What Does ”Participating” Really Mean?
It’s on the back of every bentcher in your house.
On the RSVP card of every invitation.
One simple line:
“Thank you for participating in our simcha!”
If you’ve ever made a Simcha, you know the feeling.
You aren’t simply going through the phone book and sending invitations. More often than not, you are truly joyful, grateful even, when your simcha is graced by the presence of this individual. He made the offer, and showed up to celebrate with you and your family.
But perhaps there is another way of looking at it.
Perhaps the true meaning is when, in the case of Keren Simchas Chosson V’Kallah, “participating” can actually mean something deeper.
When a young bride and groom are ready to get married, and they don’t have the financial means to do it alone, KSCVK is a partner, a willing “participant” in this special day.
After all, they made it happen!
Not just a figure of speech, trust me. My wife and I had a beautiful wedding, and that simply would not have been the case without Devorah Benjamin and KSCVK.
Maybe, just maybe, a donation to KSCVK, and essentially to a young bride and groom, is the ultimate “participation” in a simcha!
When a young bride is dancing with her friends, lifted on the table to see the glowing face of her new husband across the mechitza, also lifted on a table by his excited friends, there are 2 individuals who are participating in this incredible moment. The friends and family who are present, dancing to the wee hours of the morning in celebration, and equally as impactful, is the generous donors, staff and volunteers at KSCVK who made sure there was a beautifully catered meal, a lively band and beautiful decor.
Participating can have multiple meanings, and a donation to KSCVK enables you to be an active participant in the celebration and simcha of so many.