A Frenzy of Mitzvot: Kids Around the World Join the CKids Challenge

In a whirlwind of excitement, CKids has launched its highly anticipated Holiday Frenzy Contest, sparking a frenzy of activity among young participants. These children are students in Chabad Hebrew Schools worldwide. Since the program began a number of years ago, the Mitzvah Missions Holiday Frenzy Contest has motivated thousands of Jewish children around the world, who await the Frenzy every holiday. 

Amra from Toronto raced to add all her missions as soon as Rosh Hashana was over. Some of the missions included lighting Shabbat and holiday candles, listening to the shofar, and eating a new fruit. Noam from Maryland decided to wait till after Yom Kippur before adding in his missions, to include the mission, “I did teshuva” in his entry. But they’re not the only ones. Since Rosh Hashana, missions from the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Frenzy have flooded CKids headquarters from every corner of the globe. From bustling cities to rural communities, Shluchim across 25 states and 10 countries are seeing the excitement grow amongst their students. This contest is a round-the-clock affair with submissions coming in at all hours from excited kids—sometimes even in the wee hours of the morning, well past their bedtime! Not only are they excited about completing their missions, they are also looking forward to the Grand Raffle, happening at the end of the Sukkot Frenzy. 

Mrs. Chaya Naparstek Chabad Shlucha from Montreal echoes these sentiments, remarking on the involvement of her students. “I’ve never seen them this excited to participate in a contest before,” she observes. Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Director of Merkos 302 remarked, “The Holiday Frenzy Contest has become more than a contest, it’s a way for children to build their Jewish identity. It is not something that is built starting from when a Jewish student goes to college and suddenly needs to decide how to react to a often anti Semitic environment. Jewish identity starts now, at home, when the child is the most impressionable”.

Rabbi Berel Paltiel from Port Washington, NY reflects, “After Simchas Torah/October 7, so many parents have reached out wanting to have a stronger connection for themselves and their children to the heritage that their Jewish brothers and sisters were murdered for. The Holiday Frenzy Contest brings that connection to our community in a fun and engaging way.” 

The CKids Holiday Frenzy Contest, in conjunction with CKids Tzivos Hashem, a project of Merkos 302, is part of a global movement inspired by the Rebbe, who understands the incredible power that children have. He created a movement where they’d be self-motivated to do more Torah and mitzvos, and bring more light into the world. The effects of Tzivos Hashem are not just felt in the child. By a child doing their missions at home, they are influencing their surroundings for the good just by completing these Mitzvos.

To join and do the Mitzvos click here: https://www.ckids.org/holidayfrenzy

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