Tomchei Temimim Av Uben Melava Malka
On Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei, Fathers and Grandfathers joined the talmidim of kita aleph-gimmel for a memorable and uplifting Melava Malka. Talmidim, fathers, grandfathers, and staff packed the Yeshiva Ballroom for a beautiful event arranged by Rabbi Turk.
The evening commenced with Tehillim and Divrei Torah led by the talmidim themselves. A highlight was the uplifting inspiring talk by the Yeshiva Menahel, Rabbi Simpson.
The theme of the evening; the Rebbe’s Treasures, was brought out in an all-new Connection Point Foundations Video. The inspiring video presentation was followed by a beautiful rendition of the Rebbe’s Nigunim led by Reb Mendy Kraus.
A new initiative was then launched to collect personal stories and memories with the Rebbe. Parents and family members will be asked to share their stories with the Talmidim who will then write them down. The stories will be collected and compiled into a beautiful Yeshiva project.
The final portion of the evening was a spirited game on the life of the Miteler Rebbe to prepare for Tes and Yud Kislev. The Yeshiva Choir beautifully sang Pada Bshalom Nafshi.
The evening ended with lively dancing sending everyone off on a high note.