Thousands Enjoy the Queens Chanukah Experience
Over 3,000 people visited the Queens Chanukah Experience, run by Chabad of Eastern Queens.
The Chanukah Experience was open to the public on Sunday and Monday and open for school trips last Wednesday and Thursday.
The event featured live game shows, olive oil demos, Chanuka crafts, a glow in the dark oil hunt, made latkes and Chanukah candles, a creative activity center where children played giant Chanukah board games, jumped in a dreidel moon bounce, built a six foot tall lego menorah and did many other activities.
Musical IQ visited The Chanukah Experience on Monday for an interactive Chanukah drum circle!
Rabbi Yerachmiel Zalmanov, director of Chabad of Eastern Queens, was pleased with the large turnout. “We are grateful for the opportunity to make a kiddush hashem and a kiddush Lubavitch.” He concluded by saying “we owe a special thank you to the incredible volunteers from Bais Rivkah and Bnos Menachem who gave up their Chanukah vacation to make this event the success that it was.”
GO CHAVIE AND ROCHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!