Join Project 101 and Claim Your Free Lulav and Yanover Esrog Set

Zarchi’s Esrogim Center is distributing up to 1,000 sets free of charge to Shluchim.

The objective is to help enable more Yidden to make a Bracha on a Yanover (Calabrian) esrog, per the directive and Mesorah of the Chabad Rabbeim.

Each participant is encouraged to get 101 people (or more) to make a Bracha, in merit of the speedy release of the 101 hostages that remain in captivity in Gaza.

אינו דומה מאה פעמים למאה פעמים ואחת!

The sets can be picked up free of charge starting Sunday Slichos from Zarchi’s Esrogim Center in Crown Heights on the corner of Empire and Kingston (Empire Grill). For a nominal fee, you can request that the sets be shipped to you as well. [There will also be a free pickup option at The Shul of Bal Harbour, Florida, if ordered before Rosh Hashana].

Please click on this link to reserve your free set!

You may also add additional Lulavim, Hadasim, and Aravos to your order by clicking here.

Do it for the Israeli hostages!

Do it for the soldiers defending Eretz Hakodesh!

Do it to hasten the Geulah Shleima!

Wishing all of Klal Yisroel a K’siva V’chasima Tova, L’shana Tova Umesuka, with prayers for the immediate and complete redemption.

Levi Zarchi
Zarchi’s Esrogim Center

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