Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY) is inviting residents to come out for a “town hall meeting” in the Jewish Childrens Museum this coming Monday evening to discuss the Healthcare Reform bill titled “H.R. 3200 America’s Affordable Health Choices Act”, and to learn what is in it for us and how it will affect our families.

Town Hall Meeting: Healthcare Reform Meeting in the JCM

Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY) is inviting residents to come out for a “town hall meeting” in the Jewish Childrens Museum this coming Monday evening to discuss the Healthcare Reform bill titled “H.R. 3200 America’s Affordable Health Choices Act”, and to learn what is in it for us and how it will affect our families.

The meeting is scheduled to be held on the 31st of August from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the Jewish Childrens Museum 792 Eastern Parkway.


  • Dov123

    I know we represent only about less than 5% of the district, but we got to show up and protest against this woman and her extreme socialist agenda. She’s one of the hardcore liberals in Congress that wish to turn the US into socialist Europe & Canada. We have to show that there are some NORMAL people who live here besides a bunch of liberal nut jobs and black Caribbeans.


    I hope a lot of Crown Heights conservatives attend and protest against this HealthCare plan that is a danger to our amazing US healthcare system. A system that allows the free American individual to choose his own healthcare. If G-d forbid Obamacare is passed than our healthcare system will be just like Canada and other socialist countries where the government and a panel of bureaucratic nutjobs decide whats the “best” medical care for you.

  • A few things to Ask

    Somebody, please ask her the following questions:

    1. How will the public option lower costs? The public option claims to be able to cover the riskiest individuals and provide the same level of coverage? If she tells you that the health care companies made billions, explain to her that health insurance companies all work on about a 1-3% profit margin (check up google finance and read the financial statements of the health insurance companies). So the public option can only lower costs by 1-3%, unless it will provide less benefit.

    2. Please ask her to discuss the 3 tax hikes included in the bill. There is a 2.5% tax hike for all individuals who earn $37,000 or more and all marrieds who earn $74,000 or more who currently choose not to purchase health insurance. There is an 8% tax on all businesses that have payroll of $500,000 or more who do not purchase health insurance for all of their employees (I believe this would effect all of the yeshivas). there is also a tax (which they call a “surcharge”) on the wealthy. Tell her that Barack Obama promised not a single new tax of any sort on any individual earning less than $250,000 and that this is breaking his promise.

  • to # 1 2 and 3

    dream on.

    this event will be a tightly contoled photo op. for the new vadd hakall and the pepole that hang on to them.

    they will not aloow one negative coment.

    what is dissapointing, is the fact that TH is geting invoved in poltical maters.

  • A big disappointment, on most levels


    Dear ”to #1 2 and 3 Dream on“:

    You of course were 100% correct. I spoke to a Yid who went, and there were very few Yidden there.

    The place was packed with smiling imports from Park Slope and the Unions, and a few elderly non-Jewish Blacks. It was a huge, tightly controlled photo op.

    The Yid I know who went had to really assert himself to even be allowed in, and when he got in, it was a big ”Rah, rah“ session for Anthony Wiener and other liberals giving empty, lying speeches about how ”great” Obamacare will be.

    The Yid said there were hardly any other Yidden there, except for smiling, silent officials from our community.

    The notable exception was that Mrs. Dinah Abrahamson — a wonderful, exemplary, frum Lubavitcher, articulate, high-ranking official in the Republican National Committee — was there. She was rightly wondering, too, where all of the other Yidden were. I hope Representative Clarke got to hear from her; by 8:00, Clarke had still not yet appeared at the meeting, unless she made a brief appearance at the beginning (6:00) then left.

    There was no opportunity for anyone other than Obama-ites to be seriously heard at all, at least during the 7-8:00 hour that the Yid I know was there.

    The Yid had brought his cheder-age son, and the child was so bewildered by this bizarre scene!

    This was Pirke Avos, concerning government and politics, in action.