Gallery: Kinus Hashluchos 5785 Kicks Off In Crown Heights
Shluchos touched down in Crown Heights on Wednesday from every corner of the world, greeted by the familiar warmth of friends, family, and fellow emissaries. The Jewish Children’s Museum buzzed with energy as they picked up their badges, caught up with old friends, and settled in for a critical weekend of inspiration and connection.
“Throughout the year, the Shluchos are on the frontlines, leading and inspiring their communities through whatever challenges they face,” said Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, director of the International Conference of Shluchos. “In these unprecedented times, Jewish people worldwide are turning to their Shluchos for support more than ever before. The conference is the time when they can draw strength to continue their selfless work.”
photos by Itzik Roitman – Kinus.com