to fulfill his fiduciary responsibility to the community by exercising due diligence before signing such a significant contract in our name. That responsibility overrides any obligation imposed by a shtar borerus signed by his predecessors; a shtar is not a suicide pact, and if it’s against the community’s interest to comply with it then he has no right to do so. An arbitration panel that does not obey the rules of natural justice, and instead attempts to impose its arbitrary whims on the parties, has no legitimacy, and its decisions are not enforceable. See Mond v Caulfield Shul.
A fraud cannot be allowed to take the rabbonus. It is a chilul Hashem. See Rambam Sanhedrin 2:14: any panel which includes “anoshim she’einom hagunim” is not a beis din, it’s a cabal of traitors and it’s forbidden for a talmid chochom to sit on it.
Rabbi Mattis Kantor, Eastern Parkway, NY
To #27
You have misread my letter to Zaki – no doubt unintentionally.
1) On the contrary, I praised him for being serious about following a psak. But there are many halachos in Torah, and there is a siman 25 in Choshen Mishpat which I advise everyone to learn. Start with the title: “The din regarding a dayan who erred in judgement, and his liabilities.” Hello? Who dared to find his error? blah blah blah…
2) I told Zaki What’s the rush? Is this a shotgun shidduch with Braun? Can it not wait to ensure that all the answers are ferreted out? What is everyone so worried about? Why the hysteria?
3) As an attorney he should be more sensitive to the due process concept. As a law it is not OURS, it isn’t a halachah, but a little common sense would dictate that you take some time and see what has been said here. Do I as a communal functionary have to take nose plugs and follow a psak that skirted by the questions raised quite a while ago? (Again: remember who said: I was only following orders.). BTW if you learn Rambam, take some time to study the Zaken Mamreh concept. Or how about the Chumash about a chattoss for erring in judgment.
4) My suggestion to Zaki is/was: If you look at the questions raised (Photoshop smicha? They have some credible testimony about that, and Rosenberg ignored it. I can see the headline: Photoshop wins with 2 bases stolen and a slide into the home plate. Oh, yes, The Artful Dodgers of Ebbets Field.“
5) I would resign (or be shot if I were head of a Judenrat) rather than do something that is so absolutely potent. He has that option of resigning too. If he is married he probably hears it at home already.
6) To rush to make a hachtarah, on the voices of the naive who think ”Finally we will have…” It does not pass the smell rest of a legal practice. Relax, I said. Take some time to give credibility and listen to what is the voice a major slice of the community, if not the majority by now. Rushing ahead like this will seal a situation worse than the past. But sealed air-tight. No room to breathe.
6) Why are you so sure Reb Yoel was a Bogomilsky supporter? He probably did vote for him because as a bochur Braun created a serious confrontation. (I can already hear the pens scratching and the keys clicking: Aha! That’s what’s behind it all… Get a life. R.Yoel is just not that kind of person – but he may know things about this Braun that you or I don’t.)
In closing, Zaki, you are cooped up with a group of people who have their communal view – be it what it may. There is an obvious flood of comments coming from a very few people (no Sherlock Holmes needed) so it may very well be that you have a skewered perspective of the local population (my keyboard resists typing the word community). I suggested to you long ago to try and make some neutral contacts. Maybe you have. I cannot see it. An attorney who passed the bar should be wise enough to sniff that there is something amiss.
Therefore: Should you not make a public statement answering the cogent issues and evidence, before you organize a hachtarah, you will be included in my Din Torah (in the presence of all the Rebbeim – they deserve at least to be present) at the Beis Din Shel Maalah. Who knows, they may be judging already.
A Chelmer Chosid
To # 11 I Google Sam chanin, and I read what it said. What better person is out there than himself. For guaranteed he will be able to collect, and distribute, the funds to our new Rav. If you say he will steal the money, who cares as long as it stays in CHelm Heights. Isn’t he one of ours. So keep the money in the family. Do you think any other Rav would think different. At least wean pay our dues in credit cards. Maybe he can get us credit cards and we will all have money to burn. So unless you are jealous that he got to the money first. So bring in another Rav, and start collecting on his behalf. May the best sucker win.
Important note to RABBI ROSENBERG
I hope Rabbi Rosenberg, and those who care about him, reads this comment. Rabbi Rosenberg, please be ‘modeh al ha’emes’ before it is too late. As it says in Pirkei Avos (5) – a Chacham is modeh al ha’emes. You know deep down the truth, as Chazal say – Nikarim Divrei Emes. Please, please, please be modeh before it is too late. For what reason would you want to sacrifice everything for this inyan? ‘Chop arein’ while there is still time.
Message to ZAKI TAMIR
If you are so sure of what you are doing, what would be the problem of following the suggestion in the letter from the three Chashuvei Ha’Ir to call in a netural Beis Din and have them give a decision on this important matter. In this way, you can satisfy the WHOLE kehillah – and not just a PART of the kehillah – whom you represent.
bad persen
More clients, employees and agents being ripped off by BPS. What a shock. They have been doing this to agents and offices for the past 5 years so it should come as no surprise that they are still ripping people off.
Sam Chanin is the biggest thief and liar to ever come into the credit card or merchant processing industry. BPS has many lawsuits aginst them from former agents that they have stopped paying. Being one of the agents that Sam and company have ripped off, it is a surprise that they have been getting away with it for so long.
The fact that they are now including merchants in their deceptive business practices comes as no surprise. Sam has forced out every business partner he has ever had because of his greed and his unwillingness to pay his agents, his offices and his staff.
If you want to know the type of company this is check the New York lawsuits that have been filed against BPS. He steals money from everyone and has no remorse, he is a pathological liar and if you are wondering how he now drives around in a Bentley, all you need to do is contact the agents that have worked for him that he has stopped paying and the lives that he has decimated along the way.
This is a bad person that should be investigated by the IRS, District Attorney and any other agency looking to prevent fraud on merchants and also on people that work for him.
The trail of agents that I am aware that he has stolen from are in PA,NJ,NY,FLA, OH, TX, CA. If you hear the letters BPS, run the other way, but check first and make sure they didn’t get your wallet.
Burned rep
are we nuts
we are briningin in Sam Chanin? find out more info please, speak to the head counselors where he went to camp…
this guy is a born ganov. this has to be stoped, just becuse he drives a fancy car?…
Yitzchak ben Moshe
To Rabbi Kantor:
Can we join in the din torah? We wouldnt need to give full names, just name and fathers (mother?) name. Mybe a whole lot will join, and make the “petition” to the beis din SheMa away to protest what you have called “a shotgun at the face of the communtiy.
to 31
true he and ben nash did give $100,000 to beis moshiach (hendels pocket) a little while back
Who else wants to Join Korach-s Fate?
To all those who follow the Path of Korach, to make a Machlokes against the new Rav, Horav Broin Shelita, they are headed to end up in the same place where Korach ended up.
Kantor, already put in his reservation, he is in hurry to get there, and the others have their ticket waiting for them even without a reservation.
The Rebbe never “made up” the idea about “Abir She-BeAbirim” rather he * Q U O T E D * CHAZAL:
Chazal Say that”
* E V E R Y * Elected Rav is like ABIR SHEBEABIRIM
Abir Shebeabirim refers to Moshe Rabenu himself!
This means that Rabbi Osdoba is like Moshe Rabenu
This means that Rabbi Schwei is like Moshe Rabenu
This means that Rabbi Broin is like Moshe Rabenu
Anyone who goes in the ways of KORACH against these 3, who represent Moshe Rabenu today, are obviously destined to have the same end like Korach had.
Enough is enough
To Rabbi Kantor:
If, as reported just now, the “hijackers” plan a hachtarah on Sunday night in 770, would you please add Yudel Krinsky to the Din Torah in Beid Din Shel Mayloh – unless he takes full command of all entries, and stops the bullying of at least 45% of the Crown Heights Kehilla.
Shmuel Butman where are you?
Where is Rabbi Butman (brother in law of r’Yoel)?
Does any one remember how he was going to make a hachtarah of Moshiach on a yud Shvat?
Where are the security Guards?
It’s all Krinskies fault.
As the gemara says, it isnt the mopuse that steals, it is the hole in the wall. He lets them stay in 77o because he doesnt want open aggression. Well now he will have it. Big time.
Mishichiatim Mossrim Hypocrites
“Anyone who goes in the ways of KORACH against these 3, who represent Moshe Rabenu today, are obviously destined to have the same end like Korach had.”
Funny you say that. Tell us then what happends to all those who destroyed the Beth Din these last 15 years, the same people who brought Bruan here?
Should we start posting all the propaganda that came from all the people/mossrim who brought Braun here against Osdoba?
indent please for easier reading
Rabbi Kantor: Interesting points, but next time PLEASE use proper punctuation so one can more easily follow your train of thought, ie indentation for paragraphs. Thanks!
thanks for the show!!
oh my!!!! I’M GETTING OUT OF THIS CRAZY CROWN HEIGHTS PLACE that people like to call the shechuna of the rebbe!! you all are a bunch of clowns!! Enjoy your circus!!! I’ll keep watching and laughing!! thanks for the free entertainment!!!
Holier than thou attitude-
To commentator #6, you called a Jew a terrible name. I don’t know Mr. Chanin, but you should leave his bein adom lamokom between him and G-d. You should concentrate much more though on your bein adom l’chaveiro. Calling a fellow Jew by such terrible names in public is a terrible sin. He at least gives freely of his money to countless individuals, families and institutions of the Rebbe. WHAT ARE DOING TO BRING MOSHIACH???!!! In the Tanya of Yud Shvat it says that the most despicable of all traits is Ga’va-haughtiness- but quite frankly i don’t think you are a chossid, just a Lubavitch-hating imposter looking to brew up hate and discord and delay Moshiach’s coming- G-d forbid.