Jew Draws Attention as Suspicious in 770, Turns out Drunk

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — A person sitting in 770 aroused the suspicion of a few Shul goers prompting one to stop a police foot post and alert him of his suspicion and to check him out.

More pictures in the Extended Article.

The person, who was not wearing a Yarmulke and sported a large beard, had been sitting and staring at Seforim for an extended period of time, and did not respond to anyone who attempted to speak with him, leading some to believe he may have been an Arab. Police officers went into 770 and attempted to speak with him, but he ignored them as well, one officer even tried speaking to him in Hebrew, but to no avail.

At one point the person got up and started walking away from the officers deeper into the Shul, and an attempt by officers to stop him was met by resistance. Police called for backup and removed the person by force from the Shul and there attempted to speak with him, which he responded that he was Jewish and that he does have a Yarmulke. Police called for an ambulance to have him checked out, after suspecting that the he was emotionally disturbed.

A Hatzalah member who was passing by spoke with him and determined him to simply being drunk and left him to go on his way.

If you see something say something, don’t hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333 24/7


  • Chaim

    “A Hatzalah member who was passing by spoke with him and determined him to simply being drunk and left him to go on his way.”
    is this supposed to be an ad for Hatzalah? that only they could determine this?

  • elliyahu

    Sure looks Jewish to me. He probably has personality issues… A good farbrengen will do the trick…and the right mashpia. All the Best.

  • CA

    So, now we post pictures of drunk Jews sitting next to 770? Very nice… Ahavas Yisroel full force,

  • john

    i agree he could of been a arab doing reconnosance

    thanks gelber for watching the jewish communitys back and i know ull stick up for us during “hard times“

  • Kop Doktar

    Is there any toeles in publishing the bochur’s picture? Imagine the bizoyon he and his family are forced to endure! Not to mention the damage for his shidduch prospects.

  • Mushka

    Drunks are looked upon as deadbeats in society. Why does it okay to condone this kind of activity that’s it just okay, the man was drunk???