Chanukah in Kensington and Chelsea, London

It was the shortest day of the year, but when the fourth Chanukah light was kindled on Thursday, 22nd of December outside the Gloucester Road underground station, there was light.

Councillor Julie Mills, Mayor of the Royall Borough of Kensington and Chelsea helped a child light the shamash. Professor Nechemia Polen of Boston lit the other menorah lights.

Organized by Chabad of South Kensington, the menorah lighting drew about 100 spectators who learned about the significance of the Jewish Festival of Lights.

The Mayor expressed appreciation for the Kensington Jewish community, and spoke to the themes of tolerance and unity between peoples.

Rabbi Mendy Loewenthal, director of Chabad of South Kensington noted that despite the few hours of daylight, the mitzvah of menorah lighting represents the idea that we are meant to “add more light every day“ by our actions.

Dr. Tali Loewenthal, lecturer at UCL introduced the spiritual significance of the Chanukah story

”Even in the lowest depths of darkness lies light,” he said.

The Mayor was presented with a menorah as a gift. “I shall display this in the town hall.” she said.


  • Thank You

    A big thank you to the bocherim and shuichim of Yeshivah Ketanah
    London for their amazing chayus and mivtzoyim at the lightings.

  • dreidel shluchim

    Levi and Avremi….love the pants…new look for shluchim 5772? You guys are keepin busy and making the Rebbe proud! who expected any differently?