BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — Infinity Productions, has announced that Mayer Rivkin has once again stepped up to the mike at the recording studio to start production of his 3rd CD recording. The new CD, titled “To Love A Fellow Jew” will feature 13 Chabad - Lubavitch and other popular Niggunim with lyrics in English, also known as “camp songs”. Many of the melodies and lyrics have over the years been composed, written and created at one of the numerous Chabad run overnight camps throughout the United States, known as Camp Gan Israel.

Production Underway for 3rd CD by Chassic Vocalist Mayer Rivkin

BROOKLYN, NY [CHI] — Infinity Productions, has announced that Mayer Rivkin has once again stepped up to the mike at the recording studio to start production of his 3rd CD recording. The new CD, titled “To Love A Fellow Jew” will feature 13 Chabad – Lubavitch and other popular Niggunim with lyrics in English, also known as “camp songs”. Many of the melodies and lyrics have over the years been composed, written and created at one of the numerous Chabad run overnight camps throughout the United States, known as Camp Gan Israel.

A spokes-person for Infinity Productions explains that the lyrics of most of the songs here, express the trails and tribulations of this Golus, together with the advent of the messianic era, and the hope and yearning for the imminent coming of Moshiach.

He continues, that although a song in the Kabbalistic/Chassidic tradition is usually without words, the first Rebbe of Chabad, the Alter Rebbe, taught us that “words are the pen of the heart ˆ and song is the pen of the soul.” While words carry light downwards from the Fundamental Consciousness to the minds of sages and the lips of prophets to inscribe them upon human hearts, song carries the soul upwards to be absorbed within the Infinite Light. Even though, the words and lyrics of the songs on the CD limit and define, and we each hear the words according to our understanding, they are however combined and united with the Nigun itself, tearing the soul beyond all bounds. Beyond words.

Four of the thirteen songs have yet to be chosen. Suggestions for these four will be accepted during the next ten days only, by sending an e-mail to:, or by adding your comment to the bottom of this news item.


  • Utaughtme2swim

    Meir: Can you do the main Song for Team Torah (blue) from Color war in Parksville 1986?


    Replace the “H” for an “L” and you got it right! Don’t fret, a “Chassidic” you are also.

    Way to go Mayer. Saving a spot for you on my car CD changer (thatil make it 2).

    Just pleeeease, don’t put that picture of yourself with the guitar in CGI Detroit on the the cover!

  • Camper

    Please could the album include “A small cup of wine he holds in his hands, young mendele at the farbrengen does stand…”
    Thank you


    I was in CGI Detroit right after 3 tamuz. Going there for years before 3 tamuz, I really wondered how camp would be. After all the camp was so hyperfocused on Rebbe and hiskashrus, I didnt know how things would play out. Besides we were all confused…

    That summer was crucial for me. It was an amzaing summer on many levels. But most importantly, There was a hiskashrus that was felt that i never felt before (before 3 tamuz). It was relayed in a big way also through the CW songs of that year. One that i sing until today in my car, or just in the office is “CROWDS ARE GATHERED”. Although the song may be a little heavy, its a song that keeps me going until today.

    Maybe others can add to my memories. Jaykie? Shimon F?

  • SawU@aBarMtzvh

    Meir: do you think you will ever team up and have a “guest singer” do one song on your CD with you? Maybe Abe Fried or MBD?



    The memory of this song lingers and lingers with me for over 30 year. Don’t remember the rest of the words. I remember Mendel Lipskar (Head Shliach, South Africa) had something to do with it as Head Couselor of CGI NY? (1st year Parksville). Or was it CGI Detroit?

    If anyone out there knows the truth and the lyrics, please share it with the rest of us.


    How bout doing a reunion with the guys who were in Meyer’s Life Saving Course.
    (Bring your Red Cross life saving certificate.)

    We can reminisce, farbreng, and sing the old camp songs. What a great idea!
    Lets do it.