Join The Movement: Thousands of Children Study Mishnayos and Tanya Ba’al Peh Around The World
For hundreds of Yaldei Hashluchim dotted around the globe, MyShliach’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh Program provides a deluxe extra-curricular program, filling their spare time with holy pursuits. With a top-notch online portal to record their progress, Yaldei Hashluchim dedicate hours to Torah Study for its own sake, filling their minds with holiness and uplifting the world around them.
For young shluchim growing up often in remote areas, MyShliach compliments their Jewish education and becomes their community of like-minded children facing similar circumstances. With a robust selection of programs including the flagship AchSheli chavrusa program, Yeshivas Erev, Farbrengen-in-a-box, and more, MyShliach ensures children on Shlichus have no shortage of chassidishe education, transcending geographic restrictions by embracing the magic of modern technology.
“On Yud Tes Kislev, Chassidim are looking for ways to refocus their dedication to Chassidus,” says Rabbi Dudi Ashkenazi, MyShliach MBP Director. “For a young shliach, what better thing to commit to than studying several lines of the Alter Rebbe’s Sefer haTanya by heart.”
By logging in to MyShliach’s state-of-the-art website, both parents and children can record their progress by inputting time spent or lines studied. The more study time a child accumulates, the larger their rewards become. Bi-weekly raffles are conducted, and prizes are delivered to their homes, ensuring motivation remains fresh.
“Mishnayos and Tanya Ba’al Peh are a staple of chassidishe chinuch,” explains Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, Director of MyShliach at Merkos 302. “The Rebbeim greatly encouraged chassidim of all ages to recite Torah by heart wherever they go, uplifting the sparks, and MyShliach’s MBP program extends this to all corners of the globe.”
Whether in Brussels or Barbados, Chile or the Czech Republic, no young shliach is left behind. The state-of-the-art MBP platform includes a “MyShliach Dollars” system where their efforts won’t go unnoticed, but each minute spent will add up to rewards of their choice from the MyShliach store. Each evening, they can join a Zoom call where experienced teachers will teach the featured Mishnayos and Tanya, enabling them to memorize words more easily and create connections with fellow young Shluchim with the same background, from around the world.
“The MyShliach community has grown into an international home for thousands of young Shluchim,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Director of MyShliach’s umbrella organization Merkos 302. “On the heels of the Kinus Hashluchim where many young Shluchim got to meet each other in person, programs such as MBP keep the connection going throughout the year.”