Photo Gallery: Chanuka in Sumy, Ukraine

Seven years ago was the first time Sumy Ukraine saw a public Menorah. It was in the middle of what is now known as ‘the orange revolution,’ and there was little hope that the government would allow a public menorah.

Now at a Chanukah celebration for government officials and business men, Mr. Mark Abramavich (then a government official) revealed his first thoughts upon seeing the Rabbi and why he agreed to help make the Menorah go up.

“It was the first time in my life that I had seen a real Rabbi. As he walked in, I said to myself – this is a figure from the past. This is how Rabbis looked a thousand years ago and this is how they will look in another thousand years.

What is happening outside on the streets – is uncertain and will change- but these Rabbis don’t change and what they stand for is certain to continue – so I decided to help him”.

This year again, the public Menorah was lit every night of Chanukah amongst a whirlwind of activities that were organized by the local Shluchim Rabbi Yechiel Shlomo and Rochi Levitansky.

On each night of Chanukah the Shluchim and their children armed with latkes and doughnuts went to visit Jewish homes to light the Menorah, play Dreidel and bring the warmth of Chanukah to those who would otherwise not celebrate it.

Special thanks to the little Shluchim, who brought so much joy to the Jewish homes in Sumy every single night of Chanukah. Thanks to Rivka Zalmanoff and Navah Mauda from the seminary in Tzfas Israel, who worked tirelessly to help organize all of these activities.

On the second night there was a special program for the women’s club. The ladies played a fantastic Chanukah game and decorated doughnuts followed by spontaneous singing and dancing.

The third night of Chanukah the elderly members of the community and local government officials joined for a grand Menorah lighting followed by a concert in the Shul and a buffet for the officials.

A spectacular fire show was the highlight for the children’s program on Sunday the sixth night of Chanukah. The children and their parents watched the Menorah lighting and then sang and clapped along as the performers lit up the night and attracted throngs of passersby.

The children and teachers of the Or Avner Gan Chabad prepared a beautiful production for the parents of the school on Zois Chanukah. The play and songs were a wonderful way to end the Chanukah celebrations and give the parents a tour of the newly remodeled classrooms and music hall.