A Sefer Torah Unites The Lone Soldiers at “The Embassy”

Sholli and Elena Kestecher from Yerushalayim have hosted meals and activities for years, catering to those who have migrated to Israel alone. Their home has since become known as The Embassy. Last year on Shmini Atzeres morning they woke up to the sound of sirens and explosions.

Unaware of the severity of the situation, they took their daughters for Hakafos to Chayal El Chayal (a Shul in Jerusalem that caterers to lone soldiers), as the dancing continued, the shul emptied as more and more lone soldiers were being called up.

At that point, Sholli decided that he had to take on a project to bring light back into the world – so he decided to start writing a Sefer Torah. Within a few days, they had found a Sofer and began to write the Sefer Torah in their home (The Embassy), for the safety of Am Yisrael and the safe return of the hostages.

BH this year, exactly a year after the attack, the Torah was completed at their home on the night after Shemini Atzeres (Hakofas Sheni), the parade afterward was a beautiful sight as the procession made its way through the streets of Jerusalem. People in local stores, bars, and shuls came out to join the parade and greet the Torah on its way to its new home at the Chayal El Chayal Shul.

Sholli & Elena would love to get everyone involved with this beautiful Mitzvah and have set up a link for those who would like to participate in funding this endeavor.


Photo Credit: Gil Tanenbaum


  • Michal Kestecher

    It was a BEAUTIFUL ceremony! So many yidden coming together to dance again for the hostages and soldiers safe return! With all kinds of jews gathered together to bring more simcha into this world was just absolutely marvellous and alot of fun! You really felt the joy while experiencing this hachnasas safer torah! Just lovely! Thank you elena and sholiber! Was great fun.

  • Sean

    What a beautiful project! May is stand you all in good stead with blessing of peace and security for all of Israel.

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