Bar Mitzvah Boys in Crown Heights Make Their Own Shofars in Preparation for Rosh Hashana Mivtzoyim

If you have been noticing more shofars being sounded in the neighborhood lately you’re probably right.

The 7th Grade students of ULY Crown Street and 8th Grade talmudic of Oholei Torah, spent a few afternoons crafting their own ram horns into beautiful kosher shofars.

Kuti Friedman, a 7th grade student at ULY, who will not be bar mitzvah before Rosh Hashanah said, “I will go with my older brother to sound the Shofar for people who otherwise won’t get a chance to be in shul. My own shofar will still be used for the mitzvah.”

Rabbi Shmuly Turk, Rabbi Yosef Aron and organized their divisions at ULY to participate in the hands-on demonstrations of the Tzivos Hashem Traveling Shofar Factory.  Rabbi Moshe Rendler organized the full afternoon for the 7th grade boys.

Although the younger boys at ULY did not make their own DIY shofars, as did their 7th grade peers, they did learn the finer points of crafting a shofar and how to make sure it’s kosher, as they approach their turn.

Although we’ve done the Shofar Factory many times, Rabbis Michoel Albukerk and the workshop staff, with their charisma and creativity always manage to have a new and exciting presentation. Our talmidim enjoyed every moment and gained tremendously from it,” said Rabbi Turk.

Rabbi Yossi Brysky has been bringing the Shofar making project to Oholei Torah since he was bochur conducting Shofar Factories with Tzivos Hashem himself. “When the 8th grade boys make a Shofar of their own, this helps motivate them to take part in Rosh Hashanah mivtzoyim themselves.”

Rabbi Yosef Y. Simpson, Principal of ULY Crown St. said, “There is no question that enjoying authentic hands-on experiences like the Shofar Factory connects the boys with a special chayus and enthusiasm that stays within the students for life

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