Bus to Ohel Expands Services in Honor of 75th Year of Yud Shvat

In honor of the 75 years since Yud Shvat, Bus to Ohel is expanding its services. Bus to Ohel is committed to providing convenient and accessible transportation to the Ohel.

This was made possible by generous donors, Lebowitz Family, Danesh family, Goldstein family, Leiluy Nishmas Shaina Zelda bas R’ Nissin Levitin – sponsored by her children, Chabad of Chamaign-Urbana, Leiluy Nishmas hatomim Menachem Mendel A”H ben Yiblch”a Harav Baruch, Leiluy Nishmas Aryeh Yehuda ben Moshe Shmuel, Leiluy Nishmas Miriam Odel bas Grina, and others.

New Routes and Increased Frequency

Building on its existing services, Bus to Ohel is introducing new routes and increasing frequency to accommodate the growing demand. The new additions include:

– A weekly bus from Boro Park, providing a convenient option for residents and visitors of the neighborhood.

– An additional bus Tuesday evening from Manhattan’s West Side, catering to the community’s needs.

These new routes complement the existing services, which include:

– 4 daily runs from Crown Heights

– A weekly Sunday bus from Manhattan’s East Side

Special Yud Shvat Schedule

To mark the 75th anniversary of Yud Shvat, Bus to Ohel will operate an expanded schedule from Crown Heights, running from Friday to Sunday. Buses will depart around the day, every half hour or hour, ensuring that visitors, locals and guests could get to the Ohel with ease.

For more information: bustoohel.com
For WhatsApp broadcast: bustoohel.com/w
For donations: bustoohel.com/do

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