The First Hey Teves Farbrengen, How It Came To Be
by Rabbi Yosef Katzman
During the year 5748, I was in charge of an organization that would prepare Farbrengens when instructed by the Rebbe. Among these were times when the Rebbe wasn’t Farbrenging, such as when the Rebbe asked to make Chasidishe Farbrengens on the other nights of Yomim Tovim that the Rebbe did not Farbreng.
Anticipating the first anniversary of the Holiday of Hey Teiveis, Shabbos Parshas Vayigash, we planned a big Farbrengen for what we considered our personal Holiday, in which we witnessed the Rebbe’s pain, and finally the victory of Didan Notzach.
We approached the Vaad of Aguch, to say that we’re ready to prepare the Gashmius, but that Aguch should be the official inviters to this Farbrengen and to run the program.
I was met with strong opposition from Aguch (besides for Rabbi Shlomo Cunin), they felt that since the Rebbe was upset on the day that the Seforim arrived (a difficult chapter of the 2nd of Kislev), therefore it was inappropriate to have this celebration.
My argument was, that on the following Shabbos, the Rebbe explained that he was upset because it was in middle of Seder of Yeshiva, the Rebbe said that if we want to celebrate it should at the expense of eating and sleeping, but not at the expense of learning, but Aguch did not agree.
I followed up with the Mazkirus, and they too held the same, my argument fell on deaf ears.
Finally, I asked the Rabbonim of the Crown Heights Beth Din, and to my delight they agreed with me, having their backing, off I went to organize this Farbrengen with a festive catered meal on Motzoei Shabbos.
I approached Rabbi Yosel Gutnick to help sponsor the event, and he said that he would donate only on the condition that the Rebbe supports it publicly. I responded that I couldn’t guarantee such support from the Rebbe.
On Friday I went with a bottle of Mashke to the Rebbe’s office to give to the Rebbe, anticipating that the Rebbe would give it to me during the Shabbos day Farbrengen, when he would ask to announce the event and invite everyone to the Farbrengen we were planning.
When asked what this was for, I told the Mazkir, that it’s for the Didan Notzach Farbrengen on Motzoei Shabbos, he said that he’s afraid to bring it to the Rebbe, since the Rebbe was upset on the 2nd of Kislev.
I challenged him by saying, that if the Rebbe doesn’t agree with this Farbrengen, he won’t call me up to take the bottle, but he should not be the one to hold it back from the Rebbe.
In the end he acquiesced, and he took the bottle to the Rebbe.
In the meantime, some of my Bochrim colleagues, put up a large sign on the back wall of 770 Shul, proclaiming the Holiday of Didan Notzach. A Mashpia who was in Shul, urged them to remove the sign, lucky for them, one of the Rabbonim was then present in Shul, and he approved keeping the sign up.
After a festive Kabolas Shabbos, as the Rebbe was going out from Shul, we noticed the Rebbe raising his eyes to look at the sign, one could imagine the reaction, some arguing feverishly that the Rebbe disapproves of this celebration, and others were saying that for sure the Rebbe approves.
And so the arguments went on all Friday night by the Farbrengens.
When it came time for the Rebbe’s Farbrengen, we were as nervous as can be. Are we like the smartest people in town, or perhaps we made the stupidest mistake of our lives.
My place by the Farbrengen was directly opposite the Rebbe, and the Rebbe started the Farbrengen by referring to sign on the wall, and I felt a lump in my throat, asking for the earth to open from under me, what is coming next? The Rebbe is saying that we must look in the Seforim, and my mind starts racing, here we really blew it, the Rebbe will tell us to stop these crazy parties and go back to the books and study the books.
Then the Rebbe continues in the spirit of Chanukah, לשנה אחרת קבעום להלל והודאה = next year it was established as a festival of thanks! What a relief, at least the Rebbe is not chastising us.
The clincher was when the Rebbe finished off by saying, that it was special that a Melava Malka was prepared to celebrate this Yom Tov.
Wow, the Rebbe simply rescued us, in my wildest dreams I couldn’t imagine the Rebbe giving us such open support, the most I prayed for was not to be reprimanded, but such support, this was above and beyond.
Finally, the Rebbe called for the organizers to come up for the Mashke, and I felt that by now I’m out of the picture, so I invited Aguch members to step up and collect the bottle, in the end I was the one who got the bottle from the Rebbe.
On the recording from that Farbrengen, released by JEM in the last few years, one can hear members of Aguch telling how they debated if this celebration was appropriate, until the Rebbe established ‘today’ this holiday as a holiday forever.
Recently I found in my archives the answer I received from the Rebbe on my report of that Farbrengen that I organized, I think that it’s worth of note for Chasidim to understand how important this celebration of this Yomtov is to the Rebbe:
“נת’ ות”ח ת”ח וביותר וכו’ אזכיר עה”צ”
I received it with thanks of grace, thanks of grace and more, etc, I will mention it at the Tzion.
The Rebbe’s Mazkir told me that he doesn’t remember such an answer with the extra word “וביותר = and more”.
Chasidim, brothers, the Rebbe wants us to celebrate.
L’Chaim, Gut Yomtov