Kashrus War Continues As Kinus Gala Banquet Goes With Lamed-K

by CrownHeights.info

The bizarre Kashrus war over Lubavitch Shchita continued Friday with the release of a statement by Crown Heights Kosher (CHK) notifying Shluchim that the Kinus Hashluchim Gala Banquet would not be catered under their meat. It is also clear from the announcement that they are very unhappy about it.

“The gala banquet taking place Sunday will NOT be under the supervision of the Beis Din and will serve meat under a recently-formed hechsher not meeting our kashrus standards,” the CHK wrote in their statement. “It pains us to inform you of this change in the kashrus level of the Kinus due to foreign considerations, after forty years that everything was done in accordance with the highest standards of the Beis Din.”

Speaking to CrownHeights.info those involved said that they are confused by the letter, as they are aware of no Kashrus issue with Agri-Star meat. The Kinus has been purchasing meat from Agri-Star, which sells Lubavitch Shchita meat under the name Shor Habor, for many years. The meat is of good quality, and the company has the capacity to provide the required quantity, with the Shchita being Lubavitch. The organizers of the banquet notes that they are using the same local hechsher as has been used in the past, as well as the same Lubavitch mashgichim on site.

Additionally, they are also purchasing chicken from David Elliot, which has the “CHK” certification.

It is important to note that all other venues and events throughout the Kinus, all taking place in Crown Heights, will be catered under the CHK.

Note: This article has been updated as more accurate information has been made available.


  • Sholom fein

    A war is when 2 sides are fighting, in this situation there is no war going on, since the Lamed K doesn’t answer the shmir campaign.

  • Yanki

    I mean, the Badatz should have a say over CH hechsher. Sour apples to be upset over an event not taking place in CH.

    • Need to Know

      Those being invited to attend are entitled to know in advance the level of kashrus of what will be served.

    • Gershon Shapiro

      It’s their own fault As the big ego in charge decided to have a hard on go extreme To cause a sharp rise in prices and short supply. This is part of the ongoing Machloikes that drags on thru the courts R”l Grunwald and others now have a choice outside CH they went to the lower price and don’t care etc about goings in here. It’s time to wake up open your eyes etc Ch needs a real and full Beis Din

  • All about the money

    The new CHK meat 7 generation is no better then Rubashkins being that they don’t use Lubavitcher Bodkim!

  • Levy

    The CHK is right, only lubavitch shcita to the highest level, be careful to eat davka from the CHK hashgacha.

  • moishe chaim

    the badatz letter was written very “pareve’.Actually the situation is far far worse. The Lamed Kay is fighting a fierce war against the Badatz of Crown Heights and wants to take over all of their Hechsherim . השגת גבול ממש. a tremendous chutzpah to try to topple the Rebbs’s beis din.

  • Mendy

    Chk should cerify meat that is not just available in New York generation 7 and 770 glatt retail products are is basically only available in New york

  • Does anyone know

    If and when generation 7 and 770 glatt retail products will be distributed to the kosher stores in Florida?

  • Generation 7

    Should make all of their products like their chorizo salami and Italian salami available for retail and distribute all of their products to all of the kosher stores nationwide

  • 770 glatt

    Should make all of the products that Solomons has under the 770 glatt line and make all of their products available for retail and distribute their products nationwide

  • If the chk

    Wants people to eat only their hechsher and they don’t want lamed kay to be the main lubavitch certification than they really need to
    upp their game and certify way more
    companies and more products right now there is barely any deli products
    and their is only one chicken available in New York if the chk wants to be the main lubavitch certification than they need to make it global

  • Does anyone know

    What happened to the shor habor fiochina beef sticks that they used to have? Are they permanently discontinued or will they ever come back? Please bring them back?

  • Generation7 and 770 glatt

    Really need to upp their game there is barely any deli products available for retail stores and only in New york

  • Does shor habor

    Still have a chk line? Are they able to provide chk certified products upon request? Or they strictly only do lamed kay ?

  • Anonymous

    Do we really need to publish this letter at this time? We need more achdus, not instigating more machlokes.

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