New Zman Begins at the Moscow Mesivta with Success
As the new school year begins – 5785, there is immense satisfaction at the investment in the students at Yeshiva Ketana Tomchei Temimim, located away from the city noise in the Istra neighborhood in the suburbs of Moscow. The yeshiva, filled with dozens of bochurim – the sons of shluchim across Russia – provides full boarding and a holy atmosphere for in-depth study of Torah and Chassidus, guided by the yeshiva’s founder, Rabbi Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia.
During the summer months, significant resources were invested into the renovation of the large campus, with a particular focus on the main Zal, classrooms, and the library. Meanwhile, the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Lerman, along with all the mashpiim and magidei shiurim, worked to enhance the quality of learning and teaching content. This included expanding the educational team to address the needs of the many new students this year and providing individual attention to each student’s progress. This initiative reflects the goal of the yeshiva’s founder, the Rebbe Rashab, who established the yeshiva 128 years ago in Lubavitch, just 4-5 hours from Moscow.
The yeshiva’s reputation extends throughout the world of yeshivos, with its publications and the impressive students who have joined yeshivos gedolos around the globe. Many graduates now serve as rabbis and shluchim across Russia. They are dedicated to nurturing neshamos, drawing them closer to Yiddishkeit with the foundational teachings they acquired over their three formative years in this yeshiva.
Photos: Levi Nazarov