Shloshim Memorial for R’ Baruch Thaler and Start of Sefer Torah
Family and friends gathered last week at the Jewish Children’s Museum for a moving tribute marking the shloshim of Baruch Thaler OBM. The program included the start of a unique Sefer Torah in Baruch’s memory.
The evening began with tehillim recited by Baruch’s nephews, a siyum mishnayos and kaddish led by his brother in law Rabbi Mendel Bennish. Rabbi Dov Ber Thaler, Baruch’s brother, served as MC and shared heartfelt words on behalf of his parents and siblings, highlighting Baruch’s exceptional qualities.
Speakers included Baruch’s friend and mentor Rabbi Simon Jacobson, his close friend R’ Eli Mishulovin and his lifelong childhood friend Rabbi Efraim Mintz. They spoke about Baruch’s noble spirit and how he was a brilliant learner, a seeker, a friend and a mentor to people from all walks of life. Baruch was described as a “walking farbrengen” illustrating his deep connection to the Rebbe and Chassidus. They spoke about his humility and his genuine care and concern for others, as well as the strength and positivity Baruch exhibited throughout his illness.
Video presentations were shared throughout the evening. They captured the essence and special qualities of Baruch, including his gifted mind, remarkable ability for composing and singing niggunim, friendships, positivity, zest for life and yearning for geula.
The Shloshim concluded with the start of a new sefer Torah in Baruch’s memory:
Baruch made a particular effort to visit the sick and uplift their spirits. When his father’s health declined, Baruch visited frequently showing him great love and respect in ways that inspired everyone. Baruch’s incredible devotion encouraged his family to create this unique and lasting legacy in his memory.
“Baruch’s Torah,” a fully portable Sefer Torah and aron, will be made available through Bikur Cholim of Crown Heights for hospital and homebound patients. It will give otherwise isolated individuals an opportunity to daven and celebrate with a Torah.
In memory of Baruch ברוך בנימין בן יבלחט״א צבי טהאלער שיחי׳, and in zechus of a speedy recovery for his beloved father Tzvi ben Toiba צבי בן טויבא, we invite you to take part in this wonderful mitzvah.
Click here to donate towards the new Sefer Torah.
A booklet was printed in honor of the shloshim with a selection of works that Baruch completed during his lifetime. It includes the start of translations of documents related to 19 Kislev.
Watch a Replay of the event Below:
photos by Itzik Belenitzki