Moscow’s Yeshiva Ketana Holds Chidon and Award Ceremony on Volume 20 of Likutei Sichos

An especially festive event was held with great splendor at the Yeshiva Ketana Tomchei Tmimim of Istra-Moscow. This came in conclusion of a special campaign “Immersing in the Words of The Rebbe” in which dozens of Tmimim prepared for the holy day of Yud Shvat. For several months they studied with great devotion the entire 20th volume of Likutei Sichos and were successfully tested. The 15 examinees with the highest marks  went on to compete in the comprehensive Chidon which was held in the yeshiva’s hall, with the participation of a panel of judges led by the devoted Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Moshe Lerman. The panel had difficulty hiding their great admiration for the scope and mastery of the material studied.

The event was graced with the presence of the Head Shliach and founder of the yeshiva, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar Shlita, who spoke before the students on the merit of learning the holy teachings of the Rebbe.

The Mashpiim Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gopin of Kfar Chabad and Rabbi Dov Menachem Dobruskin of Migdal HaEmek sent greetings that were broadcast during the event.

In the final round of the quiz, the winner was HaTamim Yaakov sheyichye Fisher, from the city of Tolyatti, Russia, who will be honored to represent all the Tmimim on the upcoming Yom Shvat in 770. At the end of the event, certificates of honor and valuable sforim were distributed to all participants in the campaign, and a raffle was held among the participants for a complete set of Likutei Sichos. Throughout the past few months, the yeshiva’s Student Shluchim have worked hard and invested in preparing and managing the campaign and the great Chidon at its conclusion. The yeshiva staff thanks them for their great investment and dedication for the boys’ success.

The campaign and the beautiful event were so successful also thanks to the  yeshiva’s director Rabbi Yossi Weisberg, and the generous contribution of the yeshiva’s supporter, Reb Yehuda Davidov. The yeshiva’s management thanks him for all his contributions to the Torah study of the Tmimim, and wishes him great success in all his activities, both physically and spiritually.

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