What Made Students at TTOP Say ‘Best Adar Yet’?
In spirit of Chodesh Adar, Talmidim at TTOP enjoyed a ventriloquist and magic show, Preschool had a bubble show, and a schoolwide masquerade! Torah VR came down to Yeshiva so that Talmidim can explore the Beis Hamikdash (linked to Parshyios Terumah-Tetzaveh). Rabbi A. Gorman’s (program director) L’Chayim was also a major highlight of Chodesh Adar for the students and staff alike. The above is in addition to the yearly student-crafted Megillos, learning Hilchos Purim, Hamantaschen baking, and half-day programs hosted in homes of the Rebbeim on Purim day.