Famous Daf Yomi Shiur Jumps On The Bandwagon, Urges Chabad Participation With Chalukas Hashas

by CrownHeights.info

With Yud Tes Kislev just days away, a push for Chabad participation at a Daf Yomi Shiur jumped on the bandwagon and urged people to join as part of Chalukas Hashas.

Rabbi Eli Stefansky, of Mercaz Daf Yomi, gives a very popular daily shiur that is attended by Lubavitchers across the globe.

Just in time for Yud Tes Kislev, Rabbi Stenfansky’s Shiur is beginning Sanhedrin, the perfect opportunity to join Chalukas Hashas and get started on your own Daf Yomi journey. The Rebbe himself would choose Sanhedrin as the Mesechta during the annual Chalukas Hashas.

Join Merkos Daf Yomi, Click Here!


    • A chosid

      Siz nisht far unz…. unless one has already learned his daily chitas, 3 prokim rambam etc etc etc

      Stop trying to “fit in”

    • Well, then…

      …what indeed is stopping you from doing all of the above _plus_ this? Can you really say that otherwise every moment of your day is accounted for?

  • Shliach


    Si Iz Ye Far Unz!!!

    The Gemara is part and parcel of being a Chosid!!!

    All the Sichos of the Rebbe are full of Gemoro!!!

    Learning Gemoro was always part and parcel of being a Chosid!!!

    The greatest Chasidim were all Boki B’Shas !!! Each one of them!!!!

    We need to learn Torah, all of Torah!!!

    • Anonymous

      That was in the old days. Now they main part is publicity. So Lubavitch must be the star to be in the limelight

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