Chief Rabbi of Russia Pens Letter To Shluchim
At the conclusion of the abundant month of Tishrei, following everyone’s tremendous efforts throughout the Yomim Tovim, and as we stand at the time of ‘V’Yaakov halach l’darko’ – this is the moment for ‘ascending in holiness,’ to take all the strength and influences from this month’s moadim and realize them through growth and elevation beyond the past” – thus begins a special letter written today – at the end of this special month – by Russia’s Chief Rabbi and Head Shliach, Rabbi Berel Lazar, to all Shluchim in Russia.
The letter continues: “On Motzei Shabbos Bereishis of that year, the Rebbe wrote a special michtav klali addressing the topic of Torah shiurim, using very special expressions and offering abundant brachos for success in this endeavor, and I am attaching a copy of that letter here. During those days, the Rebbe also wrote a handwritten maaneh to Rabbi Yosef Weinberg and Rabbi Yosef Hecht regarding this matter: ”They will surely create an appropriate commotion about the effort for everyone to establish regular Torah shiurim, etc., and more than once, etc.’
Now, as we stand ‘arba’im shana’ after this farbrengen and this michtav klali, at a time of when ‘a person can fully grasp their teacher’s wisdom’ – naturally, this hora’ah applies to each and every one of us in these days.
In the conclusion of the letter, Rabbi Lazar presents several requests and advice for practical implementation, in preparation for a year of renewal and increased pe’ulos in all aspects of the holy shlichus.